
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Confirmation Emails not sending (9)

Confirmation Emails not sending (9)

Posted: August 15, 2018 at 7:44 am

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August 15, 2018 at 7:44 am

Hi. I have EE4 and am having trouble with not receiving any confirmation type emails, as the registrant and the admin. I did a few test registrations yesterday and those emails sent. But as of this morning nothing is sending. The only thing I did was edit the email templates (added logo, change header color). It says that there are some in “queued for generating” but they have been there for hours! Surely your program doesn’t take that long to send confirmations? Aside from that, there was never a confirmation email even created for the registration I did this morning. The email that is in “queued for generating” is the payment received email.
Please advise.


August 15, 2018 at 9:23 am

In addition to my previous message, I’ve started getting this error code while working within the message templates.

Fatal error: Uncaught exception ‘EventEspresso\core\exceptions\InvalidSessionDataException’ with message ‘The session data is missing, invalid, or corrupted.’ in ***/wp-content/plugins/event-espresso-core-reg/core/EE_Session.core.php:709 Stack trace: #0 ***/wp-content/plugins/event-espresso-core-reg/core/EE_Session.core.php(577): EE_Session->_retrieve_session_data() #1 ***/wp-content/plugins/event-espresso-core-reg/core/EE_Session.core.php(295): EE_Session->_espresso_session() #2 [internal function]: EE_Session->open_session(”) #3 ***/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(286): call_user_func_array(Array, Array) #4 ***/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(310): WP_Hook->apply_filters(”, Array) #5 ***/wp-includes/plugin.php(453): WP_Hook->do_action(Array) #6 ***/wp-content/plugins/event-espresso in ***/wp-content/plugins/event-espresso-core-reg/core/EE_Session.core.php on line 709

  • This reply was modified 6 years, 6 months ago by Josh. Reason: removed server paths from error message


  • Support Staff

August 15, 2018 at 9:52 am

Hi Amanda,

May I ask, is that site hosted on GoDaddy hosting? If so, which hosting package?

Aside from moving to a recommended host, here are two options that can be changed that may help:

1) Go to Event Espresso > Messages > Settings and change “Generate and send all messages:” to “On the same request”, then click Update

2) Go to Event Espresso > General Settings > Admin Options and change “Encode Session Data?” to Yes, then click Save


August 15, 2018 at 1:20 pm

Hi Josh.
Thanks for your response. Yes, it is hosted with GoDaddy, not sure of the package though.
I made the suggested changes and the registration emails seem to be coming through but not the payment emails. I am getting this message after running a test registration.
“An error has occured:
Tha email did not send successfully.
The WordPress wp_mail function is used for sending mails but does not give any useful information when an email fails to send.
It is possible the “to” address or the “from” address is invalid.”

Thoughts? Even though this message comes up, I still do receive a registration confirmation to both the co_fromatted_email and the registrant_email, but not a payment email.


  • Support Staff

August 15, 2018 at 2:20 pm

You could try changing what’s set for the To & From fields in the Payment emails so they match what’s set in the reg. confirmation emails.

GoDaddy’s email servers can be unreliable, so you might consider switching the email sending part of the site over to a transaction email service. We have some recommendations here:


August 16, 2018 at 4:00 pm

Ok, I think I have figured out everything except one. The payment confirmations are sent as long as the payment is done online. If they opt for “pay by check” then they don’t receive a payment confirmation…even when it has manually been marked as paid. The system shows that an email was sent successfully, but it’s not being received.
I checked the “to” field like you suggested. It is set to primary_registrant_email. The registration confirmations are set to recipient_email, because it wasn’t working while set to primary_registrant_email.
My question and concern is…if I change the Primary to Recipient is everyone on the ticket purchase going to get a payment email? If one person registers a group of people, I don’t everyone in the group to know how much was paid and to receive payment info. Does the recipient_email send to all emails in that purchase?


August 16, 2018 at 4:29 pm

Also, in addition, if one person registers then they receive 2 registrations confirmation emails, one to the primary registrant(“to” field is set to “recipient_email”) and one to the registrant (“to” field also set to “recipient_email”). They are both set this way because, like I mentioned in my previous message the “primary_registrant_email” field doesn’t receive emails. Can I turn off one of those off?
I would like for a single registrant to receive a single email confirmation, but if they register for a group I would like everyone in the group to get a confirmation.


  • Support Staff

August 17, 2018 at 3:25 am

If they opt for “pay by check” then they don’t receive a payment confirmation…even when it has manually been marked as paid. The system shows that an email was sent successfully, but it’s not being received.

If EE shows the email was sent, then the problem is further downstream.

EE basically builds out the content of the email and passes it to wp_mail() that function does some of its own checks and then passes the email over to whichever mailserver it is set to use (usually your hosts mail server unless your using a plugin to do differently).

If wp_mail() does not return false, then as far as EE (and wp_mail() is concerend they’ve done everything they can and its all down to the mail server.

However, to confirm, when you manually apply the payment and check the checkbox to send related messages, you can see the message in the activity log, with a green status bar (the bar to the left)?

My question and concern is…if I change the Primary to Recipient is everyone on the ticket purchase going to get a payment email?

This is for the payment received message type? That has a primary registrant context, so it will only trigger the message for the primary registrant object, at which point [PRIMARY_REGISTRANT_EMAIL] and [RECIPIENT_EMAIL] should be the same because the primary registrant, is the recipient.

Also, in addition, if one person registers then they receive 2 registrations confirmation emails, one to the primary registrant(“to” field is set to “recipient_email”) and one to the registrant (“to” field also set to “recipient_email”). They are both set this way because, like I mentioned in my previous message the “primary_registrant_email” field doesn’t receive emails. Can I turn off one of those off?

Ok, so that’s the Registration Approved message type.

You can just disable the Primary Registrant context, see:

Edit the primary registrant context and set the toggle switch to de-activate the message context, you’ll know because the text next to the switch will read:

The template for Primary Registrant Recipient is currently inactive.

The registrant context will still trigger for each registrant, you only need both the registrant and primary registration contexts active if you want to send an additional email specifically to the primary registrant with additional details. That context is not active by default.


August 17, 2018 at 7:39 am

Thank you! I made changes and everything seems to be functioning the way I want it.


  • Support Staff

August 17, 2018 at 8:36 am

You’re most welcome.

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