EE3 Attendee Batch Import Add-on

The Attendee Batch Import add-on is only available as a Pre-release download.
Event Espresso 3.1.27 or newer is required.

The importing add-ons can be beneficial for organizations that have a list of members or attendees from another database. These organizations can use this importer to register attendees directly into events instead of having attendees register themselves or adding the attendees manually to the event one-by-one.

Import your attendees from a comma separated file (CSV) directly into the the database. For those of you who have a lot of attendees, particularly attendees that are similar in setup, this will save you time.

Please use the attendees.csv as a guide for importing the data and assigning answers to the custom questions. Importing attendees with custom questions and answers can be tricky, so it’s imperative that you get the .csv file setup correctly. For now it creates a new menu item called “Attendee Import” under “Payment Settings” in the Event Espresso admin.

To use the “Answers” column, please use this format:

question id | answer || question id | answer || question id | answer

The example above uses two pipes ( || ) to separate the question id/answer combination.


    • One-click updates are not available for this download at this time.
    • Please report any errors, bugs or corrections in the Pre-release Forum

The Attendee Batch Import add-on is only available as a Pre-release download.

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