I need to setup a workshop registration and would like advice on how to do this and what addons may be needed to accomplish it. I need to:
Have one date with two time slots. Each time slot a registrant can choose from a selection of workshops. They can only choose one (it’s fine if I can’t do this, I can’t on our current system either). The important thing is that they are offered the two time slots and are allowed to choose the workshop for each time slot that they want for the day. I was thinking that I could do this with tickets but I can’t see how to separate the two time slots (a separate event for each time slot? but then how do I require registration for both time slots–events–at once?). Thank you 🙂
Ok actually I do need some help with this, I would like to check in the cart popup whether they have registered for two events and only give them the option to continue shopping if they haven’t, or to check out if they have (RE: multiple event addon). I was thinking of just hiding the appropriate button in the appropriate case. What would I need to query in order to do this, and in what part of the process? Thank you!!!
I think in order to add those extra checks to the cart, a PHP developer would need to build an add-on to your specifications.
The other angle that you could take is set up one event with two tickets, and make both tickets required (you’ll see a checkbox for making a ticket required after you click on the ticket’s advanced options button). Then you can capture the workshop choices from the registration form by adding two radio button questions that have all the workshop choices for the two different time slots.
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