
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Price Modifier font/alignment

Price Modifier font/alignment

Posted: November 16, 2014 at 1:39 pm

Guardian Pit Bull Rescue

November 16, 2014 at 1:39 pm

How can I adjust the font/alignment setting of the Price Modifier in the registration area? I’d like it to look just like the Ticket Name, Bold and Left Aligned instead of regular and aligned right. Would just look much better being uniform.

You can see what I mean here:


November 17, 2014 at 4:59 am


Some CSS should be able to resolve this for you. Add the following to your themes style.css or ideally if your theme has a section for custom CSS there. Or ideally a plugin such as My Custom CSS.

table.tckt-slctr-tkt-details-tbl tbody tr td:first-child {
text-align: left !important;
font-weight: bold !important;

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Event Espresso