August 1, 2018 at 3:35 am
Hi there,
I am using the latest Divi Theme and trying to remove the sidebar from https://swig.websuited.com/events/.
That’s an archive of EE events, does Divi giv eyou the option to remove the sidebar on archives?
Also trying to remove it from any list or grid view as well.
You mean additional pages where you add an EE shortcode? If so you can set the page template to not include a sidebar if one is available within your theme (there should be with Divi).
Can calendar views be toggled? From list to grid to monthly calendar or do they have to be on separate pages?
You mean on the /events/ output?
That’s basically your themes post archive output, you could edit the template and include the calendar and the archive list within the same template, but its not something EE currently provides, you’d need a custom template for your specific theme.