
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Automatic upgrade to broke my site

Automatic upgrade to broke my site

Posted: September 5, 2013 at 3:16 am

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September 5, 2013 at 3:16 am

I upgraded several plugins for my client at yesterday. Yours broke the site, as you can see, adding this, among other things, to the top of the home page:
Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session cache limiter – headers already sent (output started at /home/content/10/6605910/html/wp-content/uploads/espresso/gateways/check/check_payment_vars.php:3) in /home/content/10/6605910/html/wp-content/plugins/event-espresso/espresso.php on line 56

Am working to resolve it but meanwhile here’s a dump of “important information.”
WordPress Version:
PHP Version:
MySQL Version:
Event Espresso Version:
WordPress Address (URL):
WordPress Content Directory:
Site address (URL):
Event Espresso Plugin URL:
Event Espresso Plugin Path:
Event Espresso Upload URL:
Event Espresso Upload Path:
Event Espresso Template Path:
Event Espresso Gateway Path:

And here is “system status” –

Event Espresso version
WordPress version WP 3.6
Installed plugins
AddThis Social Bookmarking Widget by The AddThis Team version 3.5.1,
Akismet by Automattic version 2.5.9,
All In One SEO Pack by Michael Torbert version,
Broken Link Checker by Janis Elsts version 1.8.3,
cforms by Oliver Seidel version 11.5,
Event Espresso – Calendar by Seth Shoultes version 1.11,
Event Espresso – Social Media by Seth Shoultes version 1.0.1,
Event Espresso by Event Espresso version,
Exclude Pages from Navigation by Simon Wheatley version 1.92,
Google XML Sitemaps by Arne Brachhold version 3.2.9,
No WWW by Matt Mullenweg version 1.0,
Dagon Design Sitemap Generator by Dagon Design version 3.15, Stats by Automattic version 1.8.6,
WordPress Database Backup by Austin Matzko version 2.2.3
Home URL
Site URL
Registration Pages
Event Page #114 –
Payment/Thank You Page #115 –
Transaction Notification Page #119 –
Cancel Return Page #117 –
Server Environment
PHP Version 5.3.24
Server Software Apache
WP Max Upload Size 32MB
Server upload_max_filesize 32MB
Server post_max_size 33MB
WP Memory Limit 40MB – We recommend setting memory to at least 64MB. See: Increasing memory allocated to PHP
WP Debug Mode No
Espresso Logging Log directory is writable.
PHP Sessions
Session save path does not exist – contact your host to resolve the problem.
Session name PHPSESSID
Remote Posting/IPN
fsockopen/cURL Your server has fsockopen and cURL enabled.
Event Registration and Ticketing Powered by Event Espresso – 3.6


September 5, 2013 at 3:37 am


Session save path does not exist – contact your host to resolve the problem.
Session name PHPSESSID

Did you change host or move servers? Please look to resolving the session path issue. That itself may resolve this error.

What version of event Espresso did you upgrade from?

You can also try going to the Payment Settings page and deactivate all gateways. Then deactivate the plugin and reactivate it. See if the error persists after reactivation. If it does not, the reactivate the gateways. If the error does persist please advise. We may need site access at that point.


September 5, 2013 at 7:32 am


I deactivated the PayPal gateway, which was the only one active, deactivated the plugin, and reactivated it. The problem persists.

I’m not aware of any server changes at long-time host GoDaddy.

I’m sorry, I don’t know what version the prior one was. Presumably the next most recent, since I periodically check plugins and do those that call for it.

I would be happy to provide site access. How would you like me to communicate that info?




  • Support Staff

September 5, 2013 at 8:29 am

Hi Ken,

From looking over the list of plugins and their version numbers it’s saying the social and calendar add-ons are out of date. I can advise updating the calendar and social add-ons to their latest versions.

As an aside, it turns out that GoDaddy will from time to time “upgrade” your hosting account (ie. move it to another server). We’ve seen more than a few times when they moved things they did not configure the session save path to point to the new location.

Can you check with them and have them verify that the session save path is configured correctly?


September 5, 2013 at 9:36 am

Hi Josh,

GoDaddy support says there have been no server changes in over a year. There was nothing else he could tell me except there would be no reason for session path to have changed.

I deactivated EE, updated the add-ons, reactivated all three, and as you can see at, the problem persists.

I have an admin account with the username eventespresso. Let me know if you want the password (I think WordPress may have emailed it to support automatically).



  • Support Staff

September 5, 2013 at 9:54 am

Access to the admin account would not be helpful to have in this case.

There are a few non-admin items that need to be corrected:

1) The check payment gateway that was copied over to /wp-content/uploads/espresso/gateways may have some code that was customized that’s breaking the site. You can deactivate the gateways, remove the copied gateway, then reactivate the gateways in order to load up the check gateway that is included with Event Espresso.

2) You can create a file on your server, name it test.php and place the following code in it to check for the session save path:

echo session_save_path();

Then you can go to and check there. If a file name is not output, please forward that link to GoDaddy support.

A link to a related discussion on the GoDaddy forums:


September 5, 2013 at 11:21 am

Result from test.php is:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function echo session_save_path() in /home/content/10/6605910/html/test.php on line 2

Huh? It’s saying it doesn’t even recognize the function.

I looked in my php.ini and there is no mention of session_save_path. I wanted to run this past you before doing battle with another clueless GoDaddy support person. What should I say to them?

Meanwhile, I will go through the steps you mention in item one and let you know the result.


September 5, 2013 at 11:25 am

Additional question: I am looking in the paypal directory under gateways. All the files I see are dated yesterday, which is when I updated the plugin. (a) Does it make sense to delete these files? (b) If so, do I delete all of them before reactivating the plugin and the PayPal gateway?


  • Support Staff

September 5, 2013 at 12:21 pm

Hi sbabar,

The fatal error seems to indicate that session support is disabled on this server. While I can’t say that for sure, this related post in the forums may help:

With the gateways folder: Nothing should be deleted from wp-content/plugins/event-espresso/gateways.

If you look at the error message from the original post:

Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session cache limiter – headers already sent (output started at xx/wp-content/uploads/espresso/gateways/check/check_payment_vars.php:3)

It’s indicating that the check gateway has been copied over from the Event Espresso plugin to the /wp-content/uploads/espresso/gateways folder. In some cases this will cause problems after an update because the new version may have some changes to the gateway.

Hope that helps.


September 5, 2013 at 12:51 pm


1. Help me understand your previous advice, copied below, by telling me exactly which file or files to recopy, from where to where:
“You can deactivate the gateways, remove the copied gateway, then reactivate the gateways in order to load up the check gateway that is included with Event Espresso.”

2. Fundamental question before I go mucking about with GoDaddy again: Why would Event Espresso work fine one moment, then immediately after I upgrade to the latest version, not work fine? More specifically, was there a change to Event Espresso that would make it finicky about the session path? If not, it seems to me we’re barking up the wrong tree. Is there a flaw in that logic?


September 5, 2013 at 12:54 pm

Third question: If I advise sbabar to buy a $65 support token, will it help expedite this case? I am charging him for my time, so in the interest of my client, I would like the most efficient resolution possible.


  • Support Staff

September 5, 2013 at 1:34 pm

Hi there,

With number 1, no file copying is necessary or recommended in this case. When you update Event Espresso all the files are in their correct place. However, anything that was copied over earlier in /wp-content/uploads/espresso/templates may cause issues. The advice given there was to *remove* not copy.

With number 2, there wasn’t a change that was made to Event Espresso to make it more finicky about session save paths. However we have seen time and again where GoDaddy makes a change to a server that causes this issue.

With number 3: If a support token is purchased, we can work through the copied over gateway issues if FTP credentials can be sent via the form link that appears on the account page after a support token is purchased. The session save path issues are out of our reach and need to be resolved with the host.


September 5, 2013 at 2:06 pm


OK, thanks for your effort on this. Since I believe the likelihood of Godaddy having messed up the session path at exactly the moment in time that I updated the plugin is nil, and since nobody here copied over any gateway files to my knowledge, I’ve advised my client to buy a token to try to expedite a cure.


Sidney Harrell

September 5, 2013 at 4:27 pm

have you tried renaming the wp-content/uploads/espresso/gateways folder to wp-content/uploads/espresso/old_gateways?
Godaddy may have disabled the session_save_path function as a security measure. The exact nature of the error message from your test.php is curious. It says function echo session_save_path and not function session_save_path. You might want to try:

$temp = session_save_path();
echo $temp;

But that is a curiosity, not central to the original error. The original error should be taken care of by getting wp-content/uploads/espresso/gateways/check/check_payment_vars.php out of the picture by renaming wp-content/uploads/espresso/gateways.


September 6, 2013 at 7:27 am

Sidney (or whoever is on duty),

Thanks for the new suggestions. Renamed gateways to old-gateways, reactivated EE plugin, got this at top of page: Plugin could not be activated because it triggered a fatal error. Warning: require_once(/home/content/10/6605910/html/wp-content/plugins/event-espresso/gateways/process_payments.php) [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/content/10/6605910/html/wp-content/plugins/event-espresso/includes/functions/main.php on line 1162

What would be a reasonable response to that?

(Also, Tried your mod to test.php as well as several variations of “Hello World” and got errors. Will have to check with GoDaddy, that just doesn’t seem right. You’re right that it may not have anything to do with the central problem, though.)



  • Support Staff

September 6, 2013 at 9:44 am

Hi Ken,

Did you rename /wp-content/uploads/espresso/gateways to /wp-content/uploads/espresso/old-gateways (correct) or was it /wp-content/plugins/event-espresso/gateways that was renamed? (will break things).


September 6, 2013 at 11:25 am


That was careless of me. I fixed my error, renamed the correct gateways folder and reactivated the plugin, which appears to have fixed the problem. Thanks for directing me to the right spot.

What I’m not clear on is what caused the problem in the first place. This should have been a simple, free update. Did it happen because my client wasn’t current on his license?


  • Support Staff

September 6, 2013 at 12:52 pm

It seems the problem was caused by having an out of date copy of a gateway in the /wp-content/uploads/espresso/gateways directory. Files in that location will override what’s in the core plugin.

  • This reply was modified 11 years, 6 months ago by Sidney Harrell. Reason: changed uploads/espresso/templates to uploads/espresso/gateways (which is what josh meant, I think:)


September 9, 2013 at 8:40 am

Yes, but how did it get there? We’ve been pretty much hands-off with this plugin, so I don’t think it’s something we did. Unless it’s something we didn’t do. Any ideas that will help me avoid a future recurrence?


  • Support Staff

September 9, 2013 at 12:12 pm

I do not know how it got there. As long as anyone with FTP access doesn’t copying anything into /wp-content/uploads/espresso/templates or /wp-content/uploads/espresso/gateways you’ll avoid a future recurrence.

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