
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Unable to generate CSV files in EE 4.9.6

Unable to generate CSV files in EE 4.9.6

Posted: July 3, 2018 at 9:23 am

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Joseph Dell

July 3, 2018 at 9:23 am

Hi all,

Every time we try to generate the csv files we are stuck on this page with no downloads: Can some one help us with this / thank you.

Generating file Unknown…

NaN% (0/0)

The file will download automatically when done, and then you will be redirected.

An exception of type EventEspressoBatchRequest\Helpers\BatchRequestException occurred while running BatchRunner::create_job(). Its message was Could not create temporary file for job ssFtY8Vn2t3zBqe, because: “/redacted/wp-content/uploads/espresso/batch_temp_folder/ssFtY8Vn2t3zBqe/” could not be created.Please ensure that the server and/or PHP configuration allows the current process to access the following file: “/redacted/wp-content/uploads/espresso/batch_temp_folder/ssFtY8Vn2t3zBqe/”. and had trace #0 redacted

  • This topic was modified 6 years, 7 months ago by Josh. Reason: removed server directory paths and other non-essential information


  • Support Staff

July 3, 2018 at 10:04 am

Hi Joseph,

The error message you saw is saying that Event Espresso can’t write to the /uploads folder on your server. This is usually caused by not having the correct file/folder permissions. You can contact your host and ask them to verify the permissions on your server and let them know that WordPress needs to be able to write to the /uploads directory. You can even send them the full error message.
If the host isn’t able to correct the file permissions, the other solution is you add this line of code to your wp-config.php file before where it says to stop editing:
define( 'EE_USE_OLD_CSV_REPORT_CLASS', true );

Joseph Dell

July 12, 2018 at 7:14 am

Thank you for your response Josh. We were able to resolve the issue with csv file download but in this process our layout has changed from how we had initially set it up. It was set up such that we had calendar to the left side and other links and screencasts etc to the left . Now the calendar takes up the entire front page and the rest are below it. I have tried playing around with the widgets to see if that helps but i am not sure exactly where to find these settings to change it back to previous. Do you have any insight on this ? We really appreciate your help. Thank you.


  • Support Staff

July 12, 2018 at 7:41 am

Hi Joseph,

I can’t think of a way how changing to the other CSV class would change the layout of the website. May I ask were there any other changes made to the site?

If you remove:
define( 'EE_USE_OLD_CSV_REPORT_CLASS', true );
from the wp-config.php file does the layout issue resolve?

Joseph Dell

July 12, 2018 at 12:58 pm

YES, When we were trying to get csv files to work i believe we deactivated all plugins and tried to troubleshoot to see if any plugins were causing issues. when we tried to activate them back – the layout got messed up. I added a short code for the calendar on the main page and was able to put that up but i am still unable to figure out how to get the remaining layout like before ( the original layout was built by someone before me hence the confusion on where to start looking ) any help is much apprecited , thank you.


  • Support Staff

July 12, 2018 at 1:04 pm

You could try deactivating those other plugins, one-by-one, until the layout is correct again.

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