
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Using Godaddy Managed WordPress Hosting? Click Here

Using Godaddy Managed WordPress Hosting? Click Here

Posted: September 19, 2015 at 12:35 pm

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Lorenzo Orlando Caum

  • Support Staff

September 19, 2015 at 12:35 pm

Updated: October 23, 2015

Event Espresso is compatible with the managed WordPress hosting solution from Godaddy but requires deactivating the caching solution.

This is due to the forced-cache option that is used for this specific hosting plan. The registration process should not be cached as it is a dynamic experience which is similar to purchasing a product from an online store.


If you are using this specific hosting plan, then you may experience the following sporadic issues:

  • during registration checkout including some attendees/registrants being able to complete their registration while others cannot
  • check-ins via the barcode scanner, mobile app or WP admin don’t stick
  • successful transactions show as failed


Here is a solution that is recommended by Mendel from Godaddy:

If you have any questions, then please create a new support post in our support forums and we’ll be sure to answer those for you. Thanks again for choosing Event Espresso!

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