
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Registration Process Issues (3)

Registration Process Issues (3)

Posted: April 23, 2013 at 9:40 am

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Horst Mansel

April 23, 2013 at 9:40 am





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1.      1.  I have the following plugins installed on my WAMP server:
2.      2.  If I go to the Events page I see my two test events listed with the integrated “or View Cart” link under the “Register” button (which in my opinion should say “or Add to Cart” because clicking on the View Cart link takes you to the shopping cart page where the quantity can be selected and the discounts are calculated. However, that shopping cart page also shows a window with billing and discount totals and a “Enter Coupon Code” box that has a bunch of code visible after the box as follows:
name=”event_espresso_coupon_code” id=”event_espresso_coupon_code” value=”” onkeydown=”if(event.keyCode==13){document.getElementByID(‘event_espresso_refresh_total’).focus();return false:}” />
I would say that this code should NOT be visible in the calculation box.
3.       3. If I click an Event Register button rather than the on the Event Page I get routed to an Event Registration Page which is different from the shopping cart page and has no shopping cart visibility. If I click the “Submit” button it takes me to the Verify Registration page where NO Multi Registration discounts are calculated or available.
4.       4. In addition, if I click on an event on the Calendar I get the same scenario as described in item 3 above. In other words the integrated Multi-Event registration and discounts are only accessible from the shopping cart.
5.       Is there a fix for this and if so what is it and when will this be corrected in the current Event Espresso plugin?

  • This topic was modified 5 years ago by Garth.


  • Support Staff

April 23, 2013 at 1:25 pm

Hi there,

With item #2 can you post a link to where this is happening so we can investigate?

Items #3,4,5 can be resolved by setting the “Display registration form” option to “No” in the event editor under event options and placing [ESPRESSO_CART_LINK] in the event’s description. The reason you need to set “Display registration form” to no is the Volume discounts only work with the Multi Event Registration’s cart checkout. Volume discounts does not work with the single event registration form.

Please see this guide for more details on how to move the registrations to the cart checkout:

Horst Mansel

April 23, 2013 at 3:41 pm

Sorry for the double input because I did not see the original submission on the list. As to item 2 is there any way I can send you a screenshot directly so you can see what I see next to the coupon code input field. I have the application installed on my WAMP server and am not sure how to give you access to my local host WAMP server. BTW after a reboot the integrated shopping cart link did say “ADD TO CART”.

I will follow your direction on the other items.  Thanks for you superb and quick support.  It is much appreciated.


April 24, 2013 at 6:19 am

Hello Horst,

We cannot access local server set ups.

You can use a service such as, or to share screen shots with us.

Horst Mansel

April 24, 2013 at 7:04 am

Will something like work for you where I upload the screenshot image and then send you the download link? A picture is worth a thousand words as they say.

I followed the instructions for the shopping cart short code inserted in the event description page and all works well for text insertion but when I tried the image tag to add a button image but it would not take the code – after I hit the update event button it came back with <img  />. Not sure if that is a WordPress issue with the latest release or not.

Again, thanks for you superb support!!!!!!

Horst Mansel

April 24, 2013 at 10:53 am

Here is a download link to the screenshot image I was referring to

I hope this will explain the issue on the code showing.

Chris Reynolds

  • Support Staff

April 24, 2013 at 11:07 am

I followed the instructions for the shopping cart short code inserted in the event description page and all works well for text insertion but when I tried the image tag to add a button image but it would not take the code – after I hit the update event button it came back with . Not sure if that is a WordPress issue with the latest release or not.

It sounds like you are using the visual editor to add the img tag. If you are adding an img tag to the cart link shortcode you need to do it in the Text editor.

Horst Mansel

April 24, 2013 at 11:20 am

I did NOT use Visual editor for obvious reasons. I used TEXT editor and got the result I mentioned above. I even tried to put [raw] [/raw] tags around it with the same results.

Chris Reynolds

  • Support Staff

April 24, 2013 at 11:30 am

Hm. Was this in an event or a WordPress post? It may be getting stripped out by the sanitization functions we added to Event Espresso.

Horst Mansel

April 24, 2013 at 11:49 am

It was for an event where I added the shopping cart shortcode in the event description window. As I said adding text (in my case “ADD TO SHOPPING CART”) worked fine but when I tried to substitute an image tag and update the event it came back with (“<img />”) and would not save the image tag information using the ‘ ‘ as specified.

Chris Reynolds

  • Support Staff

April 24, 2013 at 11:56 am

If it was in an event I think it’s being stripped out by our sanitization functions. We’re actually working on a change to those that will be in a 3.1.31 hotfix we’re going to try to push out today.

Horst Mansel

April 24, 2013 at 12:01 pm

OK, thanks for letting me know.

Chris Reynolds

  • Support Staff

April 24, 2013 at 3:06 pm

the hotfix has been added ( Please upgrade and see if that takes care of it. Post back here if you’re still having issues and we can take another look.

Horst Mansel

April 24, 2013 at 4:14 pm

Yes, the hotfix allowed me to add a button image to the shopping cart! Hurray

However there is still an issue with the shopping cart window where code shows next to and below the “enter Coupon” field.

I have been doing a lot of testing on my WAMP server and have come to the conclusion that promotion codes do NOT work in conjunction with the MER PI and associated volume discounts. Is that correct and why is that the case? In the MER mode – advanced registration discounts work and volume discounts work but PROMO codes don’t seem to work.

My client would like to offer volume discounts, advanced registration discounts and promotion Code discounts on the same event.  Is this combination feasible for an event or not?

Sidney Harrell

April 25, 2013 at 10:43 am

There is an option under EE->General Settings->Advanced Features->Optional Event Settings called “Allow discounts in the shopping cart?”. Check and see if you have that set to “yes”.

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