
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium checkbox selection for question not showing for attendee on admin page

checkbox selection for question not showing for attendee on admin page

Posted: October 14, 2014 at 3:05 pm

Elizabeth Robinson

October 14, 2014 at 3:05 pm

Registrants are asked to select the workshops they will attend for 3 different sessions of a conference. One of the selections has comma’s in the description and the question uses {comma} and a custom_functions.php to escape the comma as directed here This works fine and the commas display correctly on the registration page. However, when you viewq/edit the attendee information from the admin pages, that workshop never shows that it has been selected and the description is diplayed with “{comma}” instead of an actual comma. It is stored correctly on the database, with a comma. I am using WordPress 4.0 & EE Version It has been working for a couple of months, but noboday has really needed to use the edit attendee information until now and it is not a problem on every registration. Thank you.


October 15, 2014 at 12:49 am


The code to allow extra commas in the checkbox etc answers section, modifies the look of the question but because of this the answer is added to the database incorrectly (it adds “one, two, three”, but we are looking form “one{comma} two{comma} three” and as such it can’t find the answer.

I took a long look at the code and there isn’t much that can be done about this, barring the obvious of not using extra commas within the checkbox answers.

Elizabeth Robinson

October 15, 2014 at 8:06 am

Unfortunately, I don’t think that telling a client to rename their conference workshop sessions because the registration form can’t handle commas will be well received. People need to know that using the solution recommended in the forum could cause later problems. It is more than just a cosmetic issue because if a user is not paying attention and updates the attendee record without noticing that there is no selection showing for one of the questions, they will wipe out the original selection. I tried it and that is what happened. Even after I went back and selected the original workshop (which displays with {comma} on the admin page for updating attendees) and the database was updated with the {comma} in the answer, the admin page does not show that a selection has been made. I did this because I considered updating the database for these selections to use the {comma} vs “,” since I thought that was the problem. The admin page display matches the question with {comma} but even when the database is updated from the admin page, and the {comma} is on the database record, it does not show the selection the next time you pull the record from the admin/view attendee page, so the answer is still not being found. I hope that explanation makes sense. Thank you.

Elizabeth Robinson

October 15, 2014 at 8:43 am

I just did a little more checking and there is another checkbox selection/answer that does not show up on the admin/attendee page. It is using a colon and if I edit the database record to add a space after the colon, it will appear correctly until the record is updated again. Not sure why this one answer is having an issue since colons are used in other answers, including the one with the {commas} and original problem. The two checkbox answers that are having problems are:
An Introductory Overview of the Impact of Crime on Victims and Emotional First Aid: Helpful Tips on Response(Paul Freeman) and
Prosecuting Child Molesters: New Law{comma} Old Law{comma} and Shakespearean Law(Alan Cook). This also means that the link to “edit registration details” that is sent to the user upon registration does not display the answers correctly for these two responses.

The checkbox answer for this question is set up as:
Prosecuting Child Molesters: New Law{comma} Old Law{comma} and Shakespearean Law(Alan Cook), Trauma and Addiction(Krista Barker),An Introductory Overview of the Impact of Crime on Victims and Emotional First Aid: Helpful Tips on Response(Paul Freeman), The Story Behind Bibb County’s Anti-Gang Initiative(David Cooke Jr.)

Two of the choices listed above work fine. The link to the registration page is:

Sidney Harrell

October 15, 2014 at 12:02 pm

Try changing that code to this:

Sidney Harrell

October 15, 2014 at 3:39 pm

Also, you could probably do a search and replace on the wp_events_answers table in phpmyadmin to replace the ‘,’ with ‘{comma}’ and recover the answers that were previously submitted.

Elizabeth Robinson

October 15, 2014 at 8:11 pm

Thank you! That worked and I did go back and replace the ‘,’ on the exiting records with {comma}. Initially it still wasn’t pulling the two options that used colons on the admin page. I pulled out one space from the way the answer was constructed in the questions page for both of those options and it worked. I am not entirely sure why, since the number of spaces seemed to match what was on the table, but it worked so I am happy. Thank you very much!

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