
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Pass Event Time and Location to InfusionSoft

Pass Event Time and Location to InfusionSoft

Posted: April 8, 2015 at 7:34 pm

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Small Dog Creative

April 8, 2015 at 7:34 pm

I find it interesting that two years after this posting:

and one year after this one:

that the software I just paid for specifically based on integration with InfusionSoft does not pass more information than simply Fname, Lname, and Email Address.

Even GravityForms passes all the custom fields we’ve created.

That said, how exactly does one tweak your software to pass Event Time, Date, and Location to InfusionSoft?


  • Support Staff

April 20, 2015 at 9:17 am

Hi Anya,

It depends on where you want to information to be passed to. For example, are you looking to send the custom parameters on creation of a new product in InfusionSoft (which happens when an event is booked for the first time) or do you want to save this information for a contact in InfusionSoft?

Small Dog Creative

April 20, 2015 at 2:38 pm


Thank you for the courtesy of your reply. I’m not clear on your statement. We are not seeing event details being passed to InfusionSoft on new event registrations. Perhaps we missed a step.

The desired workflow is:

1) A new event (aka workshop) is created in EE3 and populated to the calendar.
2) A user who desires to attend an event (workshop), clicks on the event in the calendar, and registers.
3) Registration info, including the event time, event date, and event location that the user is registering for gets passed to InfusionSoft along with Registrant info (Name, Email, Phone, etc).

How does that fit into EE3’s add-ons functionality and, outside of adding InfusionSoft credentials, how does that get configured?

Lorenzo Orlando Caum

  • Support Staff

April 25, 2015 at 11:57 am

Hi, I shared feedback on this to your support token. Could you take a look at that new information and reply to it with any follow up questions?



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