
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Trying to get property of non-object error: metabox issue with multiple plugins

Trying to get property of non-object error: metabox issue with multiple plugins

Posted: August 11, 2017 at 7:00 am

Viewing 12 reply threads


August 11, 2017 at 7:00 am

I am seeing multiple errors on various EE pages related to various different plugins I have installed and their metaboxes.

Here are a couple of examples:

Trying to get property of non-object in /home/torontot/public_html/beta/wp-content/plugins/envira-albums/includes/admin/metaboxes.php on line 324

Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in /home/torontot/public_html/beta/wp-content/plugins/revslider/includes/framework/base-admin.class.php on line 132

When I look at those lines giving an error they are trying to get the $post->ID. Of course, this page is not a post or a page.

How do I fix these and remove these errors?



  • Support Staff

August 11, 2017 at 7:20 am

Hi there,

Without seeing the code we don’t know what is happening.

$post->ID is valid if $post is a post object (not just posts with a post_type of post/page) so it depends on what the code is doing before that.

Can you send me a copy of one of the plugins so I can see what is happening?


August 11, 2017 at 7:32 am

* @author ThemePunch <>
* @link
* @copyright 2015 ThemePunch

if( !defined( ‘ABSPATH’) ) exit();

class RevSliderBaseAdmin extends RevSliderBase {

protected static $master_view;
protected static $view;

private static $arrSettings = array();
private static $arrMenuPages = array();
private static $arrSubMenuPages = array();
private static $tempVars = array();
private static $startupError = ”;
private static $menuRole = ‘admin’;
private static $arrMetaBoxes = ”; //option boxes that will be added to post

private static $allowed_views = array(‘master-view’, ‘system/validation’, ‘system/dialog-video’, ‘system/dialog-update’, ‘system/dialog-global-settings’, ‘sliders’, ‘slider’, ‘slider_template’, ‘slides’, ‘slide’, ‘navigation-editor’, ‘slide-editor’, ‘slide-overview’, ‘slide-editor’, ‘slider-overview’, ‘themepunch-google-fonts’);

* main constructor
public function __construct($t){


//set view
self::$view = self::getGetVar(“view”);
self::$view = ‘sliders’;

//add internal hook for adding a menu in arrMenus
add_action(‘admin_menu’, array(‘RevSliderBaseAdmin’, ‘addAdminMenu’));
add_action(‘add_meta_boxes’, array(‘RevSliderBaseAdmin’, ‘onAddMetaboxes’));
add_action(‘save_post’, array(‘RevSliderBaseAdmin’, ‘onSavePost’));

//if not inside plugin don’t continue
if($this->isInsidePlugin() == true){
add_action(‘admin_enqueue_scripts’, array(‘RevSliderBaseAdmin’, ‘addCommonScripts’));
add_action(‘admin_enqueue_scripts’, array(‘RevSliderAdmin’, ‘onAddScripts’));
add_action(‘admin_enqueue_scripts’, array(‘RevSliderBaseAdmin’, ‘addGlobalScripts’));

//a must event for any admin. call onActivate function.

self::addActionAjax(‘show_image’, ‘onShowImage’);

* add some meta box
* return metabox handle
public static function addMetaBox($title,$content = null, $customDrawFunction = null,$location=”post”){

$box = array();
$box[‘title’] = $title;
$box[‘location’] = $location;
$box[‘content’] = $content;
$box[‘draw_function’] = $customDrawFunction;

self::$arrMetaBoxes[] = $box;

* on add metaboxes
public static function onAddMetaboxes(){

foreach(self::$arrMetaBoxes as $index=>$box){

$title = $box[‘title’];
$location = $box[‘location’];

$boxID = ‘mymetabox_revslider_’.$index;
$function = array(self::$t, “onAddMetaBoxContent”);

foreach($location as $loc)

* on save post meta. Update metaboxes data from post, add it to the post meta
public static function onSavePost(){

//protection against autosave
$postID = RevSliderFunctions::getPostVariable(“ID”);
return $postID;

$postID = RevSliderFunctions::getPostVariable(“ID”);

foreach(self::$arrMetaBoxes as $box){

$arrSettingNames = array(‘slide_template’);
foreach($arrSettingNames as $name){
$value = RevSliderFunctions::getPostVariable($name);
update_post_meta( $postID, $name, $value );
} //end foreach settings

} //end foreach meta


* on add metabox content
public static function onAddMetaBoxContent($post,$boxData){

$postID = $post->ID;

$boxID = RevSliderFunctions::getVal($boxData, “id”);
$index = str_replace(‘mymetabox_revslider_’,””,$boxID);

$arrMetabox = self::$arrMetaBoxes[$index];

//draw element
$drawFunction = RevSliderFunctions::getVal($arrMetabox, “draw_function”);


* set the menu role – for viewing menus
public static function setMenuRole($menuRole){
self::$menuRole = $menuRole;

* get the menu role – for viewing menus
public static function getMenuRole(){
return self::$menuRole;

* set startup error to be shown in master view
public static function setStartupError($errorMessage){
self::$startupError = $errorMessage;

* tells if the the current plugin opened is this plugin or not
* in the admin side.
private function isInsidePlugin(){
$page = self::getGetVar(“page”);

if($page == ‘revslider’ || $page == ‘themepunch-google-fonts’ || $page == ‘revslider_navigation’)

* add global used scripts
* @since: 5.1.1
public static function addGlobalScripts(){
wp_enqueue_script(array(‘jquery’, ‘jquery-ui-core’, ‘jquery-ui-sortable’, ‘wpdialogs’));
wp_enqueue_style(array(‘wp-jquery-ui’, ‘wp-jquery-ui-dialog’, ‘wp-jquery-ui-core’));

* add common used scripts
public static function addCommonScripts(){


wp_enqueue_script(array(‘jquery’, ‘jquery-ui-core’, ‘jquery-ui-mouse’, ‘jquery-ui-accordion’, ‘jquery-ui-datepicker’, ‘jquery-ui-dialog’, ‘jquery-ui-slider’, ‘jquery-ui-autocomplete’, ‘jquery-ui-sortable’, ‘jquery-ui-droppable’, ‘jquery-ui-tabs’, ‘jquery-ui-widget’, ‘wp-color-picker’));

wp_enqueue_style(array(‘wp-jquery-ui’, ‘wp-jquery-ui-core’, ‘wp-jquery-ui-dialog’, ‘wp-color-picker’));

wp_enqueue_script(‘unite_settings’, RS_PLUGIN_URL .’admin/assets/js/settings.js’, array(), RevSliderGlobals::SLIDER_REVISION );
wp_enqueue_script(‘unite_admin’, RS_PLUGIN_URL .’admin/assets/js/admin.js’, array(), RevSliderGlobals::SLIDER_REVISION );

wp_enqueue_style(‘unite_admin’, RS_PLUGIN_URL .’admin/assets/css/admin.css’, array(), RevSliderGlobals::SLIDER_REVISION);

//add tipsy
wp_enqueue_script(‘tipsy’, RS_PLUGIN_URL .’admin/assets/js/jquery.tipsy.js’, array(), RevSliderGlobals::SLIDER_REVISION );
wp_enqueue_style(‘tipsy’, RS_PLUGIN_URL .’admin/assets/css/tipsy.css’, array(), RevSliderGlobals::SLIDER_REVISION);

//include codemirror
wp_enqueue_script(‘codemirror_js’, RS_PLUGIN_URL .’admin/assets/js/codemirror/codemirror.js’, array(), RevSliderGlobals::SLIDER_REVISION );
wp_enqueue_script(‘codemirror_js_highlight’, RS_PLUGIN_URL .’admin/assets/js/codemirror/util/match-highlighter.js’, array(), RevSliderGlobals::SLIDER_REVISION );
wp_enqueue_script(‘codemirror_js_searchcursor’, RS_PLUGIN_URL .’admin/assets/js/codemirror/util/searchcursor.js’, array(), RevSliderGlobals::SLIDER_REVISION );
wp_enqueue_script(‘codemirror_js_css’, RS_PLUGIN_URL .’admin/assets/js/codemirror/css.js’, array(), RevSliderGlobals::SLIDER_REVISION );
wp_enqueue_script(‘codemirror_js_html’, RS_PLUGIN_URL .’admin/assets/js/codemirror/xml.js’, array(), RevSliderGlobals::SLIDER_REVISION );
wp_enqueue_style(‘codemirror_css’, RS_PLUGIN_URL .’admin/assets/js/codemirror/codemirror.css’, array(), RevSliderGlobals::SLIDER_REVISION);


* admin pages parent, includes all the admin files by default
public static function adminPages(){

* validate permission that the user is admin, and can manage options.
protected static function isAdminPermissions(){

if( is_admin() && current_user_can(“manage_options”) )


* validate admin permissions, if no pemissions – exit
protected static function validateAdminPermissions(){
echo “access denied”;

* set view that will be the master
protected static function setMasterView($masterView){
self::$master_view = $masterView;

* inlcude some view file
protected static function requireView($view){
//require master view file, and
if(!empty(self::$master_view) && !isset(self::$tempVars[“is_masterView”]) ){
$masterViewFilepath = self::$path_views.self::$master_view.”.php”;
RevSliderFunctions::validateFilepath($masterViewFilepath,”Master View”);

self::$tempVars[“is_masterView”] = true;
require $masterViewFilepath;
}else{ //simple require the view file.
if(!in_array($view, self::$allowed_views)) UniteFunctionsRev::throwError(__(‘Wrong Request’, ‘revslider’));

switch($view){ //switch URLs to corresponding php files
case ‘slide’:
$view = ‘slide-editor’;
case ‘slider’:
$view = ‘slider-editor’;
case ‘sliders’:
$view = ‘slider-overview’;
case ‘slides’:
$view = ‘slide-overview’;

$viewFilepath = self::$path_views.$view.”.php”;

require $viewFilepath;

}catch (Exception $e){
echo “<br><br>View (“.esc_attr($view).”) Error: <b>”.esc_attr($e->getMessage()).”</b>”;

* require some template from “templates” folder
protected static function getPathTemplate($templateName){
$pathTemplate = self::$path_templates.$templateName.’.php’;


* add all js and css needed for media upload
protected static function addMediaUploadIncludes(){



* add admin menus from the list.
public static function addAdminMenu(){
global $revslider_screens;

$role = “manage_options”;

case ‘author’:
$role = “edit_published_posts”;
case ‘editor’:
$role = “edit_pages”;
case ‘admin’:
$role = “manage_options”;

foreach(self::$arrMenuPages as $menu){
$title = $menu[“title”];
$pageFunctionName = $menu[“pageFunction”];
$revslider_screens[] = add_menu_page( $title, $title, $role, ‘revslider’, array(self::$t, $pageFunctionName), ‘dashicons-update’ );

foreach(self::$arrSubMenuPages as $menu){
$title = $menu[“title”];
$pageFunctionName = $menu[“pageFunction”];
$pageSlug = $menu[“pageSlug”];
$revslider_screens[] = add_submenu_page( ‘revslider’, $title, $title, $role, $pageSlug, array(self::$t, $pageFunctionName) );


* add menu page
protected static function addMenuPage($title,$pageFunctionName){

self::$arrMenuPages[] = array(“title”=>$title,”pageFunction”=>$pageFunctionName);


* add menu page
protected static function addSubMenuPage($title,$pageFunctionName,$pageSlug){

self::$arrSubMenuPages[] = array(“title”=>$title,”pageFunction”=>$pageFunctionName,”pageSlug”=>$pageSlug);


* get url to some view.
public static function getViewUrl($viewName,$urlParams=””){
$params = “&view=”.$viewName;
$params .= “&”.$urlParams;

$link = admin_url( ‘admin.php?page=revslider’.$params);

* register the “onActivate” event
protected function addEvent_onActivate($eventFunc = “onActivate”){
register_activation_hook( RS_PLUGIN_FILE_PATH, array(self::$t, $eventFunc) );

protected function addAction_onActivate(){
register_activation_hook( RS_PLUGIN_FILE_PATH, array(self::$t, ‘onActivateHook’) );

public static function onActivateHook(){

$options = array();

$options = apply_filters(‘revslider_mod_activation_option’, $options);

$operations = new RevSliderOperations();


* store settings in the object
protected static function storeSettings($key,$settings){
self::$arrSettings[$key] = $settings;

* get settings object
protected static function getSettings($key){
RevSliderFunctions::throwError(“Settings $key not found”);
$settings = self::$arrSettings[$key];

* add ajax back end callback, on some action to some function.
protected static function addActionAjax($ajaxAction,$eventFunction){
add_action(‘wp_ajax_revslider_’.$ajaxAction, array(‘RevSliderAdmin’, $eventFunction));

* echo json ajax response
private static function ajaxResponse($success,$message,$arrData = null){

$response = array();
$response[“success”] = $success;
$response[“message”] = $message;


if(gettype($arrData) == “string”)
$arrData = array(“data”=>$arrData);

$response = array_merge($response,$arrData);

$json = json_encode($response);

echo $json;

* echo json ajax response, without message, only data
protected static function ajaxResponseData($arrData){
if(gettype($arrData) == “string”)
$arrData = array(“data”=>$arrData);


* echo json ajax response
protected static function ajaxResponseError($message,$arrData = null){


* echo ajax success response
protected static function ajaxResponseSuccess($message,$arrData = null){



* echo ajax success response
protected static function ajaxResponseSuccessRedirect($message,$url){
$arrData = array(“is_redirect”=>true,”redirect_url”=>$url);



* old classname extends new one (old classnames will be obsolete soon)
* @since: 5.0
class UniteBaseAdminClassRev extends RevSliderBaseAdmin {}


August 11, 2017 at 7:33 am

Problem is on line 132, where it tries to create the metabox.


August 11, 2017 at 7:35 am

But EE seems to have a problem with metabox creation with multiple plugins. That is why I think it has something to do with EE, and not the plugins itself.


  • Support Staff

August 11, 2017 at 7:42 am

The forums really aren’t great for posting large sections of code, we recommend creating a pastebin or gist when posting code.

Having said that, the above doesn’t really help as I can see what the code is trying to do, but not what is actually happening. I have an older version of revslider that is working on EE pages without any problems.

Can you send me a copy of the plugin so I can take a look?


  • Support Staff

August 11, 2017 at 7:49 am

It’s also possible that one of the plugins you’re using is actually causing the problem and then any other plugin that loads after that is throwing a notice.

You can rule that out by disabling all non EE plugins and activating either one of the above plugins referenced, do they work with just EE and that specific plugin activated?


August 11, 2017 at 8:30 am

ok – how do I provide you the plugin? Through github? How would I make it private for only you?


  • Support Staff

August 11, 2017 at 11:17 am

I’m not sure why it’d be necessary to make the download private since it’s a GPL licensed plugin. Do you use a file sharing service like Dropbox? If so, you can post a download URL here.

The first thing to check though is if the notices go away with all other plugins deactivated (so only Event Espresso activated and then one of the plugins that add metaboxes activated one at at time).


August 11, 2017 at 2:39 pm

I tried de-activating all plugins but EE4 and revslider and the error was still there.

I uploaded a zip of the version of revslider that I am using here :


  • Support Staff

August 14, 2017 at 3:30 am

I’ve installed that plugin on a test site, edited an EE event and didn’t get any errors/notices.

It looks like something is altering the global $post variable on your site so it’s not passing the WP_Post object to the do_meta_boxes actions. You mentioned you’ve disabled all plugins other then EE and Rev slider and still get the same problem, to confirm, do you really mean ALL plugins?

If you didn’t disable all other plugins you’ll need to make sure your testing with only EE and Rev slider activated, everything else should be disabled.

If it’s not a plugin it could be the theme, so try temporarily switching to a default theme such as twenty seventeen and confirm if the errors are removed then?


  • Support Staff

August 14, 2017 at 9:35 am

When I look at those lines giving an error they are trying to get the $post->ID. Of course, this page is not a post or a page.

You are correct, and plugins like Revslider do not check to see whether there’s a valid $post->ID included in the request.

To fix this, the plugins need to add a check for a $post object and if no $post object, bail. For example, you can add this to line before 132 on /revslider/includes/framework/base-admin.class.php

if ( ! ( $post instanceof WP_Post ) ) {


  • Support Staff

August 14, 2017 at 9:50 am

I spent some time looking into this and Josh mentioned he was getting errors/notices on various sections outside of EE on his site when using the plugin.

The problem is that rev slider is assuming that meta-boxes will only ever be used on post pages and tries to use the global post object without actually checking a WP_Post object is available. Rev slider depends on a post object so it should check that it actually has one before attempting to use it.

So for example if we go to Event Espresso -> Maintenance you’ll see the error there –

The first question to ask is why would we want the Rev Slider options on that page? (It’s exactly the same issue on that page with any other it is throwing the error on) It’s not a post page, there is no post object to assign the slider to and you will never need to select a slider to display as it will never be displayed.

In short if Rev Slider (or any other plugin) is dependent on a WP_Post object is should be checking if that object is available before trying to use it. The add_meta_boxes hook that the plugin is using passes the current $post_type and $post globals for the page loading the hook. So rev slider should be using those variables within the onAddMetaboxes() function and then returning if neither are actually set (more specifically the $post variable).

If your getting the same error from other plugins it will very likely be the same issue, you’ll need to contact the author of that plugin and have them add a check to confirm they have a WP_Post object before they attempt to add metaboxes and/or try to use it.

Note – I assumed from the above that you were getting the above error on the EE event editor (as it would be expected for it to work there) which is why mentioned the steps above.

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