
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Duplicate event with custom field

Duplicate event with custom field

Posted: March 6, 2018 at 3:41 am


March 6, 2018 at 3:41 am


I would like to copy also the custom fields when I duplicate an event. I found this topic in the forum (e.g. and but can’t get it to work.

Here is what I’ve tried:

function duplicate_custom_field($new_event, $orig_event) {
//duplicate custom field
$desc = get_post_meta($orig_event->ID(), 'desc', true);
if ($desc) {
update_post_meta($new_event->ID(), 'desc', $desc);
add_action( 'AHEE__Extend_Events_Admin_Page___duplicate_event__after', 'duplicate_custom_field', 10, 2 );

‘desc’ is a custom field (via acf) which should be duplicated too.


March 6, 2018 at 3:48 am

The code was correct, there was an error on a different spot.

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