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Event Meta Keys in Admin email

Posted: December 14, 2014 at 7:22 pm

Craig Kirkwood

December 14, 2014 at 7:22 pm

Hi guys, I’m running version 3 and I’m trying to include a custom meta code in the email that’s sent to the administrator.
The meta key is event_code and I can get it to appear on the registration page and the client email but not the admin email.
I tried adding the meta code key to the email.php file but I think it’s a little beyond me because it didn’t work.
Can you advise?


December 15, 2014 at 2:02 am

Hi Craig,

The admin email in EE3 has always been a bugbear. The only way to modify it is via code and it’s not user friendly (EE4 makes this MUCH easier).

First off you need to decide where to place the extra info. For this example I’m going to place it in the admin_additional_info section.

In email.php find the section with the comment //invoice links and below that block of code add:

$admin_additional_info .= "<p>Your event code is: [code][/code]</p>";

Obviously you can change the wording as needed.

Directly below that add:

$admin_additional_info = replace_shortcodes($admin_additional_info, $data);

Craig Kirkwood

December 15, 2014 at 5:32 am

Hello Dean, thanks for your quick reply. That worked perfectly.
I will be updating to EE4 at some point but I need to make sure my client is stable and happy first!
Craig K.


December 15, 2014 at 5:47 am

You’re welcome. Just remember, that because it is a core file edit (no other way unfortunately), updates to the plugin will over write those changes.

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