
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Price Range in Accordion?

Price Range in Accordion?

Posted: May 28, 2014 at 11:46 am

Russ Reynolds

May 28, 2014 at 11:46 am


Is it possible to have the price shown for the events in the accordion display a range rather than just the first price?

If so, how?

Thank you.


May 29, 2014 at 1:08 am

Hi Russ,

You could do it but you would need to edit the template file.

We have a code snippet here ( that can be used to create a range. This can be added to either the themes functions.php or even to the accordion template itself.

In that Gist is another line that needs to be added in as well:

<?php do_action('action_hook_espresso_price_range', $event_id);?>

It is important to note that this needs to be changed to this:

do_action('action_hook_espresso_price_range', $event->id);

SO in the templates index.php I would change the current price line to the following

<p id="p_event_price-<?php echo $event->id ?>" class="event_price event-cost"><span class="section-title"><?php  echo __('Price: ', 'event_espresso'); ?></span> <?php do_action('action_hook_espresso_price_range', $event->id); ?></p>

(yes breaking out of PHP is needed for a reason I cannot currently fathom)

Updates to the template would over write these changes.

Russ Reynolds

May 29, 2014 at 6:41 am

Thank you.

I tried changing the code in plugins/espresso-template-category-accordion/index.php file and I am getting errors.

This is the current price line:

echo '<p id="p_event_price-'. $event->id .'" class="event_price event-cost"><span class="section-title">'.__('Price: ', 'event_espresso').'</span> ' . $org_options['currency_symbol'].do_shortcode('[EVENT_PRICE event_id=' . $event->id . ' number="0"]'); '</p>';

Do I replace the whole line with your code (I tried that and I get errors). Or do I still need the echo part (also tried that).

Thank you.


May 29, 2014 at 6:43 am


You need to replace the whole line. Did you add the function ( to your themes functions.php ?

Russ Reynolds

May 29, 2014 at 6:46 am

Sorry…disregard. When I pasted the code in the file there were some leading spaces or something that was throwing the code off.

Everything works properly, thanks!

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