
Home Forums Pre-Sales EE3 Calendar Performance

EE3 Calendar Performance

Posted: July 17, 2015 at 7:53 pm

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Melody Jewitt

July 17, 2015 at 7:53 pm

Hi there,

I am running EE3 on a site with the calendar addon. On a WP page with only the calendar shortcode added, users are complaining about performance being slow. The rest of the site including all EE pages load fast. Any suggestions? Would caching plugins help, and if so are there any you can recommend?


Melody Jewitt

July 17, 2015 at 8:48 pm

Please CC my web dev Rick on your reply: REDACTED

  • This reply was modified 9 years, 7 months ago by Dean. Reason: Removed email address in case of spam scrapers

Lorenzo Orlando Caum

  • Support Staff

July 19, 2015 at 4:37 pm

Hi Melody, caching that page would not help as the information is retrieved after the page is loaded.

There are two features of the events calendar that can require more resources. Turning those off (if they are on) can speed up the events calendar:

These settings can be found in WP dashboard –> Event Espresso –> Calendar Settings –> Memory Management.

The first is display attendee limits and the second is disable categories.

If they are on, then try turning both off to see if it helps with the performance.

Note that our support forums does not support CC additional email addresses.



Melody Jewitt

July 20, 2015 at 12:51 pm

Hi Lorenzo,

Thank you for explaining the calendar > Memory Management options. Unfotunately in my case displaying attendee limits, and using categories are required for my users to have a good experience using my site. Do you have any other suggestions? Have there been any improvements in performance in EE4’s calendar vs EE3?



July 21, 2015 at 2:52 am

Hi Melody,

There are several factors that can affect the speed:

Memory options as Lorenzo discussed
Number of events being shown
Server resources.

How many events are you running per month?

Are you using a shared server/VPS/dedicated server?

If you are running a lot of events, and you are on a shared server you may wish to consider improving the server resources (i.e. upgrading your server) via your host.

Melody Jewitt

July 21, 2015 at 12:34 pm

Hi Dean,

Thanks for your followup questions. You can see the calendar running here, normal load time is about 10-30 seconds:

Here are my responses:
How many events are you running per month? About 30-80 on any given month.

Are you using a shared server/VPS/dedicated server? We are on a dedicated server.

Now some questions for you:
1. When the calendar first loads, it seems to load all events from the database. Could the calendar be configured to only get events for the current month, and the upcoming 3 months? Wouldn’t this improve performance?

2. It seems that you’re saying the EE calendar was designed to handle a certain number of events, and that scaling up above this number may cause performance issues. Can you tell me what has been tried by EE to improve calendar performance when the number of events exceeds this limit? Lowering the number of events we are running is not an option unfortunately.



July 23, 2015 at 3:11 am


Thanks for the link.

1) It looks like you are using an old version of EE (and I suspect the calendar). Your EE version is 2 years old, lots of things have changed since that point. The latest calendar for EE3 uses AJAX to load each month individually and also has other options to disable things like Categories and Attendee limits to further speed up the process.

2) The calendar can handle a lot of events, but server performance is a factor. If you are running 300 events a month and are using a high load shared server which has other sites hogging resources, then yes the calendar will struggle as it’s a lot of data to process.

You aren’t in that situation, so it has to be the fact that the calendar you are using is using older code that loaded all events at first. The newer version of EE3’s calendar, as mentioned, uses AJAX so each month is loaded only when needed.

I would recommend updating your version of EE and the calendar, I believe you will see a marked improvement.


July 23, 2015 at 3:12 am

As an aside, you can give EE3 Lite a whirl, as that comes with a calendar nowadays. This could help confirm that the AJAX helps: (scroll down for EE3).

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