
Home Forums Recurring Events Manager Add-on Undefined variable date_month while setting up recurring events by day of week

Undefined variable date_month while setting up recurring events by day of week

Posted: February 20, 2015 at 4:33 pm

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February 20, 2015 at 4:33 pm


I get an error when I do the following:

1.) Add New Event,
2.) Scroll down to “is this a recurring event? and say “yes”
3.) “Create dates automatically”
4.) Registration Starts on: 2015-03-04, Ends on 2015-03-10
5.) No (each event’s registration start and end dates will be incremented according to a formula)
6.) First Event Date: 2015-03-11, First Event End Date: 2015-03-11
7.) Last Event Date: 2017-02-08
8.) Event repeats monthly, every 1 month, by day of week

Above “Projected recurrences of this event,” I see:

“Notice: Undefined variable date_month in /usr/share/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/espresso-recurring/functions/re_functions.php on line 600”

and the projected dates are all the first Wednesday of the month instead of the second.

The error goes away if I pick “by day of month” and the dates become correct.

The work-around is to pick dates for each event manually, but I have 20 different events monthly from now until forever…

I’m using:

WordPress Version 4.1.1
EE3 – Recurring Events 1.1.8.p
EE3 – Members
New installation, testing out in local/staging environments.


  • Support Staff

February 23, 2015 at 8:33 am

Hi Doug,

I can advise using the Recurring events add-on version along with the core Event Espresso 3 version that’s currently in the pre-release channel.

You can download these from your account page *after* you click the box on your account page to opt in to the pre-release channel.

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