
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Not receiving event confirmation emails

Not receiving event confirmation emails

Posted: January 8, 2015 at 5:19 am

Viewing 13 reply threads

Rahul Katrak

January 8, 2015 at 5:19 am

I have created an event in evnt espreso with a registration form and online payment via paypal which can be seen at the url below

The registration form is integrating perfectly with paypal and when I submit a test registration it s getting recorded in the event espresso admin panel in wordpress.

However no email confirmations are being received to the email address enetered in the registration form OR to the email address I designated in event espresso for receiving registration details

a) Is this because I did not continue to pay via paypal
b) Where in the event espresso back end should i enter the email address to receive registrtaions? At the moment I have entered it in the Alternate Email Address (optional) field for the event itself!

Many thanks for all your help!

p.s. running WordPress 4.1


  • Support Staff

January 8, 2015 at 5:52 am

Hi Rahul,

a) Is this because I did not continue to pay via paypal


By default, in EE3 the confirmation email is sent after payment is made. It is possible to send all confirmation emails before this, so when the attendee enters their details it is sent then, however this can cause confusion and some users may think they are full confirmed onto the event before payment.

b) Where in the event espresso back end should i enter the email address to receive registrtaions? At the moment I have entered it in the Alternate Email Address (optional) field for the event itself!

EE3 uses the email address set within Event Espresso -> General Settings -> Organisation Setting -> ‘Primary contact email’ to send the admin emails to.

  • This reply was modified 10 years, 2 months ago by Tony. Reason: Removed previous EE4 post

Rahul Katrak

January 11, 2015 at 8:07 am

Dear Graham

Thank you very much for your swift and informative reply. Please advise how I can have all confirmation emails sent before payment is confirmed.


Lorenzo Orlando Caum

  • Support Staff

January 11, 2015 at 8:50 pm

Hi Rahul,

Please go to WP-admin –> Event Espresso –> General Settings –> Email Settings.

Then adjust the toggle as shown in this image:


Rahul Katrak

January 12, 2015 at 4:45 am

Dear Lorenzo

Thanks so much for your swift and helpful reply. One final issue I am having is that when the registration form is filled out the registrant (the email address) entered in the form is receiving a confirmation email, but not the website owner

FYI, we used the same email address for testing purposes.

Would be grateful for your assistance in resolving this


Lorenzo Orlando Caum

  • Support Staff

January 12, 2015 at 8:26 am

Hi Rahul,

Sporadic email issues can be fixed by using a transactional email service like Mandrill or Postmark app:

Both services offer a generous free tier.


Rahul Katrak

January 13, 2015 at 3:07 am

Dear Lorenzo,

Thanks for your reply. I have been informed that when the registration form is filled out, neither the registrant (the email address) entered in the form is receiving a confirmation email, nor the website owner

Will installing the above mentioned software install this? Excuse my technical ignorance but could you provid eme with steps to install the apps above (i am a volunteer for a charity and event espresso was setup by a person who is no longer contactable)



  • Support Staff

January 13, 2015 at 3:52 am

Hi Rahul,

I would recommend Mandrill (free for up to 12k emails per month).

There is a step by step guide on how to set this up available here:

What this does is sends all your sites emails through Mandrill’s servers. This is useful when users encounter errors with emails as generally this is due to incorrect mail server setup or very strict spam filtering rules. Mandrill helps reduce those issues.

However to note, I placed a registration using the link you provided provided and I did receive a confirmation email when I landed on the payment selection page. The admin should have also received a confirmation email for that registration.

Rahul Katrak

January 14, 2015 at 1:27 pm

Dear Tony

Many, many thanks. not sure what you did but all the registraion emails are coming through without me having to install the above mentioned app 🙂

Hopefully my last request. Where in Event espresso can i amend the message on the page after the form is submitted AND the email confirmation email. We are using a customised one but in the email manager template when I click edit, no text is showing up

Many thanks once again

Lorenzo Orlando Caum

  • Support Staff

January 14, 2015 at 2:02 pm

Hi, where specifically are you trying to edit the messaging? Is this on the thank you page for Event Espresso?


Rahul Katrak

January 19, 2015 at 4:32 am

Dear Lorenzo

a) I would like to edit the Thank you page message (after the form is sibmitted

b) Also I would like the website owner to receive registration emails but NOT the person who registered, is this possible?

If Not, where can I edit the content of the emails

Kind Regards


Lorenzo Orlando Caum

  • Support Staff

January 19, 2015 at 8:21 am

Hi, could you copy and paste part of the messaging that you would like to change?

Alternatively, a screenshot would be helpful along with some notes. You could upload that screenshot to a service like cloudapp or tinygrab or event your site’s WP media area.

Notifications to the registrant/attendee are part of the core plugin and can’t currently be disabled.

However, you can edit the messaging for each event through the event editor (towards the bottom of the page). Be sure to also toggle the setting for custom emails and save changes through the event editor


Rahul Katrak

January 19, 2015 at 9:51 am

Hi Lorenzo

I have inserted a screengrab of the parts of the confirmation email (received by the person who fills out the form) that are blank
If you can gudie me on how to edit this email and shorten it, I would be much obliged (At the momemnt I am going to Email Manager and clicking edit under Confirmation of booking, but some random characters are showing up, not the message mentioned above)


Lorenzo Orlando Caum

  • Support Staff

January 19, 2015 at 10:03 am

Hi, you would need to create a new custom email through the event editor.


There is a sample email that you can copy and paste in. Then you can remove the information that you do not need and save changes to the event:

You can also click on the view custom email tags link to see available tags:

Dynamic information such as the start time for an event requires the use of a shortcode.


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