
Home Forums Pre-Sales Questions about Price Modifier feature

Questions about Price Modifier feature

Posted: July 23, 2015 at 8:30 am

Shoutcloud Studios

July 23, 2015 at 8:30 am

We have a client needing an event registration & ticketing solution, and Event Espresso is the front runner at this time.

The website we are constructing is for a trade show company, and they want to be able to have one line item for “Booth Space”, but then a drop down where the user can select from multiple sizes of booths, all with different prices.

For example:
Booth Space
– 10×10: $100
– 10×20: $200
– 10×30: $300

It appears that the Price Modifier feature would be the way for us to accomplish this. In the forums we’ve seen some articles saying that Price Modifier is only available in EE3, but we see it listed on the website as a feature of EE4:

So our questions are:

1. Is the Price Modifier feature the best way to handle what we are trying to accomplish.

2. Is the Price Modifier feature available in EE4 yet?

3. Is the Price Modifier feature available for us to test in either Lite or Decaf?

Thank you very much for your time and responses.

Shoutcloud Studios

July 23, 2015 at 8:35 am

The html link didn’t show up in my previous post, but here’s the page of the website where I am seeing the price modifier feature under the EE4 tab: Multiple Ticket Pricing Options for EE4


July 24, 2015 at 12:42 am


Thanks for your interest in Event Espresso.

First some clarifications. Both versions have a price modifier but they are very different things.

EE3 Price Modifier

This is a Beta plugin that allows you to set questions that then affect the ticket price. The user can choose the question answer from a list (checkbox/dropdown/radio) that you set.

EE4 Price Modifier

This is built into the core plugin and allows you, the admin, to set modifiers to the ticket prices (think taxes, surcharges, ticket bolt ons).

1) Maybe. The EE3 one comes closest to your needs, but neither match your needs precisely. Generally we would recommend setting a ticket for each booth size.

2) See above clarification. We do want to include the EE3 style price modifier as part of EE4, but nothing is set in stone yet, so if it does happen it will be a while into the future.

3) You can test drive EE4 premium for free over at The EE3 Price Modifier is only available to premium licence holders.

EE3 Price modifier docs:

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Event Espresso