
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Ticket views for an event

Ticket views for an event

Posted: June 3, 2019 at 8:23 am

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June 3, 2019 at 8:23 am

Is it possible to show different ticket options or views? We have 3 types of people and want to show them different ticket views. Is it possible ?


June 3, 2019 at 9:01 am

We have (3) different types of people that sign up for an event ( vendors, members, non-members ). We want to be able to show each group of members tickets to the event that are only for them. Each ticket has different pricing.

For example:
– Vendor
– Vendor purchase table ticket
– Vendor food

– Member
– General session ticket
– Session 1 Option ticket
– Session 2 Option ticket
– Session 3 Option ticket
– Cocktail party

– Non-member
– General session ticket
– Session 1 Option ticket
– Session 2 Option ticket
– Session 3 Option ticket
– Cocktail party

– Non-Member special member
– General session ticket
– Session 1 Option ticket
– Session 2 Option ticket
– Session 3 Option ticket
– Cocktail party


  • Support Staff

June 3, 2019 at 9:17 am


We received your request for priority support. I’ve logged into the site and I can see there are two events, but the tickets there do not quite match up with what you’ve listed here. Should they?

One thing I’d advise is to split the Vendor tickets into their own event, then you can direct vendors to that page for registration.

With regards to Member and non-member tickets, will you be requiring members to log in to the site in order to get the Member ticket? Or do you want to have a separate page for member registration (it could be the same event, but we can set up a separate page for member tickets only).


June 3, 2019 at 12:52 pm

We are in the configuration part of setting up your app. We are looking for the best method to do the setup. We were confused if we could create separate pages for members and non-members and only show tickets that are specific to each.

How do you only show member tickets ? I didn’t know that I could create a page and only show for example non-member tickets and then create another page and show member tickets. I thought that all tickets showed on the table.


  • Support Staff

June 3, 2019 at 12:57 pm

By default, all tickets do show in the table, but there’s a way to programmatically remove specific tickets and put them on a separate page.

If you can set up the event with member tickets & non-member tickets, then resend the the support token form to include FTP information, Event Espresso support staff can add a custom code snippet that will move all the member tickets to another page on the site.


June 4, 2019 at 11:36 am

Hi Josh,

I have created its own event for Vendors, thank you for your suggestion.

With regards to member and non-member tickets, we will be requiring members to log in to the site in order to get Member tickets. However, we also want a separate page for member registration because of the shear amount of tickets offered for each. Having them all on one page was too confusing.

**** redacted ****

Below is the ticket list for each page.

FAC Annual Conference
1. “Early-Bird” General Registration
2. General Registration
3. Government & State Employee Registration
4. Judge Registration
5. Add-On Session: Adoption 101 with Elizabeth Berkowitz & Angela Quick
6. Add-On Session: Contested/Litigation with Rob Webster & Anthony Marchese
7. Add-On Session: The Adopted Child 0-18yrs of age with Jeff Lecure
8. A La Carte Session: Adoption 101 with Elizabeth Berkowitz & Angela Quick
9. A La Carte Session: Contested/Litigation with Rob Webster & Anthony Marchese
10. A La Carte Session: The Adopted Child 0-18yrs of age with Jeff Lecure
11. Cocktail Party
12. Raffle Tickets (5 Count)
13. USB Pre-loaded with Session Materials
14. Tablet Pre-loaded with Session Materials

MEMBER Tickets:
1. “Early-Bird” Member Registration
2. Member Registration
3. “Early-Bird” Multi-Attendees Registration
4. Multi-Attendees Registration
5. Add-On Session: Adoption 101 with Elizabeth Berkowitz & Angela Quick
6. Add-On Session: Contested/Litigation with Rob Webster & Anthony Marchese
7. Add-On Session: The Adopted Child 0-18yrs of age with Jeff Lecure
8. A La Carte Session: Adoption 101 with Elizabeth Berkowitz & Angela Quick
9. A La Carte Session: Contested/Litigation with Rob Webster & Anthony Marchese
10. A La Carte Session: The Adopted Child 0-18yrs of age with Jeff Lecure
11. Cocktail Party
12. Raffle Tickets (5 Count)
13. USB Pre-loaded with Session Materials
14. Tablet Pre-loaded with Session Materials

Tickets 5-14 are shared so they must appear on both pages.

Please let me know if you need anything else.

Thank you.

  • This reply was modified 5 years, 8 months ago by Josh. Reason: removed FTP log in information


  • Support Staff

June 4, 2019 at 11:58 am


I’ve removed the FTP information you posted here. This is a public forum topic, so please do not post information like that here. Instead, use the support token form. We provide that form to help you help keep your site safe and secure.

With regards to the tickets, your list still doesn’t match up with what’s in the event. So here’s what you’ll need to do before we can set up the separate member ticket page:

1) Set up all the tickets for both members and non-members. Please include the word “Members” in the ticket name if the ticket is for members only. You can edit ticket names later if you want to remove some redundancy in the ticket names.

2) If there’s a ticket that’s shared (same ticket, but displayed on both pages) make a note of that tickets ID and let us know here which ticket ID’s are “shared”.

Once that’s done, we can set up the page that will have the member only + shared tickets, and remove the tickets that are for members only so they’ll no longer appear on the event’s page.


June 4, 2019 at 12:07 pm

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June 4, 2019 at 12:14 pm

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  • Support Staff

June 4, 2019 at 12:20 pm

There’s a link to the support token form on your account page:

After we close the support token, the link will be gone.


June 4, 2019 at 12:20 pm

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June 4, 2019 at 12:20 pm

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June 4, 2019 at 1:47 pm

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  • Support Staff

June 5, 2019 at 9:38 am

Hi there,

We’ve added a snippet to your site which forces EE to display the members + shared and non-members + shared on their respective pages.

I’m guessing you would like to display only the non-member + shared tickets on the standard EE event page?

Currently, there’s nothing ‘hiding’ the member tickets for non-logged in users, is that something you are handling outside of Event Espresso or will you be using the WP User integration to do it?


June 6, 2019 at 12:58 pm

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  • Support Staff

June 7, 2019 at 9:01 am

What your trying to do is actually fairly tricky.

You’ll need to use the WP user integration add-on and set up the member tickets to have a minimum capability. So that ‘Members’ have access to all tickets (meaning all member tickets, the non-member tickets and the shared tickets) and then you’ll need to filter the non-member tickets for them. For non-members you can hide any tickets they don’t have the capability to purchase (so they’d see only non-member and shared tickets.

You can’t use Restrict Content Pro to hide specific tickets. You could use it to hide the member’s page that you are now using, but not the individual tickets within the ticket selector, so I don’t think ti will do what you need.

To confirm, are ‘members’ always just going to be any user that is logged into the site and and non-members are always just a regular, ‘logged out’ visitor? Your not using memberships where a user can have a user account but not be an active member at that time?

Also, Can you explain what was done in FTP so that we can replicate it for our future conferences?

Sure, it’s esentially this snippet:

On your site is now a ‘EE Custom Functions’ plugin that holds a version of the above snippet.

$VIP_array is an array or arrays, each array has an ‘id’ key, which value is the ID of a page, it then has a ‘tickets’ key, the value of which is the ID’s of the tickets to display on that page.

As a quick example:

$VIP_array = array(
    array (
        'id' => 2084, // Member Page ID
        'tickets' => array( // Member Ticket IDs

On page 2084, display tickets 26,27,28,29. Meaning those tickets are displayed on the members page ID, but we also have a $everywhere_tkt_ids array, like this:

$everywhere_tkt_ids = array(

Which is an array containing the ID of your ‘shared’ tickets.

Note that the snippet doesn’t pull those specific tickets to display, what its doing is filtering the current ticket selector and compaing the current tickets ID to the arrays set in the snippet, if the ID matches, it allows it though, which means you then dont get tickets that aren’t for the current event displaying.

From there I add the [ESPRESSO_TICKET_SELECOTR event_id={id}] shortcode to both of your pages pull the ticket selector in for the event, the snippet then does the rest.

Make sense?


June 7, 2019 at 10:39 am

Thank you for the extended reply Tony!

I’ll review this asap and get back with you if any questions.


June 7, 2019 at 11:01 am

Hi Tony,

This inquiry is in regards to the most recent Priority Support Token purchased today (Invoice #37618).

Is there a way to create tickets with dependencies? For example: We would like to offer add-ons that require the purchase of the main conference ticket first. Once the main conference ticket is selected then the add-on options will display. Thw issue is that our conference pages have a lot of ticket options and its a bit confusing. If we can structure the dependent tickets to show after a main ticket is selected then it would decrease the confusion by “walking” them through the selection process.

Also, with the way we have the tickets setup now, registration is a bit confusing because attendee 1, attendee 2, attendee 3 labels are rather misleading. For example: If a main ticket is selected with two add-on tickets also selected (cocktail party) then the registration process requests information for attendee 1, attendee 2, attendee 3 when there’s actually only one attendee going to the event. However, there are other tickets which would require attendee information in addition to tickets that don’t require attendee registration.

Let me know if any questions of clarification or suggestion on how I can better explain this to your developers in my actually Priority Support Token request.

Thank you so much Tony!


  • Support Staff

June 7, 2019 at 11:42 am


There is not a way to create tickets with dependencies where some tickets will display if others are selected. One other option you could look into is the Price Modifier add-on (available from a third party developer). What that will allow you do to is rely less on a bunch of different tickets, and instead add to the cost of the registration based on answers given on the registration form.

Also, with the way we have the tickets setup now, registration is a bit confusing because attendee 1, attendee 2, attendee 3 labels are rather misleading. For example: If a main ticket is selected with two add-on tickets also selected (cocktail party) then the registration process requests information for attendee 1, attendee 2, attendee 3 when there’s actually only one attendee going to the event.

What we can do is add to the plugin that changes the wording of those labels. So instead of Attendee 1, Attendee 2, that could be Ticket 1, Ticket 2, or Registration 1, Registration 2.


  • Support Staff

June 7, 2019 at 11:57 am

Here’s a link that has some information about the Price modifier add-on.

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