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Event Pricing vs Ticketing

Posted: January 31, 2015 at 3:51 pm

Sallianne McClelland

January 31, 2015 at 3:51 pm

Latest WordPress version 4.1
New installation of EE3 and add ons

My Conference has package prices for 5, 3, 2 days which I understand I can create/list under EVENT PRICING But I want people to be able to add a lunch, add a dinner, add an optional workshop.

Where do I do this? Ticketing add on just looks like an option to give people a ticket (as if they were going to a concert). It doesn’t seem to be able to have money attached to it.

Sallianne McClelland

January 31, 2015 at 4:07 pm

The image of the golfing tournament reflecting the tickets

Was this made in ticketing or event pricing.


February 2, 2015 at 12:54 am


In EE3 you could use the Price Modifier addon which can add to the ticket value based on the answer to specific questions (e.g. Do you want dinner? If yes it adds $x).

You could also use the Multiple Event Registration addon, and add the option as a ticket. When the user adds to cart they can choose which tickets to buy and how many. The downside is that a “dinner” ticket bought this way will affect capacity, and request additional details.

The Golf Tournament image is from EE4.

Sallianne McClelland

February 2, 2015 at 1:36 am

I have to upload 3 significant conference Events that are run during the year. They have package registration options and add ons. It seems to me that EE4 is what I need but how do I know its not going to crash my site again.


February 2, 2015 at 6:29 am


I commented on your other thread about the crash, but to re-iterate here, I think it was caused by having EE3 installed and activated at the same time. Disable EE3 and it should work fine.

If it does crash the site, advise us of the error message and we will happily look to resolve it.

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