
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Recurring Events (18)

Recurring Events (18)

Posted: May 21, 2018 at 7:22 am

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May 21, 2018 at 7:22 am

1) I have E4, but believe I am in need of recurring events, which only runs on E3. By adding E3 will there be any technical issues that need to be resolved, or will everything be compatible?
2) I own a yoga studio. Here is my current problem…
A) I want to run recurring events such as an aerial yoga class on Monday at 6pm. For the class, we only have 8 spots. If I create a class (aka event) for aerial yoga, and then create various tickets under that event, there is no way to differentiate the total amount of people registered for each class thus ending up in a “sold out” situation, when perhaps 2 people registered for Monday the 1st, 3 people for Monday the 8th, and 2 people for Monday the 15th, etc. It would show “sold out.” If I up how many spots are available for the event, then 15 people can end up registering on Monday the 1st, when there are only 8 spots available. Catch my drift?
B) if I create a different event for each day of the week, it gets very time consuming because then people cannot log in more than a week ahead of time for a class and I have to manually adjust the event when I go in.

  • This topic was modified 6 years, 8 months ago by kmcelroy.
  • This topic was modified 4 years, 11 months ago by Garth.


  • Support Staff

May 21, 2018 at 4:54 pm

Hi there,

The EE3 events plugin is a completely different platform and I’m afraid EE3 is not compatible with Event Espresso 4. While it’s possible to remove EE4 from your site and use EE3 instead, EE4 may be a better fit for your Yoga studio.

For example you can use the Multiple datetime feature to set up weekly recurring events and use the multiple ticketing feature to sell access for specific dates. Here’s a link to an example event from the demo site that shows one way to set up a recurring event:


May 22, 2018 at 6:43 am

Ok…a few more questions.
1) for the recurring events, i have some members who have packages. I typically put a “using package” option with a $00.00 payment down. So on say, June 4th, I would have a ticket for 20 and a ticket for 00.00. However, the issue I will have is this….If the June 4th date has only 8 spots available, how can I set up the registration using this feature, but combine the June 4th date with the $00 option(using package) and the $20 single class registration so that the TOTAL spots available for each registration = 8? For example, 6 people may pay the $20 for a class, and perhaps 2 people use the $00 option?


May 22, 2018 at 6:48 am

Also in the example you sent, ,
There is a spot where people can register for all 4 events. Does the system automatically remove a spot from each of the 4 dates? So that instead of 8 spots being available, if a person selected “All 4 Events in June” does the system know to deduct a spot from each of the 4 dates? In the past, I’ve had an issue with this, so I want to make sure that each time a person registers for a class that holds 8 people when using recurring events and the multiple ticket selector, that it isn’t deducting a single spot from each of the events, to total the limit of 8.


  • Support Staff

May 22, 2018 at 10:36 am

1) for the recurring events, i have some members who have packages. I typically put a “using package” option with a $00.00 payment down. So on say, June 4th, I would have a ticket for 20 and a ticket for 00.00. However, the issue I will have is this….If the June 4th date has only 8 spots available, how can I set up the registration using this feature, but combine the June 4th date with the $00 option(using package) and the $20 single class registration so that the TOTAL spots available for each registration = 8? For example, 6 people may pay the $20 for a class, and perhaps 2 people use the $00 option?

That class would be a ‘datetime’ within the event so you set the limit (in this case 8) on the datetime and then the ticket sales for any tickets assigned to that datetime can only total that amount, regardless of the combination of tickets used.

So lets say you use 1 event to host 4 ‘Monday’ classes.

Each class can hold 8 people and you want the option to purchase a ticket for each day or use a pass each day?

For that you would have 4 datetimes, each with a limit set of 8.

Then you would need 2 tickets assigned to each of those datetimes, one being the paid ticket, the other being the ‘pass’ ticket.

So far you’ll have something like this –

Each of those tickets can be set to a specific datetime within the event, so if you click the cog icon on the June 4th pass, we can set sales for that ticket to only apply to June 4th –

(The same applies to each ticket, I’ve selected the correct datetime for each ticket it thats tickets settings)

So now you have a ticket selector that lets up to 8 people per datetime.

Now if you want an ‘All class’ ticket, you add another ticket and set it to apply to all datetimes –

If a user purchases that ticket a ‘sold’ value is added to EACH datetime that is assigned to that ticket, so if 8 people by only that ticket, all of your dates are sold out, if 6 people by that ticket, theres 2 spaces remaining for which ever of the 2 tickets other users want to use on that specific datetime.

Make sense? So then:

There is a spot where people can register for all 4 events. Does the system automatically remove a spot from each of the 4 dates? So that instead of 8 spots being available, if a person selected “All 4 Events in June” does the system know to deduct a spot from each of the 4 dates?

If using the above setup then yes.

In the past, I’ve had an issue with this, so I want to make sure that each time a person registers for a class that holds 8 people when using recurring events and the multiple ticket selector, that it isn’t deducting a single spot from each of the events, to total the limit of 8.

I’m assuming that’s a typo? As it sounds like you DO want the system to take a space if the user purchases an ‘all classes’ pass.

If all 4 of your classes have 8 spaces, and someone purchases a ticket assigned to all 4 of those, you do want the number of remaining tickets to then be 7 on each of those dates, correct?

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