
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Data Dictionary

Data Dictionary

Posted: August 16, 2014 at 7:57 pm

Eddie Keator

August 16, 2014 at 7:57 pm

Our previous set up was “The Tribe Event Calendar” for all calendar events and “Event Espresso 3.x” for registeration (free and for fee events). However the EE4 is clearly one way to 1) one stop event planning and 2) a much better looking calendar that is also responsive regardless of browser size or device.

Here is the thing. The reports available are inconvient and not all information is needed by requestor. For example… those responsible for program need all the contact information and sessions signed up for but any fee related aren’t important. Those responsible for registration look to see if payment is complete or pay onsite (will call). To the Treasurer, it’s vital to connect payment to persons.

Access to Event Espresso isn’t entirely fool proof and requires a some training on how to navigate to use the reports. My solution is to create customize reports. IT WORKS and I have templates to make this happen quickly.

The problem is no that the event detail is no longer a table of it’s own. I’m still learning the the posts to event relationship to datetime etc…

I’ve got posts to venue detail figured.

Is there a Data Dictionary available. For example I want to know ATTM_ID is related to or STA_ID, etc.

I cannot find any Data Dictionary or Lexicon whatsoever.

Online report provided for users.

A typical query had been:
(SELECT answer FROM wp_events_answer ans where ans.attendee_id and ans.question_id =17) ‘Org Name’,
atn.lname ‘Last Name’,
atn.fname ‘First Name’, ‘Phone’, ‘E-mail’,
atn.orig_price ‘Event Ammount’,
atn.amount_pd ‘Paid’,
(atn.amount_pd-atn.orig_price) ‘Bal Owed’,

(case atn.payment_status
when ‘incomplete’ then ‘Payment Needed’
when ‘pending’ then ‘Payment Pending’
when ‘complete’ then ‘Paid in full’
else ‘NA’ end) as ‘Payment Status’

FROM wp_events_detail evt
INNER JOIN wp_events_attendee atn
ON ( = atn.event_id)
WHERE ( = ’34’)


August 18, 2014 at 1:24 am


The closest we have to your Data Dictionary would be, but we don’t have any documentation on the relationships between the database tables.

Eddie Keator

August 29, 2014 at 1:15 pm

I am closing this support question. I have discovered and mapped many of the relationships. I’m not a PHP coder, which is certainly my weakness. But I am a Data Analyst and dug in to understand I’m really disappoint there is no Data Dictionary or Lexicon identifying relationships of form to table. The built in reports aren’t serving the needs of our district, but I’ve been able to create online reports for users.

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