
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Shortcode for invoice-Number, New shortcodes for Invoice

Shortcode for invoice-Number, New shortcodes for Invoice

Posted: May 7, 2019 at 10:42 am

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May 7, 2019 at 10:42 am

Dear support-team,

I need a change for the shortcode for the invoice-number.

I have the following request:

1) My customer has a seminar-center with four seminar leader. Each seminar-leader gets his own invoice-template with his own invoice number circle.

Where can I change the programming of the assignment of the invoice number? So that I can implement the number circles for each seminar leader.
Or how much does it costs, if I hire some expert for programming?

2) I want to programm one new shortcode. Do you have some examples or a documentation?

Thank you very much,

  • This topic was modified 5 years, 9 months ago by Josh.


  • Support Staff

May 13, 2019 at 8:10 am

Hi Daniela,

My apologies for the delay.

1) My customer has a seminar-center with four seminar leader. Each seminar-leader gets his own invoice-template with his own invoice number circle.

Where can I change the programming of the assignment of the invoice number? So that I can implement the number circles for each seminar leader.

Currently, you can’t change the default ID, it’s the transaction ID which is ID of the transaction row stored in the database, you can’t change that value.

What you would need to do is use a custom value, you’d need to store a custom value for the Invoice ID’s (nothing that this isn’t as simple as it sounds with multiple ‘leaders’ and various registration status you can have) and then add a custom shortcode to pull that custom value from the registration/transaction on the invoice.

So to be clear, what you are trying to do isn’t going to be easy and will require custom development from a developer, which leads onto your next to question:

Or how much does it costs, if I hire some expert for programming?

At this time we (Event Espresso) don’t have the capacity to take on custom development projects as we are focusing on various areas of the plugin with our development time.

If you are not currently working with a developer we recommend the folks at codeable who may be able to build this custom project for you.

2) I want to programm one new shortcode. Do you have some examples or a documentation?

Adding your own shortcode can be done (noting that it’s only half the battle for the above feature request) relatively easily, we have some documentation here:

With some more examples here:

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