
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Conditional statement based on [answer] shortcode

Conditional statement based on [answer] shortcode

Posted: March 5, 2014 at 4:29 pm

Sylvain Asselin

March 5, 2014 at 4:29 pm

I am trying to do a conditional statement in badge-sm.php to display one of three different images based on a choice from a radio button custom field. I tried in many ways but I am not able to do it because it returns the shortcode instead of the shortcode’s result. For example if my shortcode is [answer_question1] I try to get first 3 left characters, it returns [an. Or if I try to count characters it returns 18.

If I just do :

echo $answer;</code>

it works fine.

If I try

<code>if ($answer = &#039;the complete answer&#039;) {
// do something

it does not work.

Can you tell me what would work?


March 6, 2014 at 2:44 am


The problem here is that anything like [answer_abc] or [start_date], etc in the ticket is NOT a shortcode, it’s a tag.

The difference is a shortcode will output the results of some code. The tags here are being string replaced.

If you var_dumped the $answer variable you would see that it says something like

string ‘one’ (length=15)

where one is the answer. Notice the length= 15? that’s the length of the tag (yours would be 18 as its a longer question name than mine), versus the actual answer that is 3 characters long.

So the IF statement wont work as the variable doesn’t contain the answer, instead it contains the tag.

I would suggest taking a look at the ticketing addons, functions.php file around line 382 as that’s where it gets the question /answer data.

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