
Home Forums Multiple Event Registration Add-on Editing the Registration Checkout Page

Editing the Registration Checkout Page

Posted: December 15, 2016 at 12:59 pm

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December 15, 2016 at 12:59 pm


I have two questions regarding editing the registration checkout page.

1) I am having trouble finding how to change the link that says “register for an account here”. Right now it is going to an old broken registration page.

“The event you have selected requires logging in before you can register. You can register for an account here if you don’t have a login.”

2) I found a post in the forums where you inform a user how to change the text on this page. In the very end of the post, lorenzo posts the custom plug-in that will accomplish this task. I clicked to try and download this plug-in however the link is now broken. Can you please re-link me to that the plugin?

Here is the post to refer to:

Thanks so much!



  • Support Staff

December 15, 2016 at 2:27 pm

Hi Jeff,

For item #1, you go to Event Espresso > Registration Form > User Integration Settings, then you update the URL in the
“Registration Page URL (if different from default WordPress Registration)” field.

For item #2, that plugin no longer exists, but you can follow this guide to create your own plugin:


  • Support Staff

December 15, 2016 at 2:32 pm

Hi there,

1) I am having trouble finding how to change the link that says “register for an account here”. Right now it is going to an old broken registration page.

Event Espresso uses the default WP registration url if you have not set a custom one, you can do that within:

Event Espresso -> Registration Form -> User intergration Settings (tab)

You’ll find the option:

‘Registration Page URL (if different from default WordPress Registration)’

You can set a custom Registration page URL there for EE to use.

2) I found a post in the forums where you inform a user how to change the text on this page. In the very end of the post, lorenzo posts the custom plug-in that will accomplish this task. I clicked to try and download this plug-in however the link is now broken. Can you please re-link me to that the plugin?

The best way to do this is to follow the steps here:

Which shows you how to create your own custom plugin.

You need to add the function shown here:

And edit the ‘strings’ array that you want to translate, in this case your function would look like this:

And here it is in a pre-made plugin –

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