
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Accordian / Atos Gateway

Accordian / Atos Gateway

Posted: November 22, 2017 at 4:15 am

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Eveleen Coyle

November 22, 2017 at 4:15 am

Accordian isn’t working on the frontend of the ticketing and isn’t working on my account,and the Atos Gateway seems to have been removed


  • Support Staff

November 22, 2017 at 8:45 am

Hi Eveleen,

May I ask can you post a link to the page on your website that has the broken Accordion so we can investigate further?

It’s true, the ATOS gateway has been removed and is no longer supported. Do you need to use the ATOS gateway to accept payments or can you use one of the supported Event Espresso 3 gateways?

Eveleen Coyle

November 23, 2017 at 6:31 am

When you go to book here, it won’t go through. I do not know if we can use one of the Ev Express 3 gateways, can you not reinstall the Atos Gateway?

  • This reply was modified 7 years, 3 months ago by Tony. Reason: Link fix


  • Support Staff

November 23, 2017 at 7:15 am

Hi there,

The accordion on the page you linked to is not from Event Espresso, it looks like it is from Visual Composer.

Looking at the page source it looks like the issue is caused by the # at the bigging of the URL on the gift voucher link –

That’s breaking the Javascript running on the page –

That’s from the visual composer accordion and will need to be fixed by them, if the # is something you are adding yourself you can edit the accordion and remove that which should fix the problem, if not you’ll need to contact either your theme’s support or visual composer support to have them investigate.

ATOS was removed from EE3 for a few reasons, one of which is the size of the gateway, its much larger than any of the other payment methods in EE3 which caused problems on some hosting providers.

If ATOS is required for your events you can download it from here:

Eveleen Coyle

November 23, 2017 at 8:21 am

Thank you for getting back Josh. I don’t understand how adding vouchers can make that much difference, particularly when we removed another event (Coffee days) – does that make sense?


  • Support Staff

November 23, 2017 at 9:17 am

The accordion works using JavaScript, with the way JavaScript (JS) works if there are any JS errors on the page then no other code runs.

Whenever you click on any of those links, the same error is thrown on the page –

If you look at the links for the accordion they all look similar to this –

But the link for the Gift vouchers looks like this –

So something about the link used there is breaking the JavaScript and that’s likely the problem with that page.

As mentioned its not from Event Espresso, it’s from the Visual Composer accordion module so I don’t know how that’s added to the page (I don’t use Visual Composer) if you have manually added that link then you need to remove it but you would be best asking the support for that plugin on how you should set it up.

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