
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Updated EE, Street address and postal code do not match

Updated EE, Street address and postal code do not match

Posted: July 13, 2015 at 4:42 pm

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July 13, 2015 at 4:42 pm

I’ve recently updated to 4.7.8.p and am having a problem with credit card errors from Mijireh. nearly half of my transactions are now giving me the following: Order failed: Street address and postal code do not match
Order reason code: 27

Our clients pay with corporate credit cards so the address they enter on the registration form isn’t going to match the billing address of the card they are using to pay with. Before updating EventsEspresso they’re used to be a checkbox on the slurped checkout page that said “billing address same as shipping” If you unchecked the box you were able to put in the credit card billing address. Since the update this is no longer the case.

So is EventEspresso feeding the shipping address to Mijireh and Mijireh views the submitted address object as the Billing address, not the shipping address, and likely hides the “billing address same as shipping” as it assumes that it is correct??

Unfortunately, I have not been able to find any settings to either specify a billing address through either EventEspresso or Mijireh.


  • Support Staff

July 14, 2015 at 4:51 am

So is EventEspresso feeding the shipping address to Mijireh and Mijireh views the submitted address object as the Billing address, not the shipping address, and likely hides the “billing address same as shipping” as it assumes that it is correct??

If Event Espresso passes address details to Mijireh, Mijireh will uses those details without asking for others and doesn’t give the option to change those for checkout.

This is done by Mijireh themselves, not EE.

Do you know which version of Event Espresso you updated from? I do not believe we have made any changes to the Mijireh gateway recently so this may be a change within the Mijireh API. I’ve created a ticket for some feedback from out developers to confirm.


  • Support Staff

July 14, 2015 at 5:08 am

Also to note, within the gateway that you are using within Mijireh you may be able to temporarily disable AVS (Address Verification Services) or at least set the gateway to allow certain AVS failures to continue which should allow your transaction to process.

This isn’t recommended as a permanent fix but should allow your payments to work.


If you remove the Address info question group from your event, Mijireh will request the Billing Address info when the user is directed there.

  • This reply was modified 9 years, 8 months ago by Tony. Reason: Additional info


  • Support Staff

July 16, 2015 at 6:01 am

Hi David,

Just a quick update on this.

In the next version of Event Espresso we send the Address info collected within Event Espresso over to Mijireh as the ‘Shipping Address’ only, (this is the address stored within the Mijireh ‘order’) and Mijireh will then display the ‘billing address same as shipping’ checkbox for all payments.

This allows the address info from Event Espresso to pre-fill Mijireh but also gives the option to use a separate billing address for the card payment.

This will be included within EE4.7.9.p onwards.


  • Support Staff

July 20, 2015 at 5:28 am

4.7.9.p has been released and includes a fix for this.

The Mijireh gateway should now always display the ‘billing address same as shipping’ checkbox when providing payment details.

Just let me know if you have any further problems.

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