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Slow WordPress backend…

Posted: October 20, 2016 at 9:23 pm

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Ben Fox

October 20, 2016 at 9:23 pm

Hey guys,

We’ve noticed major slow down recently when EE is running on our clients site… disabling the plugin fixes the issue… New relic is showing 95% of cpu usage is coming out of EE…

We narrowed down the slowdown to

if ( is_admin() && apply_filters( ‘FHEE__EE_System__brew_espresso__load_pue’, TRUE ) ) {
// pew pew pew
$this->registry->load_core( ‘PUE’ );
do_action( ‘AHEE__EE_System__brew_espresso__after_pue_init’ );

specifically the ->load_core line…

Disabling it everything still seems to work.. there is also a filter to disable this above… can you explain what this does and why we can disable it?

Also what could be causing the major delay in speed? we’re noticing our backend load time go up from 1.5 seconds to 6-7 seconds.


Lorenzo Orlando Caum

  • Support Staff

October 21, 2016 at 6:59 am

Hi Ben,

PUE handles the support services for getting updates for Event Espresso.

Could you share the IP address for the client site so I can ask a developer for feedback on this issue?



Ben Fox

October 21, 2016 at 7:05 am

The IP is

Darren Ethier

October 21, 2016 at 9:21 am

Hi Ben,

I’m the developer responsible for our license update system and I’ve been looking into this since it was reported this morning. The first thing I did was do some profiling of our codebase to ensure there was nothing unusual that may have go recently introduced. So I setup a plugin that times the php processing time from start to finish for a page load in the admin both WITH the PUE class (our update system bundled with EE core) loaded and with it not loaded. I ran the test with 4 EE add-ons installed and active (since they also do PUE checks). Here’s the results I got:

The columns are the php execution time in seconds. You’ll note that the average column shows a definite time difference but it is fairly negligible.

So the next thing to try doing is seeing if there’s anything unusual due to your server environment. The reason we asked for your ip address is so we could check our server access logs and see if there are any unusual patterns.

There’s a few anomalies that we are seeing when we review our server logs and the update pings coming from your site(s), which may help narrow down what’s going on.

1. The ip address you gave us, while it appears to be attached to your domain, it isn’t the ip address that is hitting our server (likely because the ip address for those outgoing requests is different). I’m not going to paste that ip address here but its not unusual for this to happen.
2. What is unusual, is that in the last 20 minutes, there have been 106 pings to our server from that ip address.
3. 69 of those requests were from and 34 of those requests were from
4. Your license key was first registered to so that _should_ be the only one pinging us for that key (it’s not). So that suggests you may be using this in a multisite environment and/or are using the key on multiple sites.

Based on the above I have a few more questions for you.

1. Is EE installed in a multisite environment?
2. Is the behaviour you reported just something that you started experiencing recently or is it something that has been ongoing for you? Was there a time where you weren’t experiencing this? If so, is there anything that has changed on the server recently?
3. Have you done any customizations to EE or any add-ons?

What is alarming is the number of pings that is coming from your specific site. We typically don’t see that high of a number in that span of time from a single ip. So that suggests something awry in this specific server environment.

  • This reply was modified 8 years, 4 months ago by Darren Ethier.

Ben Fox

October 21, 2016 at 11:47 am

Hi Darren,

This plugin is running on a multisite. We’ve just noticed the slow performance startup about a week or so ago… it seems to correlate with the latest update we ran for EE.

I only have 7 days of new relic data but about 94% of the utuliztion is coming from

With very slow response times… when I disable the function above the admin speed returns to normal.

We haven’t customized any of your code.


  • Support Staff

October 21, 2016 at 12:27 pm

Hi Ben,

Darren took a look at your graph and here’s his reply:

Ben the graph you shared with us is demonstrating the response times for outgoing requests to external domains for your server (not utilization time). Basically what that means, is outgoing requests to are dominating the most time consuming outgoing requests for the time period you are graphing. So with that said, what you’ve shared with us corresponds with what I shared with you that there is an abnormally large number of pings from your server to our server for update requests, I do plan on investigating further on our end, but this is not something we’ve been able to reproduce yet so it appears to be something specific to your server.

Since we don’t officially support multisite installs, what I suggest you do for now is add this filter add_filter( 'FHEE__EE_System__brew_espresso__load_pue', '__return_false' ); to a site specific plugin to disable the pue updates, then you’ll just have to update Event Espresso and add-ons manually on your network when we release updates.


  • Support Staff

October 26, 2016 at 7:41 pm

Hey Ben,

Regarding your request to add * so the key works with your primary & subdomain. sI’m afraid we don’t add domains from our end. The way the updates/support license works is you input the key on your site, and the update engine software sends the domain info to our servers. So I’ll go ahead and reset the key, but you’ll need to make sure the key is active on one domain only.

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