
Home Forums Pre-Releases Registration Details Page Doesn't Load in IE/Chrome for 4.5.b23

Registration Details Page Doesn't Load in IE/Chrome for 4.5.b23

Posted: November 11, 2014 at 1:16 pm

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Greg Brailsford

November 11, 2014 at 1:16 pm

In Firefox it seems to load fine, but in IE and Chrome, once we choose a ticket, the subsequent registration details page does not load – only the page heading loads.

I can’t provide the URL here due to an NDA but Lorenzo should have it from prior support tickets.


  • Support Staff

November 11, 2014 at 2:48 pm

Hi Greg,

I checked the site we have on file for your account, and loaded up the registration page in Chrome and it’s working for me.

Are there any errors in the Chrome web inspector console when you try it?

Greg Brailsford

November 11, 2014 at 3:17 pm

Yes, Chrome shows: Failed to load resource: net::ERR_CACHE_MISS

That is the URL of the blank page – that URL is never shown in Firefox and IE.

My theme developer got the same result too. I had written him to hopes of finding a fix to the issue where you click Proceed to Payment and the page moves the content to far up. He reported getting the no-content except the title too.

We only use W3 Total Cache on this site (no Cloudflare or other caching) and I even cleared all caches in W3 TC. The issue still presents itself in Chrome (even when all browsing data cleared) but not in IE or Firefox.

  • This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by Josh. Reason: redacted

Greg Brailsford

November 11, 2014 at 3:18 pm

Oh s**t, can you redact the link above? Typing to quickly and forgot. Thanks!


  • Support Staff

November 11, 2014 at 4:28 pm

That’s an interesting URL that you posted Greg. /williamsburg/ shouldn’t be part of the url. Is that URL hardcoded somewhere?

Here’s what should happen:

You go to
> select an option
> click Register now

This should redirect to

One thing that might be throwing this off in Chrome is if you don’t have the WordPress admin set to load as https. This is because the registration process interacts with the WordPress admin along the way. If you do not already have the admin set to Force SSL, can you try that?

Greg Brailsford

November 12, 2014 at 2:03 pm

No, it is not hardcoded anywhere. It’s generated by EE and beyond that we haven’t added anything to these pages.

Today, I messed around with it quite a bit. EE seems to have issues with caching, where if the browser has seen the page before it doesn’t load it properly. Obviously this is not normal behavior but this page on this website is the only instance where this occurs. It seems to happen in Chrome the most frequently with CLEAR ALL BROWSING DATA fixing the issue. Chrome shows the cache_miss issue in console errors whenever it happens.

Because it happened to others not in our office, it isn’t isolated to my setup and I would look into any possible cache interaction issues EE might have cropped up in 4.5.

To answer your questions, this website is SSL-sitewide including the admin and we use a plugin to force it where needed. The issue occurs whether or not I’m signed into the wp admin on that browser.


  • Support Staff

November 12, 2014 at 3:09 pm

Hi Greg,

This looks more like something is corrupting the session data, and I’m seeing the same issue on your site on Firefox. As an aside, I’m not seeing these issues on any of our 4.5 test sites.

Can you try this? Without clearing your browser’s cache, you go directly to then click through to the reg form. Does the issue persist or go away for you?

Greg Brailsford

November 12, 2014 at 5:37 pm

The issue goes away when I do that. In fact I was trying the same right before I received your response. I’m not sure if the issue is solved and it was an issue that has since expired in the cache but seems to be OK now.


  • Support Staff

November 12, 2014 at 6:02 pm

Hi Greg,

It’s still an issue if you go directly to and try to register without first clearing the session on the page.

It may help to set up no-cache rules for these slugs in the w3 total cache settings:


There are more detailed instructions you can follow in the documentation here:

Greg Brailsford

November 13, 2014 at 11:34 am

Done. And I verified this fixes the issue when using the direct URL. Appreciate the help Josh!

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