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disable pagination

Posted: July 3, 2014 at 12:25 am

Von Nostrand

July 3, 2014 at 12:25 am

Hi Guys

Still using EE3. I don’t have a long list of events. I am trying to improve page speed. I see two calls for pagnation js files. Is it possible to disable these calls? I see espresso.php has the following code – could I edit this without messing up things too much? thanks in advance

<code>if (!function_exists('espresso_load_pagination_scripts')) {
	function espresso_load_pagination_scripts() {
		wp_register_script('ee_pagination_plugin', (EVENT_ESPRESSO_PLUGINFULLURL . &quot;scripts/jquery.pajinate.min.js&quot;), array('jquery'), EVENT_ESPRESSO_VERSION, TRUE);
		wp_register_script('ee_pagination', (EVENT_ESPRESSO_PLUGINFULLURL . &quot;scripts/pagination.js&quot;), array('ee_pagination_plugin'), EVENT_ESPRESSO_VERSION, TRUE);
		$data = array( 'ajaxurl' =&gt; admin_url( 'admin-ajax.php'  ));
		wp_localize_script( 'ee_pagination', 'ee_pagination', $data );


July 3, 2014 at 4:02 am


jquery.pajinate.min.js and pagination.js are actually different files, with different content. Removing one of them will break functionality as pagination.js requires jquery.pajinate.min.js.

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