
Home Forums Pre-Releases EE3 s2member integration prices after cancellation

EE3 s2member integration prices after cancellation

Posted: October 15, 2015 at 5:08 pm

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OCA Admin

October 15, 2015 at 5:08 pm


We have EE3 and are wondering how discounted prices are designed to work (as there is no documentation for the pre-release.

The reason I ask is we are trying to effectively managed prices after an account is cancelled.

With s2member, they are fairly clear that if you cancel your prepaid membership before the period expires, you retain membership privileges until the end of that period.

This is important to know as we have already told our members that this is how we work as an organization. However, we just installed the s2 integration and tested a membership cancellation, and it appears the discount is automatic…shouldn’t it wait until the end of the prepaid period before members lose their discount?


  • Support Staff

October 15, 2015 at 5:15 pm

I’m afraid I don’t understand your question.

I can try to explain how the Event Espresso 3 S2 integration works though. If the user is logged in, and their account has the S2 capability that matches the threshold, they get the member price. If their account does not have the S2 capability that matches the threshold, they do not get the member price. We’re you expecting something different?

OCA Admin

October 16, 2015 at 7:18 am

I understand that, thank you. Apologies if I wasn’t clear. I’ll share an example of our situation as that is probably more helpful.

We use s2member for recurring annual payments on memberships with 1 year terms. If you are a paid member, you get into monthly events for free. If you are not a paid member, then you pay full price for events. We find the plugin works as designed until a member cancels their subscription mid term. I know you might be thinking ‘well, they cancelled their subscription, so they must not get the benefits’…but s2member is pretty clear that canceling their ability to automatically recharge your credit card for the next year is different than canceling membership. The signal for ‘EOT’ (end of term) does not change…users still have all access until the year expires (plus one day grace period).

However, we just ran some tests and it appears our user account lost all access to discounts when the subscription was cancelled before EOT. Loss of discount seems immediate vs looking at EOT. (See reference at bottom of this post)

Is that clearer? Is that how cancellation is designed for the integration? Whether someone gets a discount should be tied to their EOT, not whether or not they plan to renew next year…

This is from S2Membership > PayPal Options > Automatic EOT Behavior:

s2Member will not process an EOT until the User has completely used up the time they paid for. In other words, if a User signs up for a monthly Subscription on Jan 1st, and then cancels their Subscription on Jan 15th; technically, they should still be allowed to access the site for another 15 days, and then on Feb 1st, the time they paid for has completely elapsed. At that time, s2Member will remove their Membership privileges; by either demoting them to a Free Subscriber, or deleting their account from the system (based on your configuration). s2Member also calculates one extra day (24 hours) into its equation, just to make sure access is not removed sooner than a Customer might expect.


  • Support Staff

October 16, 2015 at 8:11 am

It sounds like the membership capability should not be removed by S2 then. Event Espresso’s integration only checks for the membership account’s capability. It does not check for EOT or cancellation. If they can still log in, and they still have the capability, they can get the free ticket.

Can you check in the cancelled subscription account to see if they still have the s2Member membership level capability?

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