
Home Forums Community Forum I can't see any open events in my admin view of my event espresso

I can't see any open events in my admin view of my event espresso

Posted: November 11, 2018 at 8:44 am

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Scott Fairty

November 11, 2018 at 8:44 am

I’ve been running event espresso for a couple of years. I have over 50 events created. Recently when I create a new event, it shows up in the database, it shows up on a page I created to show my active events. It however doesn’t show up in my admin panel. I try to filter on event status, and I still cannot see it, it is only showing me closed events?

I can see the new events when I download all events, (the data).

What am I missing here? Below is my version, and my plugins. Did a bunch of research on whether the plugins could affect this.

WordPress version WP 4.9.8
Installed plugins
All In One SEO Pack by Michael Torbert version 2.9.1,
Event Espresso Lite – Event Registration and Management by Event Espresso version,
Google XML Sitemaps by Arne Brachhold version 4.0.9

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