March 28, 2016 at 1:26 pm
Sorry ot paste alot of code but:
Plugin Name: APC Object Cache
Description: APC backend for the WP Object Cache.
Version: 2.0.6
Author: Mark Jaquith
Author URI:
Install this file to wp-content/object-cache.php
Based on Ryan Boren’s Memcached object cache backend
$oc_logged_in = false;
foreach ( $_COOKIE as $k => $v ) {
if ( preg_match( ‘/^comment_author|wordpress_logged_in_[a-f0-9]+|woocommerce_items_in_cart|PHPSESSID_|edd_wp_session|edd_items_in_cartcc_cart_key|ccm_token/’, $k ) ) {
$oc_logged_in = true;
$oc_blocked_page = ( defined(‘WP_ADMIN’) || defined( ‘DOING_AJAX’ ) || defined( ‘XMLRPC_REQUEST’ ) || defined( ‘DOING_CRON’ ) || ‘wp-login.php’ === basename( $_SERVER[‘SCRIPT_FILENAME’] ) );
if ( ‘cli’ !== php_sapi_name() && function_exists( ‘apc_fetch’ ) && !$oc_logged_in && !$oc_blocked_page ) :
if ( version_compare( ‘5.2.4’, phpversion(), ‘>=’ ) ) {
wp_die( ‘The APC object cache backend requires PHP 5.2 or higher. You are running ‘ . phpversion() . ‘. Please remove the object-cache.php file from your content directory.’ );
if ( function_exists( ‘wp_cache_add’ ) ) {
// Regular die, not wp_die(), because it gets sandboxed and shown in a small iframe
die( ‘ERROR: This is not a plugin, and it should not be activated as one.<br /><br />Instead, ' . str_replace( $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'], '', __FILE__ ) . ' must be moved to ' . str_replace( $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'], '', trailingslashit( WP_CONTENT_DIR ) ) . 'object-cache.php ‘ );
} else {
// Users with setups where multiple installs share a common wp-config.php can use this
// to guarantee uniqueness for the keys generated by this object cache
if ( !defined( ‘WP_APC_KEY_SALT’ ) )
define( ‘WP_APC_KEY_SALT’, ‘wp’ );
function wp_cache_add( $key, $data, $group = ”, $expire = 0 ) {
global $wp_object_cache;
if ( ‘transient’ == $group ) {
__save_transient( $key, $data, $expire );
return $wp_object_cache->add( “_transient_$key”, $data, ‘options’, $expire );
} elseif ( ‘site-transient’ == $group ) {
__save_transient( $key, $data, $expire, true );
return $wp_object_cache->add( “_site_transient_$key”, $data, ‘site-options’, $expire );
} else {
return $wp_object_cache->add( $key, $data, $group, $expire );
function wp_cache_incr( $key, $n = 1, $group = ” ) {
global $wp_object_cache;
return $wp_object_cache->incr2( $key, $n, $group );
function wp_cache_decr( $key, $n = 1, $group = ” ) {
global $wp_object_cache;
return $wp_object_cache->decr( $key, $n, $group );
function wp_cache_close() {
return true;
function wp_cache_delete( $key, $group = ” ) {
global $wp_object_cache, $wpdb;
if ( ‘transient’ == $group ) {
if ( !empty( $wpdb ) && $wpdb instanceof wpdb ) {
$flag = $wpdb->suppress_errors;
$wpdb->suppress_errors( true );
$wpdb->query( $wpdb->prepare( “DELETE FROM {$wpdb->prefix}options WHERE option_name IN ( ‘%s’, ‘%s’ )”,
“_transient_$key”, “_transient_timeout_$key” ) );
$wpdb->suppress_errors( $flag );
$wp_object_cache->delete( “_transient_timeout_$key”, ‘options’ );
// Update alloptions
$alloptions = $wp_object_cache->get( ‘alloptions’, ‘options’ );
unset( $alloptions[ “_transient_$key” ] );
unset( $alloptions[ “_transient_timeout_$key” ] );
$wp_object_cache->set( ‘alloptions’, $alloptions, ‘options’ );
return $wp_object_cache->delete( “_transient_$key”, ‘options’ );
} elseif ( ‘site-transient’ == $group ) {
if ( !empty( $wpdb ) && $wpdb instanceof wpdb ) {
$table = $wpdb->options;
if ( is_multisite() ) {
$table = $wpdb->sitemeta;
$flag = $wpdb->suppress_errors;
$wpdb->suppress_errors( true );
$wpdb->query( $wpdb->prepare( “DELETE FROM {$wpdb->sitemeta} WHERE option_name IN ( ‘%s’, ‘%s’ )”,
“_transient_$key”, “_transient_timeout_$key” ) );
$wpdb->suppress_errors( $flag );
$wp_object_cache->delete( “_transient_timeout_$key”, ‘site-options’ );
// Update alloptions
$alloptions = $wp_object_cache->get( ‘alloptions’, ‘options’ );
unset( $alloptions[ “_site_transient_$key” ] );
unset( $alloptions[ “_site_transient_timeout_$key” ] );
$wp_object_cache->set( ‘alloptions’, $alloptions, ‘options’ );
return $wp_object_cache->delete( “_site_transient_$key”, ‘site-options’ );
return $wp_object_cache->delete( $key, $group );
function wp_cache_flush( $local_flush = false ) {
global $wp_object_cache, $wpdb;
if ( !$local_flush ) {
if ( !empty( $wpdb ) && $wpdb instanceof wpdb ) {
$flag = $wpdb->suppress_errors;
$wpdb->suppress_errors( true );
$wpdb->query( $wpdb->prepare( “INSERT INTO {$wpdb->options} (option_name , option_value , autoload ) VALUES (%s, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW()), ‘%s’) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE option_name = VALUES(option_name ), option_value = VALUES(option_value ), autoload = VALUES(autoload )”,
‘gd_system_last_cache_flush’, ‘no’ ) );
$wpdb->suppress_errors( $flag );
return $wp_object_cache->flush();
function __prune_transients() {
global $wpdb;
if ( !empty( $wpdb ) && $wpdb instanceof wpdb && function_exists( ‘is_main_site’) && function_exists( ‘is_main_network’ ) ) {
$flag = $wpdb->suppress_errors;
$wpdb->suppress_errors( true );
// Lifted straight from schema.php
// Deletes all expired transients.
// The multi-table delete syntax is used to delete the transient record from table a,
// and the corresponding transient_timeout record from table b.
$time = time();
$wpdb->query(“DELETE a, b FROM $wpdb->options a, $wpdb->options b WHERE
a.option_name LIKE ‘\_transient\_%’ AND
a.option_name NOT LIKE ‘\_transient\_timeout\_%’ AND
b.option_name = CONCAT( ‘_transient_timeout_’, SUBSTRING( a.option_name, 12 ) )
AND b.option_value < $time”);
if ( is_main_site() && is_main_network() ) {
$wpdb->query(“DELETE a, b FROM $wpdb->options a, $wpdb->options b WHERE
a.option_name LIKE ‘\_site\_transient\_%’ AND
a.option_name NOT LIKE ‘\_site\_transient\_timeout\_%’ AND
b.option_name = CONCAT( ‘_site_transient_timeout_’, SUBSTRING( a.option_name, 17 ) )
AND b.option_value < $time”);
$wpdb->suppress_errors( $flag );
function wp_cache_get( $key, $group = ”, $force = false ) {
global $wp_object_cache, $wpdb;
if ( ‘transient’ == $group ) {
$alloptions = $wp_object_cache->get( ‘alloptions’, ‘options’ );
if ( isset( $alloptions[“_transient_$key” ] ) && isset( $alloptions[“_transient_timeout_$key” ] ) && $alloptions[“_transient_timeout_$key” ] > time() ) {
return maybe_unserialize( $alloptions[“_transient_$key” ] );
$transient = $wp_object_cache->get( “_transient_$key” , ‘options’, $force );
$timeout = $wp_object_cache->get( “_transient_timeout_$key” , ‘options’, $force );
if ( false !== $transient && !empty( $timeout ) && $timeout > time() ) {
return maybe_unserialize( $transient );
if ( !empty( $wpdb ) && $wpdb instanceof wpdb ) {
$flag = $wpdb->suppress_errors;
$wpdb->suppress_errors( true );
$result = $wpdb->get_results( $wpdb->prepare( “SELECT option_name, option_value FROM {$wpdb->options} WHERE option_name IN( ‘%s’, ‘%s’ ) UNION SELECT ‘current_time’, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW()) AS option_value”,
“_transient_$key”, “_transient_timeout_$key” ), ARRAY_A );
$wpdb->suppress_errors( $flag );
if ( !empty( $result ) ) {
$transient = false;
$timeout = false;
$current_time = time();
foreach ( $result as $row ) {
switch ( $row[‘option_name’] ) {
case “_transient_$key” :
$transient = $row[‘option_value’];
case “_transient_timeout_$key” :
$timeoout = $row[‘option_value’];
case ‘_current_time’ :
$current_time = $row[‘option_value’];
if ( false !== $transient && !empty( $timeout ) && $timeout > $current_time ) {
return maybe_unserialize( $transient );
return false;
} elseif ( ‘site-transient’ == $group ) {
$transient = $wp_object_cache->get( “_site_transient_$key” , ‘options’, $force );
$timeout = $wp_object_cache->get( “_site_transient_timeout_$key” , ‘options’, $force );
if ( false !== $transient && !empty( $timeout ) && $timeout > time() ) {
return maybe_unserialize( $transient );
if ( !empty( $wpdb ) && $wpdb instanceof wpdb ) {
$table = $wpdb->options;
if ( is_multisite() ) {
$table = $wpdb->sitemeta;
$flag = $wpdb->suppress_errors;
$wpdb->suppress_errors( true );
$result = $wpdb->get_results( $wpdb->prepare( “SELECT option_name, option_value FROM {$table} WHERE option_name IN( ‘%s’, ‘%s’ ) UNION SELECT ‘current_time’, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW()) AS option_value”,
“_site_transient_$key”, “_site_transient_timeout_$key” ), ARRAY_A );
$wpdb->suppress_errors( $flag );
if ( !empty( $result ) ) {
$transient = false;
$timeout = false;
$current_time = time();
foreach ( $result as $row ) {
switch ( $row[‘option_name’] ) {
case “_site_transient_$key” :
$transient = $row[‘option_value’];
case “_site_transient_timeout_$key” :
$timeoout = $row[‘option_value’];
case ‘_current_time’ :
$current_time = $row[‘option_value’];
if ( false !== $transient && !empty( $timeout ) && $timeout > $current_time ) {
return maybe_unserialize( $transient );
return false;
} else {
return $wp_object_cache->get( $key, $group, $force );
function wp_cache_init() {
global $wp_object_cache;
if ( mt_rand( 1, 100 ) == 42 ) {
add_action( ‘muplugins_loaded’, ‘__init_sync_cache’ );
$wp_object_cache = new APC_Object_Cache();
function wp_cache_replace( $key, $data, $group = ”, $expire = 0 ) {
global $wp_object_cache;
return $wp_object_cache->replace( $key, $data, $group, $expire );
function wp_cache_set( $key, $data, $group = ”, $expire = 0 ) {
global $wp_object_cache;
if ( defined(‘WP_INSTALLING’) == false ) {
if ( ‘transient’ == $group ) {
return __save_transient( $key, $data, $expire );
} elseif ( ‘site-transient’ == $group ) {
return __save_transient( $key, $data, $expire, true );
} else {
return $wp_object_cache->set( $key, $data, $group, $expire );
} else {
return $wp_object_cache->delete( $key, $group );
* Save the transients to the DB. The explanation is a bit too long
* for code. The tl;dr of it is that we don’t have a single ‘fast cache’
* source yet (like memcached) and so some long lived items like transients
* are still best cached in the db and then brought back into APC
* @param string $transient
* @param mixed $value
* @param int $expire
* @param boolean $site = false
function __save_transient( $transient, $value, $expire, $site = false ) {
global $wp_object_cache;
// The ‘special’ transient option names
$transient_timeout = ( $site ? ‘_site’ : ” ) . ‘_transient_timeout_’ . $transient;
$transient = ( $site ? ‘_site’ : ” ) . ‘_transient_’ . $transient;
// Cap expiration at 24 hours to avoid littering the DB
if ( $expire == 0 ) {
$expire = 24 * 60 * 60;
// Save to object cache
$wp_object_cache->set( $transient, $value, ‘options’, $expire );
$wp_object_cache->set( $transient_timeout, time() + $expire, ‘options’, $expire );
// Update alloptions
$alloptions = $wp_object_cache->get( ‘alloptions’, ‘options’ );
$alloptions[ $transient ] = $value;
$alloptions[ $transient_timeout ] = time() + $expire;
$wp_object_cache->set( ‘alloptions’, $alloptions, ‘options’ );
// Use the normal update option logic
global $wpdb;
if ( !empty( $wpdb ) && $wpdb instanceof wpdb ) {
$flag = $wpdb->suppress_errors;
$wpdb->suppress_errors( true );
if ( $site && is_multisite() ) {
$wpdb->query( $wpdb->prepare( “INSERT INTO {$wpdb->sitemeta} (option_name , option_value , autoload ) VALUES (%s, UNIX_TIMESTAMP( NOW() ) + %d, %s) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE option_name = VALUES(option_name ), option_value = VALUES(option_value ), autoload = VALUES(autoload )”,
$transient_timeout, $expire, ‘yes’ ) );
$wpdb->query( $wpdb->prepare( “INSERT INTO {$wpdb->sitemeta} (option_name , option_value , autoload ) VALUES (%s, %s, %s) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE option_name = VALUES(option_name ), option_value = VALUES(option_value ), autoload = VALUES(autoload )”,
$transient, maybe_serialize( $value ), ‘no’ ) );
} else {
$wpdb->query( $wpdb->prepare( “INSERT INTO {$wpdb->options} (option_name , option_value , autoload ) VALUES (%s, UNIX_TIMESTAMP( NOW() ) + %d, %s) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE option_name = VALUES(option_name ), option_value = VALUES(option_value ), autoload = VALUES(autoload )”,
$transient_timeout, $expire, ‘yes’ ) );
$wpdb->query( $wpdb->prepare( “INSERT INTO {$wpdb->options} (option_name , option_value , autoload ) VALUES (%s, %s, %s) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE option_name = VALUES(option_name ), option_value = VALUES(option_value ), autoload = VALUES(autoload )”,
$transient, maybe_serialize( $value ), ‘no’ ) );
$wpdb->suppress_errors( $flag );
return true;
* If another cache was flushed or updated, sync across all servers / processes using
* the database as the authority. This uses the database as the authority for timestamps
* as well to avoid drift between servers.
* @return void
function __init_sync_cache() {
global $wpdb;
if ( empty( $wpdb ) || ! ( $wpdb instanceof wpdb ) ) {
$flag = $wpdb->suppress_errors;
$wpdb->suppress_errors( true );
$result = $wpdb->get_results( $wpdb->prepare( “SELECT option_name, option_value FROM {$wpdb->options} WHERE option_name = ‘%s’ UNION SELECT ‘current_time’, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW()) AS option_value”, ‘gd_system_last_cache_flush’ ), ARRAY_A );
$wpdb->suppress_errors( $flag );
if ( empty ( $result ) ) {
$master_flush = false;
foreach ( $result as $row ) {
switch ( $row[‘option_name’] ) {
case ‘current_time’ :
$current_time = $row[‘option_value’];
case ‘gd_system_last_cache_flush’ :
$master_flush = $row[‘option_value’];
$local_flush = apc_fetch( ‘gd_system_last_cache_flush’ );
if ( false === $local_flush || $local_flush < $master_flush ) {
wp_cache_flush( true );
apc_store( ‘gd_system_last_cache_flush’, $current_time );
function wp_cache_switch_to_blog( $blog_id ) {
global $wp_object_cache;
return $wp_object_cache->switch_to_blog( $blog_id );
function wp_cache_add_global_groups( $groups ) {
global $wp_object_cache;
$wp_object_cache->add_global_groups( $groups );
function wp_cache_add_non_persistent_groups( $groups ) {
global $wp_object_cache;
$wp_object_cache->add_non_persistent_groups( $groups );
class WP_Object_Cache {
var $global_groups = array();
var $no_mc_groups = array();
var $cache = array();
var $stats = array( ‘get’ => 0, ‘delete’ => 0, ‘add’ => 0 );
var $group_ops = array();
var $cache_enabled = true;
var $default_expiration = 0;
var $abspath = ”;
var $debug = false;
function add( $id, $data, $group = ‘default’, $expire = 0 ) {
$key = $this->key( $id, $group );
if ( is_object( $data ) )
$data = clone $data;
$store_data = $data;
if ( is_array( $data ) )
$store_data = new ArrayObject( $data );
if ( in_array( $group, $this->no_mc_groups ) ) {
$this->cache[$key] = $data;
return true;
} elseif ( isset( $this->cache[$key] ) && $this->cache[$key] !== false ) {
return false;
$expire = ( $expire == 0 ) ? $this->default_expiration : $expire;
$result = apc_add( $key, $store_data, $expire );
if ( false !== $result ) {
@ ++$this->stats[‘add’];
$this->group_ops[$group][] = “add $id”;
$this->cache[$key] = $data;
return $result;
function add_global_groups( $groups ) {
if ( !is_array( $groups ) )
$groups = (array) $groups;
$this->global_groups = array_merge( $this->global_groups, $groups );
$this->global_groups = array_unique( $this->global_groups );
function add_non_persistent_groups( $groups ) {
if ( !is_array( $groups ) )
$groups = (array) $groups;
$this->no_mc_groups = array_merge( $this->no_mc_groups, $groups );
$this->no_mc_groups = array_unique( $this->no_mc_groups );
// This is named incr2 because Batcache looks for incr
// We will define that in a class extension if it is available (APC 3.1.1 or higher)
function incr2( $id, $n = 1, $group = ‘default’ ) {
$key = $this->key( $id, $group );
if ( function_exists( ‘apc_inc’ ) )
return apc_inc( $key, $n );
return false;
function decr( $id, $n = 1, $group = ‘default’ ) {
$key = $this->key( $id, $group );
if ( function_exists( ‘apc_dec’ ) )
return apc_dec( $id, $n );
return false;
function close() {
return true;
function delete( $id, $group = ‘default’ ) {
$key = $this->key( $id, $group );
if ( in_array( $group, $this->no_mc_groups ) ) {
unset( $this->cache[$key] );
return true;
$result = apc_delete( $key );
@ ++$this->stats[‘delete’];
$this->group_ops[$group][] = “delete $id”;
if ( false !== $result )
unset( $this->cache[$key] );
return $result;
function flush() {
// Don’t flush if multi-blog.
if ( function_exists( ‘is_site_admin’ ) || defined( ‘CUSTOM_USER_TABLE’ ) && defined( ‘CUSTOM_USER_META_TABLE’ ) )
return true;
$this->cache = array();
return apc_clear_cache( ‘user’ );
function get($id, $group = ‘default’, $force = false) {
$key = $this->key($id, $group);
if ( isset($this->cache[$key]) && ( !$force || in_array($group, $this->no_mc_groups) ) ) {
if ( is_object( $this->cache[$key] ) )
$value = clone $this->cache[$key];
$value = $this->cache[$key];
} else if ( in_array($group, $this->no_mc_groups) ) {
$this->cache[$key] = $value = false;
} else {
$value = apc_fetch( $key );
if ( is_object( $value ) && ‘ArrayObject’ == get_class( $value ) )
$value = $value->getArrayCopy();
if ( NULL === $value )
$value = false;
$this->cache[$key] = ( is_object( $value ) ) ? clone $value : $value;
@ ++$this->stats[‘get’];
$this->group_ops[$group][] = “get $id”;
if ( ‘checkthedatabaseplease’ === $value ) {
unset( $this->cache[$key] );
$value = false;
return $value;
function key( $key, $group ) {
if ( empty( $group ) )
$group = ‘default’;
if ( false !== array_search( $group, $this->global_groups ) )
$prefix = $this->global_prefix;
$prefix = $this->blog_prefix;
return WP_APC_KEY_SALT . ‘:’ . $this->abspath . “:$prefix$group:$key”;
function replace( $id, $data, $group = ‘default’, $expire = 0 ) {
return $this->set( $id, $data, $group, $expire );
function set( $id, $data, $group = ‘default’, $expire = 0 ) {
$key = $this->key( $id, $group );
if ( isset( $this->cache[$key] ) && (‘checkthedatabaseplease’ === $this->cache[$key] ) )
return false;
if ( is_object( $data ) )
$data = clone $data;
$store_data = $data;
if ( is_array( $data ) )
$store_data = new ArrayObject( $data );
$this->cache[$key] = $data;
if ( in_array( $group, $this->no_mc_groups ) )
return true;
$expire = ( $expire == 0 ) ? $this->default_expiration : $expire;
$result = apc_store( $key, $store_data, $expire );
return $result;
function switch_to_blog( $blog_id ) {
global $table_prefix;
$blog_id = (int) $blog_id;
$this->blog_prefix = ( is_multisite() ? $blog_id : $table_prefix ) . ‘:’;
function colorize_debug_line( $line ) {
$colors = array(
‘get’ => ‘green’,
‘set’ => ‘purple’,
‘add’ => ‘blue’,
‘delete’ => ‘red’);
$cmd = substr( $line, 0, strpos( $line, ‘ ‘ ) );
$cmd2 = “<span style=’color:{$colors[$cmd]}’>$cmd</span>”;
return $cmd2 . substr( $line, strlen( $cmd ) ) . “\n”;
function stats() {
echo “<p>\n”;
foreach ( $this->stats as $stat => $n ) {
echo “$stat $n”;
echo “<br/>\n”;
echo “</p>\n”;
echo “<h3>APC:</h3>”;
foreach ( $this->group_ops as $group => $ops ) {
if ( !isset( $_GET[‘debug_queries’] ) && 500 < count( $ops ) ) {
$ops = array_slice( $ops, 0, 500 );
echo “<big>Too many to show! Show them anyway.</big>\n”;
echo “<h4>$group commands</h4>”;
echo “
$lines = array();
foreach ( $ops as $op ) {
$lines[] = $this->colorize_debug_line($op);
echo "
if ( $this->debug ) {
$apc_info = apc_cache_info();
echo “<p>”;
echo “Cache Hits: {$apc_info[‘num_hits’]}<br/>\n”;
echo “Cache Misses: {$apc_info[‘num_misses’]}\n”;
echo “</p>\n”;
function WP_Object_Cache() {
$this->abspath = md5( ABSPATH );
global $blog_id, $table_prefix;
$this->global_prefix = ”;
$this->blog_prefix = ”;
if ( function_exists( ‘is_multisite’ ) ) {
$this->global_prefix = ( is_multisite() || defined(‘CUSTOM_USER_TABLE’) && defined(‘CUSTOM_USER_META_TABLE’) ) ? ” : $table_prefix;
$this->blog_prefix = ( is_multisite() ? $blog_id : $table_prefix ) . ‘:’;
$this->cache_hits =& $this->stats[‘get’];
$this->cache_misses =& $this->stats[‘add’];
if ( function_exists( ‘apc_inc’ ) ) {
class APC_Object_Cache extends WP_Object_Cache {
function incr( $id, $n = 1, $group = ‘default’ ) {
return parent::incr2( $id, $n, $group );
} else {
class APC_Object_Cache extends WP_Object_Cache {
// Blank
} // !function_exists( ‘wp_cache_add’ )
else : // No APC
function apc_not_actually_running() {
$GLOBALS[‘_wp_using_ext_object_cache’] = false;
unset( $GLOBALS[‘wp_filter’][‘all’][-100][‘apc_not_actually_running’] );
$GLOBALS[‘_wp_using_ext_object_cache’] = false; // This will get overridden as of WP 3.5, so we have to hook in to ‘all’:
$GLOBALS[‘wp_filter’][‘all’][-100][‘apc_not_actually_running’] = array( ‘function’ => ‘apc_not_actually_running’, ‘accepted_args’ => 0 );
require_once ( ABSPATH . WPINC . ‘/cache.php’ );