
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium all registrations csv report fail

all registrations csv report fail

Posted: March 31, 2016 at 8:46 am

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March 31, 2016 at 8:46 am

I’ve searched for a solution but don’t see any errors of the type I’m getting, sorry if I’ve missed something. EE 4.8.38.p, WP 4.42. My site

I’m a newbie but managed to get registration up and running fine after new server to resolve the memory limitation issues, everything working great. We’ve got relatively few registrations yet but the csv report is failing to produce. I’ve got a screen shot of the error but not sure how to attach for you?

Also, I wondered if you could update on the status of partial payment functionality? We’ve been very pleased overall once we overcame the memory issues. But we require deposits and have had to bypass payment via all your system options to make it work, creating manual work for the administrator (i.e., me!). Love to see that upgrade in the near future so we can experience your full functionality.

I can’t attach the screen shot, but here is the text of the error message:

Generating file Unknown…

NaN% (0/0)

The file will download automatically when done, and then you will be redirected.
An exception of type EventEspressoBatchRequest\Helpers\BatchRequestException occurred while running BatchRunner::create_job(). Its message was Could not create temporary file for job JsFtDwwoWaBpF7b, because: Could not create temporary file, an unknown error occurred and had trace #0

  • This topic was modified 8 years, 11 months ago by Josh. Reason: removed server details


  • Support Staff

March 31, 2016 at 12:36 pm

Hi there,

The error message you saw is saying that Event Espresso can’t write to the /uploads folder on your server. This is usually caused by not having the correct file/folder permissions. You can contact your host and ask them to verify the permissions on your server and let them know that WordPress needs to be able to write to the /uploads directory. You can even send them the full error message.

If the host isn’t able to correct the file permissions, the other solution is you add this line of code to your wp-config.php file before where it says to stop editing:

define( 'EE_USE_OLD_CSV_REPORT_CLASS', true );

re: partial payments. We’re considering adding partial payments if it gets enough votes here:


March 31, 2016 at 1:12 pm

Thank you – will contact the host. Also, will register at Trello and vote!


  • Support Staff

March 31, 2016 at 3:00 pm

You’re welcome.


March 31, 2016 at 4:52 pm

The code you provided fixed the problem. Thank you.


  • Support Staff

April 1, 2016 at 4:36 am

Hi there,

I just wanted to note that the code Josh provided does not actually fix the issue, it switches to a different method for exporting the registrations.

The ‘old’ method output all of the records into a CSV file within a single request, this was fine with low numbers of registrations (usually up to about 600-800 depending on your server) but we found users with larger numbers of registrations would timeout during the request.

So the ‘new’ system basically creates a temporary file on your server and then pulls in x amount of registrations in smaller values, adding them to the CSV each time.

This means your site needs permissions to create and modify files within the /uploads/ directory (which it seems your sites does not)

The old system works and if you have a low numbr of registrations should continue to work without a problem, however you would be best working with your host to get the correct permissions to use the uploads directory with the new system.


April 1, 2016 at 7:28 am

Thank you for that clarification — will share that with the host in case we run into the issue again. We have only about 50 registrations per event so we may not encounter it.


  • Support Staff

April 1, 2016 at 8:11 am

In that case you likely will not notice any problems anyway, unless you use the All Registrations CSV from:

Event Espresso -> Registrations (bottom of the page)

As that exports all registrations across all events.

Anyway, if you do have any further problems just let us know 🙂

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