
Home Forums Custom Files Add-on (EE3) Error Message – Slow Backend???

Error Message – Slow Backend???

Posted: March 3, 2015 at 12:04 pm

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Pause and Paint

March 3, 2015 at 12:04 pm


We have problem with the calendar. When you select and event and register it works the first time but than if we (or other people trying to buy tickets) try to register to another event after, it will get you back to the first event you already registered in.

It gives an error message. The only way we temporarily fix it after is to go in the back office under an event and click update. This resets everything and people can register again.

This is terrible we get calls from customers about getting error and not being able to register to event.

Need to be fix ASAP it is a serious problem.

We are looking to purchase another calendar and refund this one… It’s SOOO slow
too in the back end!!!

Contact ASAP

We are losing clients because of that…

Nathalie Hugues Villeneuve

  • This topic was modified 10 years, 1 month ago by Jonathan Wilson. Reason: removed personal information

Jonathan Wilson

March 3, 2015 at 12:54 pm

Hi Nathalie,

I am not seeing any errors on your site. Can you please share a screenshot of the errors, or at least tell me what the error says? I am not able to test the registration because the event/payment gateway is live and not in test mode.

Pause and Paint

March 3, 2015 at 1:00 pm

***I just received this update through e-mail from Lorenzo

Lorenzo replied
Mar 3, 12:52pm
Hi, could you go to this link in a new web browser:

Then browse to an event page via the calendar and try to register.

Let us know if you are able to duplicate the issue that you described before.

Also, so there isn’t any confusion, a registrant/attendee can only register for one event at a time.

They can’t register for event ABC + event XYZ at the same time.

Pause and Paint

March 3, 2015 at 1:02 pm

This is the message I got from the teacher organizing fundraser:

I tried to order the ticket again, I refreshed and I am still getting the error message on my computer. I tried to do it on my phone, and it just would not bring me to this page. Maybe its our computers here at school. Do you use a PC or apple?


Pause and Paint

March 3, 2015 at 1:03 pm

ALSO! I tried to purchase my ticket to make sure everything works online. I put my first name, last name, and email and it would not let me go to the payment section. I kept getting an error message “first name required” even though I had put it in.

Jonathan Wilson

March 3, 2015 at 1:11 pm


That’s the error I’m needing, and I was able to reproduce it. We are looking into it right now. I will let you know as soon as we find something.

Lorenzo Orlando Caum

  • Support Staff

March 3, 2015 at 1:18 pm

Hi Nathalie,

I found WP Super Cache on the site which is a caching plugin. Although it was deactivated, caching was still running since that is set on the WordPress-level.

I re-enabled the plugin and setup no-cache rules as described here:

The reason why you were seeing something different that your website visitors is because caching plugins usually do not cache for administrators that are logged into your site.

This is ready for re-testing.

Go to this link is a different web browser (e.g. if you are using Firefox, try Safari or Chrome or Opera):

Then try a new registration. Let us know if the issue continues.



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