
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Trying to make a 'Payment Pending' transaction count to the total seats.

Trying to make a 'Payment Pending' transaction count to the total seats.

Posted: October 4, 2016 at 12:55 pm

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October 4, 2016 at 12:55 pm


We are in the process of updating website and updating from EE3 to EE4. We have been using EE3 for five years and its been great and I’m excited to use EE4 to its fullest potential. You guys do an awesome job. (I read many topics looking for answers before posting and I apologize if this is somewhat of a repeat)

But I am in the testing phase right now. What i’m trying to accomplish is to have two payment options, AIM and an Offline (invoice type) option. I know that if I set classes registration status to the ‘Pending Payments’ option that the AIM payments will be approved and seat taken. The offline option will be set as pending payment but the seat will not be held unless we mark off as paid or approved or person makes payment.

The other option is to set registration status to “Approved” option were both AIM and Offline payments will count to the overall seat count.

I don’t know if its possible to modify flexible payment plugin or create a new payment gateway for the Offline option to count towards the total seat count without setting registration status to Approved.

The reason is we use EE to register law enforcement officers for paid specialized classes. 90% invoice the department. Unfortunately we are unable to utilize your built in invoice that is created. My coworker has to create one separately and send off to each department. Currently, using EE3, after she sends out a batch of invoices she has to go in to each person to mark off . I know the same would apply if we wanted to mark each officer as paid by invoice but we could skip that step if we could use the bulk action of approved to represent invoice sent. Unless there is going to be an additional bulk option in future releases to mark off as paid by option – which would be great by the way 🙂

If you have any suggestions, even with work flow, it would be greatly appreciated.

I thought I found a solution in this post were the person seemed to have a similar situation and asked: Once people have a ‘payment pending’ status I am happy for them to be removed from the total sales available

Thank you,

Lorenzo Orlando Caum

  • Support Staff

October 6, 2016 at 8:57 am

Hi Erik,

A status of registration approved counts against any limits that are setup.

In Event Espresso 4 there is an option to mark off attendees in a batch like this:

You could do that to “hold” spots for your guests while the payments are in progress.

Then once the payments are received, they can be credited to the individual registrants for each attendee/registrant through Event Espresso –> Transactions.



October 6, 2016 at 11:02 am

Thanks Lorenzo for your reply.

The hope was to use that bulk approved option you posted to use as our own indicator that invoices were sent out to the departments. I know its not the normal request because people don’t won’t unpaid seats to take up the total available seat count for the people that are going to pay. Our fear is overbooking if we don’t set registration default status as approved.

Our events are only available to Law Enforcement and invoice is the primary method. So the wish list would be to modify flexible payment plugin or modified a payment gateway to be setup as a type of Invoice and count towards the total available seats but still list as not approved / pending payment in the backend. Then after we create the invoices and send them out we can use the bulk action to set as approved to indicate invoices were sent.

The other hope is in future releases there maybe an option to have a bulk action to set to a specific payment type.

If no workaround is available now, that is fine. It looks like we will have to set default registration as Approved and apply the payment type individually to all of the people with a payment incomplete status.

The only thing that gave me some hope was what Tony Warlock provided this in this part of this post:

Thanks you,


  • Support Staff

October 6, 2016 at 12:03 pm

Hi Erik,

In short there is no easy work around for what your trying to do.

You basically need another status, for example ‘Pending Approved’ which would be a status that that would be taken into consideration when working out the registration values, but would show you the registrations that took the space but had not paid.

You can do that already using the Registration status combined with the transactions status (an Approved registration with no payment will have a transaction status of Incomplete) but again its not what you are requesting.

Our fear is overbooking if we don’t set registration default status as approved.

Currently the only way to prevent that is using the Default Registration Status (DRS) of Approved.

So the wish list would be to modify flexible payment plugin or modified a payment gateway to be setup as a type of Invoice and count towards the total available seats but still list as not approved / pending payment in the backend.

Whilst it would be possible to create a payment method that modified the registration values, leaving the registration status as is (Pending Payment) this has a further effect within EE. What happens when a Pending Payment registration that has already taken a spot in the event, is changed to Approved, normal EE behavior would be to increment the registration values…. now you have a double booking on that single registration.

It goes further than this but already it’s apparent that this takes much more than just incrementing the values within the payment method for this to work as expected.

I’m not saying its not doable and is something we have considered, but just pointing out that there is a fair amount more to get what you’re requesting that a modified payment method 🙂

The other hope is in future releases there maybe an option to have a bulk action to set to a specific payment type.

With how EE works, I’m not sure how that would work?

You mean so that you can select all of the registrations that paid by Invoice (the custom one you are looking for) and setting that in bulk?

The only thing that gave me some hope was what Tony Warlock provided this in this part of this post:

I think there’s some confusion here as that code just pulls in registrations with a status of Approved and Pending Payment, adds those together and subtracts that from the total amount of tickets, displaying the remaining value.

Nick was basically creating a custom frontend display that would show something like:

‘This event has 8 tickets remaining’

The script that did that took Pending Payment registrations into consideration, but works very differently from what I think you are requesting.


October 6, 2016 at 2:28 pm

Thank you Tony for your detailed and quick response, its very much appreciated!

I apologize, i am probably making this much more confusing then it needs to be. This is mainly do to the fact we are a bit of a niche company dealing with Police agencies.

Your explanations makes perfect sense.

With how EE works, I’m not sure how that would work?
You mean so that you can select all of the registrations that paid by Invoice (the custom one you are looking for) and setting that in bulk?

Yes or some other bulk indicator.
For example: We have an event with 160 attendees. We have two payment options; Online (AIM) & Offline (Invoice). We have the default registration to “Approved”. 40 of them pay by CC (AIM) and 120 (Invoice my Department). It would be great to have another bulk option available to check off the 120 as Invoice sent, Paid, Completed or something.

The reason is our admin coordinator uses another method for bookkeeping and invoices sent to the departments have to be specific. So if one of the officers can’t go or payment is pending she handles that outside of EE.

For the current example the only way to check off the 120 as invoice sent is pretty much the same method as EE3. Click each person individually and apply payment.

Even if there was a way to add another bulk option that didn’t make any changes to the actual registrations but could add another color to indicate invoice was sent would be awesome?

We were able to use EE3 for the past 5 years and its been great, if there no current workaround we can do it individually. The only other thing I am trying to iron out in the testing process, that I currently have in another post, is work around since volume pricing for EE4 is not currently available.

Thanks again for your help.


  • Support Staff

October 17, 2016 at 7:58 am

I’m sorry for the delay in getting back to you.

Even if there was a way to add another bulk option that didn’t make any changes to the actual registrations but could add another color to indicate invoice was sent would be awesome?

In a nutshell you need custom development to add some additional features for your use case.

The status strips are colored based on the status of the registration, to add another strip you need another status (which puts you back in the situation above) needing custom development.

There’s no work around that I can think of with EE4’s currently functionality so as it stands you would need to edit each one individually. The only way to change the transaction status to show the invoice has been paid (or anything else really) is to apply a payment to the transaction, which changes the status of the invoice to complete.

You could try contacting one of the developers listed here:

To see if they could add the functionality you need.

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