
Home Forums Multiple Event Registration Add-on Multiple Event Reg. Add to Cart link not showing for all events in category (2)

Multiple Event Reg. Add to Cart link not showing for all events in category (2)

Posted: September 26, 2018 at 2:02 pm

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william Kaczor

September 26, 2018 at 2:02 pm

This is a follow-up to this previous post:

I have another example of this, here:

In this case, the event status is “Open”. The event registration start date is 2018-09-01 and the event registration end date is 2018-12-22, so we’re within the registration dates. The event start and end date is 2018-11-06.

In this case, why would the Add to Cart link not be appearing in this listing?


  • This topic was modified 6 years, 5 months ago by Josh.
  • This topic was modified 5 years ago by Garth.


  • Support Staff

September 26, 2018 at 2:50 pm

Hi there,

In the EE event itself, do you have the option ‘Display registration form?’ set to No?

(The setting for that is in the event editor, in ‘Event Options’ metabox)

william Kaczor

September 27, 2018 at 8:13 am

Hi. Thanks for your response.

I checked on this. I did indeed have the “Display Registration form” field set to “No”. However, changing this did not seem to solve the problem.

With the “Display Registration form” field set to “No”, the event excerpt shows a “View Details” button, and no “Add to Cart” button.

With the “Display Registration form” field set to “Yes”, the event excerpt shows a “Register” button instead of the “View Details” button, but still no “Add to Cart” button.

In case it helps, here’s a screenshot of the event editor screen:


  • Support Staff

September 27, 2018 at 1:36 pm

Ok, scroll right to the bottom. Of the event editor and check the ‘create a post’ section. It looks like EE is set to create standard posts for your events, the templates for those do not contain the cart links which explains why you don’t see the link on the post you linked to.

However, the output on your site and mine is different in a few different ways for that content, it looks like you have ‘older’ versions of functions as the links are created in the same way as your site anymore. Did you customise the EE templates?

william Kaczor

September 27, 2018 at 1:55 pm

So here’s a screenshot of the bottom of the event editor for this event, showing the “Create a Post” section:
But I’m not sure what you’re suggesting I do with this section.

Other events on the site do in fact show “Add to Cart” links, for example here:

I did modify the look of the EE buttons with CSS. I don’t recall if I modified the EE templates at all. If I did, it obviously wasn’t in such a way that all Add to Cart links stopped working.



  • Support Staff

September 27, 2018 at 2:03 pm

Hmmm strange.

By default, EE3 events are not ‘posts’, which is why you basically have events output twice.

For example, the last event you linked to:

Looks like a post containing EE event data.

Is the actually EE3 event.

Yet, apparently, your events are set not to create/update posts. I may be missing something obvious so I’d like to take a quick look over the events/posts in the admin, would that be ok?

If so you can send temp login details using this from:

william Kaczor

September 27, 2018 at 2:05 pm

I did a quick spot check to see if I had modified any EE template files. It looks like I have not. All EE plugin files have the same last modified date as the date of the containing folder (i.e. the date the plugin was installed, I believe). If you can point me to the file or function involved in rendering the Add to Cart buttons, perhaps I can check further to see if I left any comments in the code. Thanks!

william Kaczor

September 27, 2018 at 2:09 pm

Ah I see what you’re getting at…

Yes, the last link I provided: is, in fact a post, which I manually created.

That post contains brief intro text and an EE shortcode:
[EVENT_ESPRESSO_CATEGORY event_category_id=”fledglings_great_falls”]

It is in these category listings that the Add to Cart buttons are sometimes appearing (, and sometimes not (

Does that help?

Otherwise I’d be happy to provide you a temporary login.


  • Support Staff

September 27, 2018 at 2:25 pm

That post contains brief intro text and an EE shortcode:
[EVENT_ESPRESSO_CATEGORY event_category_id=”fledglings_great_falls”]

Ahh, ok, now it makes sense!

It does help, but I’ll need to do some digging to see what’s going on.

The condition for the cart link to show is that the cart_link variable has been set and there is not an external URL set on the event.

cart_link will be generated if the Event Espresso Multi Registration addon is installed and activated (it obviously is) and the status for the event shows as ACTIVE (based on multiple factors but mainly the reg start/end dates/time and event start/end dates/times).

So starting with the easiest to check, on the event that is not showing the cart link, has the ‘Alternative Registration Page (optional)’ option been set, if it has, note the URL and remove it, then save (check the fields is completely empty)?

william Kaczor

September 27, 2018 at 2:35 pm

Thanks for your help with this.
I’m on eastern time, so I’ll check and get back to you tomorrow.

william Kaczor

October 1, 2018 at 11:15 am

Thanks for the suggestion.
I checked the event that was not showing the Add to Cart link in the event editor.
It did have an alternative registration page set.
Removing this did fix the issue.

I believe what we were trying to do was this (note that we are also using the recurring event manager and the calendar plugins):
Our events run for a series of weeks on a regular weekly schedule. We want each week to show-up on the calendar, but we only want people to register for the series as a whole – not individual weeks.
To enter them in the system, we create a new event as a recurring event, and enter the schedule.
This creates the events, and they show on the calendar properly.
But if we don’t put an alternative registration page, I believe that when someone clicks on a specific weekly instance of the event on the calendar (which is a separate event in the system) it takes them to register for that particular week. Again, we don’t want to have registration for individual weeks, just for the whole series. So we enter an alternative registration page when creating the events initially pointing to the URL for the first event in the series. Therefore everyone registers for the first event.

Apparently an unintended effect of this is that is hides the Add to Cart link, which we would want to display on at least the first event in the series.

I edited the event to remove the alternative registration page, specifying to only edit this particular event int he series, and now I believe it is working as intended.

Does this method sound right to you?

If so, we will continue using this process: entering the event with the initial info (and the alternative registration page set to the first event) as a recurring event. Then once the series is created we will edit the first event in the series to remove the alternative registration page for only the first event.



  • Support Staff

October 1, 2018 at 2:29 pm

Does this method sound right to you?

Yes, that’s the way I would recommend fixing this.

The ‘main’ event from the series (the one you want the users to register on) shouldn’t have an alternative URL set on it as that specific event doesn’t have an alt, but I follow why you’ve been using that setup so far.

Whilst it’s also technically possible to copy the template in use and work around this for recurring events, it’s a little tricky as its used in a couple of locations and means you’ll also need to maintain that template should we release any updates for EE3. For the sake of removing the alt reg url on the main event, I’d recommend using the above steps.

william Kaczor

October 2, 2018 at 8:36 am

Ok, thanks for the info and thank so much for your help!

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