
Home Forums Multiple Event Registration Add-on EE3/MER payment confirmation mail not always sent

EE3/MER payment confirmation mail not always sent

Posted: August 13, 2014 at 9:14 am

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August 13, 2014 at 9:14 am

I can’t get a finger behind this problem, so support is very welcome.

Using EE3/MER visitors can order several tickets at once, pay for them online (using iDEAL) but sometimes they only receive the payment confirmation mail (which contains the [ticket_link]) for the main ticket and not for the workshops. This seems to depend on the order in which the events are booked. I have two more or less identical customers, ordering the exact same tickets, but in different order. On one of them, with the ‘main’ ticket last, all goes fine. On the other one, main ticket first and workshop last, only the payment confirmation for the main ticket is sent.

Can you help me with this? Can I put some traps somewhere?

Lorenzo Orlando Caum

  • Support Staff

August 13, 2014 at 10:36 am

Hi, are you running the latest version of Event Espresso?

Also, can you replicate this issue on your end?



August 13, 2014 at 1:00 pm

Levels: EE, MER 1.0.5.p, Ticketing 2.1.p. More EE-plugins present, but I think these are the most significant.

Subject is a 2-day event, visitors can buy an entrance-ticket for either one of these days. They have to fill in a registration form in order to complete their order. Besides that, they can buy workshop-tickets.

Replication: I installed the plugin WP Mail Logging 1.2 so I can see exactly what was sent when. Results from a couple of visitors:

– user A: completed registration for entrance, than for a workshop, registration notification was sent, couple of minutes later (payment done through iDEAL) payment complete message was sent for only the entrance-ticket <– missing ticket-mail for the workshop

– user R: registration for an entrance ticket, notification, payment notification <– great

– user W: registration complete for entrance, workshop, workshop. Notification message, paid with iDEAL, ticket for entrance only <- missing workshop-tickets.

More examples available.

Some local code in shopping_cart.php and a few other files, but merely cosmetic, language, etc.

Any clues? Things I can do to help searching for the problem? Do you need access to the backend? Just let me know.


August 13, 2014 at 1:06 pm

By the way: the order of entries does not seem to be relevant. I´ve got another example where the entrance ticket was the last one after three workshop-tickets, but after payment customer received only a ticket for the first workshop and not the other three.


  • Support Staff

August 14, 2014 at 6:02 am

Hi Anouk Schwieters,

Payment Confirmation emails are only sent to the Primary Attendee and you should only receive one per multi registration as the multi registration is considered as one payment.

In order to receive individual confirmation emails for each event you’ll need to use the event Confirmation email, rather than the payment confirmation.

You can stop these from being sent before payment is received by going to Event Espresso -> General Settings -> Email Settings & setting ‘Send registration confirmation emails before payment is received?’ to No.

Then add the [ticket_link] shortcodes to each events confirmation email if using a custom confirmation email, or the default one if not.

Does that help?


August 15, 2014 at 7:10 am

Hi Tony,

Thanks for your reply!

I changed the settings like you said and it works fine. For attendees who pay online this is a good solution.

However, attendees who want to pay by invoice now do not receive an e-mail with the link to the invoice anymore. That’s a pity. Do you have a solution for that too? Would be great, thank you!

Lorenzo Orlando Caum

  • Support Staff

August 15, 2014 at 2:05 pm

Hi, you can manually send out a registration confirmation email through the attendees list for an event. This will be an option in the actions column.



August 16, 2014 at 6:36 am

Thank you Lorenzo for your suggestion. However, this requires periodically manually checking 103 events to find out if action is required. That’s not gonna work.

I found this thread:, describing more or less the same issue for gateway “check”.

Can you provide a similar solution for gateway “invoice”? Would be great!


August 20, 2014 at 3:18 am

I just found this way to use the Check-code AND get the e-mails sent: Looks like an excellent solution to me! However, unfortunately, the e-mails are not sent :-(. Can you please help me with this? The event is on 5/6 september so traffic is increasing now. Thank you for your understanding!


  • Support Staff

August 20, 2014 at 4:51 am

I just tested the code from and it did send the emails on my install.

Did you add the code from this post:

To the check_ipn.php file like this? –

When using the method above, when the selects Invoice they will receive the tickets (as they are within the confirmation email) before they have paid, the tickets would not work when scanned as they would show as declined unless the payment has been applied within the Admin to that attendee.

If you are ok with your attendee receiving the tickets before payment you could just switch the ‘Send registration confirmation emails before payment is received?’ option back to Yes. That way all attendees will receive the tickets regardless of how they pay, although you might want to add a note to the Confirmation emails stating the tickets will not work until Payment has been complete.


August 21, 2014 at 3:07 am

Hi Tony,

Thank you for your quick response. I doublechecked the code I changed, it is exactly like in your example. To check if EE uses the code in wp-content/uploads/espresso/gateways/check I deliberately made an error there, which results as expected.

However, still no mails are being sent. Any clues?


August 25, 2014 at 5:02 am


I also double checked this and it worked fine.

Did you copy across the entire Check gateway to wp-content/uploads/espresso/gateways ?

Is the option “Send registration confirmation emails before payment is received?” in General Settings set to Yes?


August 26, 2014 at 8:32 am

Hi Dean,

Thank you for checking the code. I did indeed copy they whole folder and after that changed check_ipn.php.

The option ‘Send registration confirmation emails before payment is received?’ was, of course, set to No – that was the whole point in the first place!

In the meantime I followed Tony Warwick’s solution: setting the above parameter back to Yes, thus sending the tickets *before* they are paid, with a stressed note to the visitor that the ticket is NOT valid until payment is received. I wanted to use the “Check-trick” just to avoid this, but unfortunately I couldn’t get it to work.

I use the plugin WP Mail Logging and have a full listing of all the mails sent by the system. It works as expected. Thank you for you support, you may close this ticket.

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