
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Switching from PayPal Pro to Braintree

Switching from PayPal Pro to Braintree

Posted: March 22, 2023 at 1:43 pm

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Rob Betz

March 22, 2023 at 1:43 pm

We’ve used EventEspresso and PayPalPro for years and now have to switch over to Braintree with the phasing out of PayPalPro – the documentation here is a little confusing and leaves me with questions.
Do we have to purchase the Braintree add on AND a separate support subscription for it?
Can we switch over to Braintree while accepting registrations for an upcoming event?
Will the Braintree add on renewal just become part of our annual EventEspresso subscription or will it renew separately?


  • Support Staff

March 24, 2023 at 5:28 am

Hi there,

Do we have to purchase the Braintree add on AND a separate support subscription for it?

Yes, or switch to the everything license which includes access to all our add-ons.

Can we switch over to Braintree while accepting registrations for an upcoming event?

Yes, you can have multiple different payment methods available at once, so just enable the Braintree payment method and both Braintree and PayPal Pro would show up on the payment options until you disabled either one of them.

Will the Braintree add on renewal just become part of our annual EventEspresso subscription or will it renew separately?

If you purchase it separately it will renew separately.

Once you get to about 3/4 add-ons + core (depends on which add-ons) you may find it’s more beneficial to just switch over to the everything license.

I don’t deal much with sales but I can ask a member of the sales to to discuss this further with you and find out which way would work out best for you if preferred?

Side note – In the next version of Event Espresso (EE5) we have included ‘PayPal Commerce’ which is their latest integration method. You may want to give that a try before switching, or are you set on Braintree?

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