Posted: September 12, 2019 at 7:27 pm
I created a new event that was working fine for a week but now is not. The “register now” link brings you to a page that says “can’t display this page” “event expired”. Could this be a problem with our account? This is the message that is on my edit page: I hope you can help!! |
Hi there, It sounds like your support license has expired but that shouldn’t have an effect on your events. Have you tried logging into the site and editing the event to double-check the start and end dates? Also, please double-check that your timezone is set to your region. |
Thank you so much for getting back to me Seth. What does it mean if our support license has expired and why wouldn’t it affect the event? Do I need to renew it? This registration was working fine up until Thursday morning. I have checked the dates, the times, the link and have even tried deleting the event and creating a new one. Something isn’t right?? Maybe you could go to and go under events and registration in the red ribbon, click on the drop down for the symposium and try to register. You will see the page that comes up.I have never seen this page before. I really need to get this registration up and running again as soon as possible. I truly appreciate your help!! Lisa Dion |
A support license gives you 12 months of support (from us, to help with any issues with EE and also provides you with updates for the plugin(s) for the duration of your license. We intentionally do not stop the plugin from working, close your events, break registrations or any other weird and wonderful shenanigans some plugins do when your license expires. (Note that’s not aimed at any plugin specifically but the point being if you have a support license we can provide support and updates for the plugin, if not then you are free to continue to use the version you already have without support should you wish to)
Personally (although I may seem a little biased here), I would recommend doing so. The version of Event Espresso 3 you are using is rather old and does not have the the latest security fixes. I can also see, you’re also using an older version of WordPress, is there something preventing you from updating?
The page you can see is loading because the Register link on that page is invalid so the browser can’t load it. That’s an issue outside of the event itself so we should focus on the event itself first. Once we know that works, check in on that link. If you go to Event Espresso -> Event Overview, find the event on the list and hover over the name. Click the ‘View’ link which appears below it. Post the page that goes to here, please. Than, edit the event (click the name you over over earlier). Take a screenshot the ‘Event Date/Times’ section and add that here.
We actually don’t provide phone support and have some details as to why here: From experience, it is not an effective method to troubleshoot issues like these. |
I have no problem purchasing a new support license with you and updating our WordPress account. Could getting these updates actually be all i need to fix the registration issue? Or will it least allow someone to go actually go into the registration to look at it for me to see what’s needed to fix it? Going back and forth this way is confusing and taking way more time than I have to spare. I will try to post the pages from the registration that you asked for above. I truly appreciate your help!! |
Possibly, we don’t know what the issue actually is yet so I can’t say for sure.
Not usually no, but I’ll explain. Your support license gives you access to support from us, we work through issues with you to find the cause and get it fixed and we usually do that right here on the forums or via email, the support team are available Mon-Fri 7AM – 7PM EST (12PM – 12AM UTC). For us to work directly on your site we would require you purchase a support token for multiple reasons, one of which is we have no idea what someone else may have done on your site. What you see now is not ‘normal’ behaviour for Event Espresso, even with an expired event, it could be from any number of changes made outside of our control. Does that mean everyone needs to purchase a support token? No. We can work through most issues without the need for one and with a support license the first step we would advise is to update to the latest version of EE. Now, having said all that, if you purchase a support license I’ll take a look over your event and see if anything stands out without a support token, if it something obvious within the settings thats all you’ll need. But if we need to troubleshoot directly on the server to find the cause, you’ll need a support token.
During the weekdays you’ll find our response times to be 1-2 hours, often much quicker. —- Something to note, EE3 is now considered the ‘lagacy’ version with our latest version being EE4. If you want the quickest path to get back up an running with the same product you are already familiar with you’ll need an EE3 license: (That also has access to EE4 so you can switch over at a convenient time but will get you up running the quickest in my opinion). |
September 19, 2019 at 11:57 am I tried to send this to you this am but it doesn’t know if you received it. Thank you for answering all my questions clearly and specifically Tony! I don’t have any experience with WordPress or Event Espresso so I can use all the help you can give me. We (MACVPR) are a small non-profit organization that provides continuing education to healthcare providers. We only have 3 small conferences a year so it looks like the EE4 personal license $79.95 is all we need. I think is is what we had before, but it sounds like you saying that the EE3 $119.95 personal license would get me the tech support I need and get our registration back up and running the fastest. Is that right? Would someone be able to look at our registration as soon as a new license is purchased? Also, do I need to purchase/update our WordPress account at this time, too or is the new EE license enough for right now. I don’t really understand how they work together. If it is needed then can I purchase that thru you, too? What would I need and what are the prices? As I said above, this is all very new to me so I really do need step by step complete directions to the whole process. I truly appreciate any help you could give me to get my issue resolved. I have so many questions that i just wish I could talk to someone on the phone to go thru it all at once instead of writing back and forth. Thank you for your help and patience!! Lisa |
That’s an EE4 license, it doesn’t include EE3.
You had an EE3 license previously as otherwise, you’d likely have been running EE4. (I’ve just checked your account and can confirm you previously had an EE3 Personal license) You can switch to EE4 if you prefer to, but it’s a very different system from EE3. I’m not trying to scare you away from it as we want everyone to move to EE4 eventually, but if you unfamiliar with it and have an upcoming event you need this working for I’d recommend just sticking with EE3 until you have some breathing room to work with.
Sort of, your license gives you access to support. It doesn’t really matter what license you have in terms of speed of support, but an EE3 license gives you access to EE3 downloads (+ EE4) and an EE4 license gives you access to EE4 downloads (no EE3 as EE4 is the ‘newer’ version) Whichever license you purchase we’ll help you get up and running if we can. Again note what I mention above support tokens, not because you need one right now, but I can’t say ‘Yes just get that license and that’s all you need to get up and running’ as I don’t know anything about your site. So full disclosure, you may also need a support token(s).
As long as one of support team is available, we’ll take a look. Once you have a license you’ll need to submit login credentials using this form:
WordPress itself is open source and free, you don’t pay for updates to WordPress. WordPress is the ‘content management system’ that powers your entire site. Event Espresso is a ‘plugin’ for WordPress, meaning it runs within the version of WordPress installed on your site.
I’m more than happy to answer any question you have, but…
Whilst I understand you feel a phone call would benefit you here, I can tell you from experience that very little will ‘get done’ during a phone call. Almost all of the time spent on a call will be explaining various sections with more and more questions popping up (which is fine) but 90% of which you will not remember an hour after that call as it’ll move so fast. So we’ll spend X amount of time getting very little of your issues actually fixed and then still need to go in an actually fix your issues, all of that time would be considered outside of normal support and therefor billable as support tokens. The forums (whilst they may appear to slow you down) help with that as the text, is here to be reviewed by both you and us and any details hashed out. If I gave you half of the information in this thread already over a call, are you 100% certain you would remember it in an hour? day? week? When it next comes up next etc. ‘No phone support’ isn’t purely for our benefit, it’s from experience of dealing with these issues 🙂 — Here is what I recommend you do from here. Purchase an EE3 support license (Side note we have a small non-profit discount available if you can provide the details on THIS form) and submit the form I linked above with login details. Once a member of the team (as I’m most familiar with this thread it will likely be me) is available we’ll check over your site and see what we find. In the meantime, you can post any additional questions you have no matter how big or small in another reply and we’ll work through those. Those questions will not stop us from working on your issue and because of that may be ignored until we get you up and running… but we will answer them for you if its something we can give you an answer for. |
Hi Tony, RE: Event Expired? Thank you for your clear, simple and thorough responses to all my questions and concerns regarding the issue I am having with a registration. I purchased a new EE3 license as you recommended. I hoping you will now be able to review the registration, find the problem and help get it running again as soon as possible. Please let me know if you need anymore information. Thank you for your help!! Lisa |
Hi Lisa, Just noting here that I have replied directly via email to the address linked to your account. If you haven’t received an email from us please let me know an address I can use and I’ll resend. (Note you can mark replies ‘private’ before submitting them so the contents are only visible to EE support members). |
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