So you’ve really painted me into a corner, I installed Decaf, played around with it a lot, seems like a good plugin. Tried to add a page to my menu and there’s Decaf blowing the Page option off the admin page. Can’t add a PAGE to my menu you – found it’s a bug, supposed to be fixed, download the .zip try to install – chaos ensues. Get tired of trying to fix decide to deactivate and see if page option returns – CAN’T DEACTIVATE white screen of death. Very very very scary bad experience, had this this plugin in mind for 3 project I’m working on confidence shaken very badly. May have to recant my recommendation to a friend of mine who is also considering the plugin. PLEASE help me resolve this and restore some confidence.
If I can’t get some help with this – you can pretty much write off at least 4 sales of this plugin. I posted pretty much this same post in the open forum as well hoping someone answers my question.
Rather than having multiple threads open for the same issue I’ll close this one and continue in the other.
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