
Home Forums Multiple Event Registration Add-on Adding time to 'Multiple Event Registration Checkout' and limit nr. of regs

Adding time to 'Multiple Event Registration Checkout' and limit nr. of regs

Posted: August 29, 2017 at 8:18 am

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August 29, 2017 at 8:18 am

Dear support,

For one of our customers we are developping a project which serves as a registration platform for one big event which is divided into multiple single events, like presentations, workshops and activities. To realise this we’ve been using Event Espresso in combination with different add ons.

To make it easy for the visitor to register for the different events we make use of ‘Multi Event Registration’ add on so multiple registrations can be made at once. The problem is that it’s complicated to develop a system to block registration for events at the same time block (Link to support question that has been asked before). Now we made several pop ups so customers will be informed so they won’t register for different events that start at the same time. To improve the user experience we want to add the following:

– Add the event times in the shopping basket from the ‘multi event registration’ add on.
– Limit the number of items in the shopping basket to 10 items as a maximum.

Can this be realised within the add on?

Kind regards,



  • Support Staff

August 29, 2017 at 1:27 pm

Hi Martijn,

What you’re looking to do would need to be custom developed. For example to add times to the cart display, you could work with a PHP developer to build some customized line item display strategies and use those in your own custom template.

A rough outline of the steps involved would be:
1) Set up a custom template for the cart, there’s a specific code example in the documentation:
2) Build out your own custom display strategy that includes the event’s times. The display strategy can be based from the methods in EE_Event_Cart_Line_Item_Display_Strategy.php.
3) Use the new display strategy in your custom template.

There isn’t currently a way to limit the number of events in the cart to 10.

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