
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium A way for events to show tickets sold instead of ticket available

A way for events to show tickets sold instead of ticket available

Posted: February 16, 2014 at 8:58 am

Sebastien Matte

February 16, 2014 at 8:58 am

Hello, I am wondering if I can set up the event templates so that it shows the number of tickets sold instead of number of tikets available. In the templates it should be easy to change, I guess the function looks something like ‘ X minus n sold’ ? Of course I need to finish putting the site public asap πŸ˜‰

I need that beause I’ve set up the site so that people can register and cancel their own event ( user integration plugin). I have limited spaces to these alternative concert events, and they are quite popular. My problem with the waiting list feature is that when the booking is full and someone cancel it opens a spot to register but a newcomer to the website can bypass the people on the waiting list and register first. So to go around this process I would say to people that there is exempel 35 places available, and that there is ‘unlimited’ tickets available but that they could see the amount of tickets sold in real time, and then that hey could see if they will get on the waiting list or not, subject to confirmation of course.

Do you see an easy way to implement that ?

website is, right now I am in the process of establishing functionalities so should be pretty straightfoward for you to look around.

Thanks πŸ™‚


February 17, 2014 at 1:10 am


You could use the ATTENDEE_NUMBERS shortcode –

For example, this shortcode will show the number of paid attendees for the event with an ID of 1

[ATTENDEE_NUMBERS event_id=1 type=num_completed]

Sebastien Matte

February 18, 2014 at 10:51 am

Thank you, I managed to create something cute with some styling shortcodes so that attendees could see how many tickets are already sold.

Have a nice day πŸ™‚

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