
Home Forums Community Forum Problem with Prices with Commas (e.g. > $1000.00)

Problem with Prices with Commas (e.g. > $1000.00)

Posted: December 3, 2014 at 7:22 am

Heidi Sunday

December 3, 2014 at 7:22 am


tl;dr: If you enter a ticket price which includes a comma (e.g. 1,000.00), EE4 will not save the price correctly. It changes the price to $1.00.

Clean WordPress 4.0.1/EE 4.4.5p install.

I have a ticket which costs $1000.00.

I enter 1000.00 as the price, publish the event, all’s well.

I go back to edit the event. The price appears as $1,000.00 in the editing field. Publish again.

Uh-oh. The price now appears as $1.00 on the public page. Go back to edit the event. The price is $1.00 there, too!

I change the price to $1000.00 again. Publish, all’s well. Edit the event, the price appears as $1,000.00 in the editing field.

Remove the comma from the displayed price. Publish. All’s well.

Please fix this bug in EE4.


December 8, 2014 at 5:51 am

Hi Heidi,

Thanks for letting us know. We already have a ticket outstanding to resolve this and it will be fixed in a future version (most likely 4.5.0).

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