
Home Forums Community Forum Possible to override espresso-calendar.php

Possible to override espresso-calendar.php

Posted: September 7, 2014 at 9:54 am

Adam Bowen

September 7, 2014 at 9:54 am

Anyone know the path or how to override the espresso-calendar.php file?


September 8, 2014 at 2:18 am


The espresso-calendar.php file is the core file for that plugin, it loads and sets up the calendar.

Over riding like a template it isn’t possible.

If you needed to make changes you would have to edit the file directly (which we do not recommend!).

Adam Bowen

September 8, 2014 at 10:45 am

Kind of figured that, I edited the file directly and keeping a backup of the file incase it gets wiped in an update. How often does this file get updated?

The reason for the edit is I am changing the urls of the register and title and passing the eventid and the venueid as I am using a custom event registration form etc. It’s currently working great and how we decided to use event espresso.

I had to do the same thing for add_venue_to_db.php and update_venue.php as I am looking up the coordinates for the venue city and state as we implemented an ajax search using geo location to allow searching by distance etc. Doesn’t seem like those files can use an override either as I have tried in
as well as in a child-theme at
Neither of those work so it seems both those files can’t be overwritten either.

If they can please explain the template path to overwrite these files.

Thanks again for your help.


September 9, 2014 at 4:13 am

Hi Adam,

That sounds like an interesting project, I’d love to see the final version.

As you deduced those files are not templates either.

That being said there may be enough hooks and filters in all 3 of the files you mentioned that hacking core files may not be necessary.

If not, feel free to compile a list of possible filters/hooks locations and we will certainly consider adding them in (you can never have too many well placed hooks), though of course I can’t guarantee inclusion.

Adam Bowen

September 9, 2014 at 7:16 am

Sounds good I will share the different links with you once its done. Filters/hooks could probably work.


September 11, 2014 at 4:13 am

Thanks Adam, hope it goes well for you!

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