
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium After Update latest plugin, backend design changed

After Update latest plugin, backend design changed

Posted: April 17, 2023 at 1:00 pm

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Susan Perry

April 17, 2023 at 1:00 pm

For this website

We have updated Eventespresso plugin version 4.10.46.p to 5.0.3.p, after update plugin, we have checked on the backend registration list and we have found some design changes, please see below screenshots

Before Update:
After Update:

How can we revert old version of the design.


  • Support Staff

April 17, 2023 at 3:08 pm

Hi there,

EE5 updated the design to be more in line with the latest accessibility guidelines and uses a font-size of 16px.

You can’t switch Event Espresso back to the ‘old’ design as it stands.

We are tracking feedback on the update internally so if you would like to add some details I can pass those on to the team.


April 17, 2023 at 6:34 pm

I am seeing the same thing. The problem is that there are overlapping interface/menu items and invisible (white on white) form fields. For example, one such invisible element, I suspect, is a search box for “Search Events”. You sometimes have to do some guessing and clicking, which could be perilous if you click/submit the wrong thing. See sample of a screen-capture:

Other areas of the EE admin are equally unfriendly. Can you please advise?


April 17, 2023 at 7:33 pm

ditto., same problems. Need to revert back to old css. You cant even edit tickets on mobile anymore its not responsive, and on front end the dates & times are wrapped in tables and the old code to be able to even them out to each be in their own row doesn/t call the correct selector.

When you hover over items like ticket notice, or payment, or send registration details, The hover font to tell you for sure what it is doesn’t appear.

The color legends for pending or approved jquery boxes don’t load. They are all sized wrong.

The Tiny MCE is now overflowing on the events. (Most popular plugin on wordpress) can’t blame them for your bad code.

The duplicate post option doesn’t show up any longer from the dupl plugin, its always worked until your new CSS or whatever this is.

The registration form css selectors changed, so we had to have that fixed for padding when using a background.

This is literally not good at all. Please get a new person to be in charge of making updates to the plugin. Or at minimum make a way to go back to the old way. Your “Backend” did not need new colors and sizes. like literally work on a better checkout and better ways to make registration forms. Thats what you should be working on and calling an “Update”.. Changing CSS and calling it a major update is bonkers. Even on my 34 inch monitors windows 11 it looks HUGE.. Why in the world yall would make these changes is mind blowing. It literally made every single thing worse and nothing better. Please pass that feedback along,.


  • Support Staff

April 18, 2023 at 4:18 am


Other areas of the EE admin are equally unfriendly. Can you please advise?

The output on that screenshot is not correct, it should look something more like this:

Something else is happening on the site other than out CSS there, it looks like our styles aren’t even being loaded.

Which browser are you using?


  • Support Staff

April 18, 2023 at 4:46 am

@krsjws83 (Jarred)

The EE5 update is so much more than CSS changes, the whole event admin has been rewritten but I’m guessing your still using the legacy editor based on your reply.

To activate the new Advanced Editor, go to Event Espresso -> Events -> Default Settings.

Set ‘Activate Advanced Editor?’ to Advanced Editor and save.

Now edit an event and you’ll see the new editor.

ditto., same problems. Need to revert back to old css. You cant even edit tickets on mobile anymore its not responsive

Are you using the advanced editor or legacy? I’m guessing legacy.

We still have a way to go in making the editor more responsive but the advanced editor is easier to work with on mobile.

and on front end the dates & times are wrapped in tables and the old code to be able to even them out to each be in their own row doesn/t call the correct selector.

I’ll check into this, what CSS are you using currently?

When you hover over items like ticket notice, or payment, or send registration details, The hover font to tell you for sure what it is doesn’t appear.

Within Event Espresso -> Registrations is this?

This location:

If the above output is different for you can you add a screenshot?

The Tiny MCE is now overflowing on the events. (Most popular plugin on wordpress) can’t blame them for your bad code.

I’m assuming you mean Advanced Editor Tools (previously TinyMCE Advanced)?

Another user reported an issue with the above and we have a fix in the next version of EE5, we can’t be compatible with all plugins all the times, its impossible with the sheer number of combinations. What we can do is respond to issues and fix them (when we can do within our code within reason).

The duplicate post option doesn’t show up any longer from the dupl plugin, it’s always worked until your new CSS or whatever this is.

Dupl plugin?

The registration form css selectors changed, so we had to have that fixed for padding when using a background.

I can investigate this, which selectors?

This is literally not good at all. Please get a new person to be in charge of making updates to the plugin. Or at minimum make a way to go back to the old way. Your “Backend” did not need new colors and sizes. like literally work on a better checkout and better ways to make registration forms. Thats what you should be working on and calling an “Update”.. Changing CSS and calling it a major update is bonkers. Even on my 34 inch monitors windows 11 it looks HUGE.. Why in the world yall would make these changes is mind blowing. It literally made every single thing worse and nothing better. Please pass that feedback along,.

Thank you for the feedback, I’ve passed it along to the team to discuss.


April 18, 2023 at 8:16 am

Hey @Tony since when do u place people’s usernames on a public forum? Trying to make it easier for hackers or something? Delete my username from your post above. You can use the profile name but don’t post usernames.

I’m on mobile right now so can show you the other issues when I get to office. But for now as you can see their is no “duplicate post” link.

Before the update we could duplicate events now we can’t why?


April 18, 2023 at 9:11 am

Hopefully these last two posts will be more helpful. Forgive my anger and frustration but when something we have used for many years now all of a sudden makes our job harder that is not a good thing. Like many of the posts on the forum lately having issues with the new UI, us as small business owners have limited time as it is and the UI not being checked by your developers before pushing the update is causing all these headaches. So none of it is personal , only frustration because these are all new issues we have to overcome really for no reason.

Here are some errors just from iPhone 14promax (big screen mobile).

The event text editor does not wrap. If I switch from visual to text all the html shows up on the top line in one line/

The calendar pop up for changing ticket date overflows. There is only a back button visible and not a forward button so u can’t make the date anything in future .

The ticket “table view “ is all scrunched together on iPhone 14promax max .

Text doesn’t wrap on excerpt editor. It’s all one line.

Approved registrations, click arrow for drop-down to show details of that registration. And the date gets scrunched together. Instead of one row fitting across cleanly.

On the Front end” our events that have multiple tickets date and times the display breaks words apart like Wednesday cuts off. As you can see they are all in table cells when before the update we had a css to make them be in one row across so it looked cleaner and professional. Now after the update it’s back to the default event espresso making two columns and scrunching the text all up to where it doesn’t look clean. How to make the dates and times all be on one row in one column . It will look better and not be as long (or as much scrolling) if the dates and times can be stacked onto each other in one line.

These are just a few of the things I could find while looking on iPhone backend and front end to go along with missing duplicate events above. I will try to make a full list for desktop issues in the next few days and post them all at once with screenshots which will hopefully help your developers have an easier work flow correcting errors.



  • Support Staff

April 18, 2023 at 10:18 am

Hey @Tony since when do u place people’s usernames on a public forum? Trying to make it easier for hackers or something? Delete my username from your post above. You can use the profile name but don’t post usernames.

Ok, let me stop here a second because you’re throwing wild accusations out of literally nowhere. Me using your user tag and/or name has nothing at all with making it easier for hackers. Both of those are already public here and always have been otherwise I wouldn’t use them.

Your display name is set to Jarred, you chose that within your account.

Your site username is public, it was never intended to be private, just like mine isn’t. Literally, anyone (including you) can click on any user’s display name or Gravatar and be taken to that user’s page… its nothing secret.

Here’s mine:

Here’s yours:

WordPress’s usernames were never intended to be private, there’s a whole bunch of craziness you’ll find about it online but either way, they have always been public.

How else do you want me to separate my replies so you know which reply is to what in a combined forum thread?

I’ll skip to your second thread for a second to keep this in a single reply.

Hopefully these last two posts will be more helpful. Forgive my anger and frustration but when something we have used for many years now all of a sudden makes our job harder that is not a good thing. Like many of the posts on the forum lately having issues with the new UI, us as small business owners have limited time as it is and the UI not being checked by your developers before pushing the update is causing all these headaches. So none of it is personal , only frustration because these are all new issues we have to overcome really for no reason.

Personal or not, frustrated or not, please remember you are speaking with another human here.

I’m answering your questions and trying to work through your frustrations with you to help remove some of those if I can. I fully understand you are frustrated but I’m the one trying to help you here and throwing out wild accusations doesn’t achieve anything at all.

Now… onto your issues.


  • Support Staff

April 18, 2023 at 10:30 am

I’m on mobile right now so can show you the other issues when I get to office. But for now as you can see their is no “duplicate post” link.

Before the update we could duplicate events now we can’t why?

That’s from the Permalink Manager Lite plugin removing it, as soon as I install that plugin I no longer see the duplicate button.

Digging into the code of plugin shows that it strips out everything on the get_sample_permalink_html hook (which is the same hook we use to add the button) leaving nothing but a Permalink: string:

Their code:

It’s literally removing everything using a filter after we’ve added it.

To answer your question of why it worked in 4.10.XX and not in 5.X, the priority of our hook changed from 10 to 8, meaning in EE5 it runs earlier. This was done to allow other plugins to hook in and be able to change it but it’s not really expected for another plugin to come in and just remove everything regardless.

I’ll check with our developers on this but in the meantime you can exclude EE events from the permalink manager to show the duplicate button again. They have a setting for that in Dashboard -> Tools -> Permalink Manager.

In settings, you’ll find ‘Exclude content types’ select Events and save.

That will remove the Permalink Manager from EE events and the duplicate button should show up again.


  • Support Staff

April 18, 2023 at 10:39 am

The event text editor does not wrap. If I switch from visual to text all the html shows up on the top line in one line/

We’ve had a couple of reports of this and it depends on the browser in use.

We have an open ticket to investigate this further.

The calendar pop up for changing ticket date overflows. There is only a back button visible and not a forward button so u can’t make the date anything in future .

The ticket “table view “ is all scrunched together on iPhone 14promax max .

Thank you, I’ve created a ticket to investigate both of those.

Text doesn’t wrap on excerpt editor. It’s all one line.

Hmm that one isn’t happening on my sites but will investigate.


  • Support Staff

April 18, 2023 at 10:39 am

Approved registrations, click arrow for drop-down to show details of that registration. And the date gets scrunched together. Instead of one row fitting across cleanly.

Which location is this on, please?


April 18, 2023 at 3:54 pm

I contacted permalink manager pro plugin developer and they sent me an updated plugin so the duplicate button is showing again.

Thanks and I will keep track of the other items. Thanks


April 18, 2023 at 6:53 pm

@Tony I’m now using Chrome Version 112.0.5615.138 — because when I went to “about Chrome” it automatically started updating. Now I am seeing something similar to your screenshot, which I can work with. Thanks.


  • Support Staff

April 21, 2023 at 10:34 am

Great, let us know if you have any other feedback.

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