
Home Forums Multiple Event Registration Add-on MER Shopping Cart Showing as Empty after adding an

MER Shopping Cart Showing as Empty after adding an

Posted: May 26, 2014 at 10:34 pm

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Nicole Ouellette

May 26, 2014 at 10:34 pm

Before I get started, as requested;
Wordpress 3.9.1
Event Espresso Version

Event Espresso – Calendar – Version 2.2.3.p
Event Espresso – Multi Event Registration – Version 1.0.5.p
Event Espresso – Permissions – Version 1.5.5.p
Event Espresso – Recurring Events – Version 1.1.8.p
Event Espresso – Social Media – Version 1.1.7.p
Event Espresso – Ticketing – Version 2.1.p

This is not a new installation though we did recently update Events Espresso Pro

Ok, so on this page;

I have a number of pages set aside for each event category, each of these has the shortcode for that category on it.
So for example the PAINTING page links to;
Which contains the shortcode;
[EVENT_ESPRESSO_CATEGORY event_category_id="painting-1369064165"]
So when you load that page and click on the ‘Register for this Event’ link on this page links to;

After clicking on the Register link changes to ‘View Cart’ which links to;

However, when I go there it shows me an empty shopping cart and the message on that page contains ;
“It looks like you are attempting to refresh a page after completing your registration or your cart is empty. Please go to the events page and try again.”

For the record, there are no caching plugins on this wordpress install and my host (me) doesn’t do any fancy caching behind the scenes.

Any suggestions on changes or clues where to look are welcome.

Nicole Ouellette

May 26, 2014 at 10:37 pm

Didn’t realize my links were going to get edited out above, though I think you have all you need with the one that did work.


May 27, 2014 at 1:30 am


Thanks for all the details, especially the clarification regarding caching, that’s really useful.

I’m not seeing any obvious errors, have you modified any of the Event Espresso template files at all?

What are you using to add the Register for this Event link in the event description? (I assume it’s one of our shortcodes?).

Nicole Ouellette

May 28, 2014 at 1:01 am

Hi – Thanks for the response. No we are not using any custom templates.

I’m using the following shortcode for the Register For This Event link;
[ESPRESSO_CART_LINK anchor="Register for this Event" direct_to_cart=0]


May 28, 2014 at 6:15 am


Who is your host? Some hosts (such as WP Engine) will cache for you regardless of whether you have a plugin or not. It might be worth double checking with the host as I am still not seeing any issues on your site or locally. If they are not caching the pages, let me know and we may need login details to examine the issue more closely.

Nicole Ouellette

May 28, 2014 at 10:36 am

No, as I mentioned in my original e-mail, I am hosted on my own server, there is no caching going on.


  • Support Staff

May 28, 2014 at 11:04 am

Hi Nicole,

I did some checking and it looks this may be from the way https is set up on this site.

You’ll notice that if you go here:

and then try adding an event to the cart it will work as expected.

The other page loads as http. I imagine that you have a plugin like WordPress HTTPS installed to manage the https re-directs? If so, then you could try editing the /painting-workshops page and change it where it has the option to force https.

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