
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Registration info mail with pending payment mail, or any other mail

Registration info mail with pending payment mail, or any other mail

Posted: July 24, 2018 at 6:22 am

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July 24, 2018 at 6:22 am

I want to send multiple mails,when payment is pending,
For ex. if payment pending mail sent then i also want Registration info mail to be sent for conformation.

let me know how to achieve that.



  • Support Staff

July 24, 2018 at 9:54 am

Hi there,

So you want to trigger both the ‘Registration Pending Payment’ and ‘Registration Approved’ messages at the same time?

That’s currently not possible, but may I ask why you want to do this? There may be another option in EE to do what you are looking for.


July 25, 2018 at 12:22 am

Hi Tony,

I would like the participant to have confirmation they have been registered for the course, what date the event is and the location etc, before they pay, using the registration confirmation email.

I would also like the participants to receive an email 1 week from the actual course date, confirming all the details.

Our current website uses the same process which we want to replicate;


  • Support Staff

July 25, 2018 at 4:53 am

I would like the participant to have confirmation they have been registered for the course, what date the event is and the location etc, before they pay, using the registration confirmation email.

You can do that in a couple of ways.

First, you could edit the ‘Registration Pending Payment’ message template to include all of those details.

Or, if you want the user to apply to the ‘sold’ values for the event and reveive the confirmation email (‘Registration Approved’ message) you could just set the ‘Default Registration Status’ on the event to be Approved. That way regardless of payment they the user is approved as if they are going to the event, they take a ‘place’ in the event and apply to the limit for that event, will that work better?

I would also like the participants to receive an email 1 week from the actual course date, confirming all the details.

Currently, this isn’t available with EE, you would need to trigger the email manually.


July 30, 2018 at 3:13 am

Hello Tony,

Thank you for your suggestion, that is helpful.

The event’s status has been set up to be by default, approved, as in the screenshot below;


All the details of the event have been filled in and at the last step of the payment process there are 2 options to choose from – Invoice and credit card.

Please see the screenshot;

The default status has been set up to be pre approved whether the credit card or invoice is selected.

This is what happens currently in testing;

1) If the invoice option is selected then the status will be approved and the registration emails are sent out to all participants which is good.

2) If no choice is made to select credit card or invoice then the payment is not approved and shows pending, therefore not sending the registration emails to all participants.

3) If you select the credit card option it shows a pending payment, not approved and does not send out the registration emails to all participants


4) Or, if you want the user to apply to the ‘sold’ values for the event and
reveive the confirmation email (‘Registration Approved’ message) you could just set the ‘Default Registration Status’ on the event to be Approved.

That way regardless of payment they the user is approved as if they are
going to the event, they take a ‘place’ in the event and apply to the limit
for that event, will that work better?


A) Does it require the payment method of invoice and / or credit card to be selected for the registration confirmation emails to be sent out automatically to everyone?

B) If it does require a payment method to be selected to trigger the automatic registration confirmation emails to be sent, does it work when credit cards as well as invoices are selected?


  • Support Staff

July 30, 2018 at 4:23 am

The default status has been set up to be pre approved whether the credit card or invoice is selected.

That will only be applied when the user ‘finalizes’ the registration by selecting a payment method and following through to the thank you page.

1) If the invoice option is selected then the status will be approved and the registration emails are sent out to all participants which is good.

2) If no choice is made to select credit card or invoice then the payment is not approved and shows pending, therefore not sending the registration emails to all participants.

3) If you select the credit card option it shows a pending payment, not approved and does not send out the registration emails to all participants

For #1 they selected a payment method and finalized the registration.

For #2 they didn’t select any payment method, EE has no idea if the registration is finished, abandoned or still in progress at that point. The user must select a payment method and click to finalize.

For #3 which payment method are you using for the credit card payment? To be clear they must click credit card and actually attempt to pay using the online payment method for the status to apply.


A) Does it require the payment method of invoice and / or credit card to be selected for the registration confirmation emails to be sent out automatically to everyone?

Yes, they must select a payment method and proceed to the thank you page.

B) If it does require a payment method to be selected to trigger the automatic registration confirmation emails to be sent, does it work when credit cards as well as invoices are selected?

I’m not sure what you are asking here.

If a credit card payment method is used and the user pays for the registration they will be Approved, if the payment fails and the user loads the thank you page showing a failed payment (it depends which payment method you are using if this is possible), the registration will be Approved even if the payment failed (because you have a default registration status of ‘Approved’).

In short, if the user hits the thank you page with monies owing and a default registration status of Approved the registration ill be set to Approved and emaisl triggered. If the user hits the thank you page after completing a payment the registration will be Approved and emaisl triggered (this is the same even if the DRS was set to ‘Pending Payment’, as payment in full approved the registration.


July 30, 2018 at 8:40 am

Hi Tony,

appreciate the answer only it does not seem to relate to the original chat thread problem and your suggested solution?

This was the problem and your suggested solution

July 25, 2018 at 4:53 am

I would like the participant to have confirmation they have been registered for the course, what date the event is and the location etc, before they pay,using the registration confirmation email.

Your Answer:

if you want the user to apply to the ‘sold’ values for the event and reveive the confirmation email (‘Registration Approved’ message) you could just set the ‘Default Registration Status’ on the event to be Approved. That way regardless of payment they the user is approved as if they are going to the event, they take a ‘place’ in the event and apply to the limit for that event, will that work better?

The last email and set of questions (Below as well) relate your suggested solution of having the approval set up as default, so the registrations emails go out to all participants (including the person booking and any additional attendees) regardless of whether they pay.

Basically its not working, hence the questions:

Questions and challenges directly related to actioning your suggested solution.


The event’s status has been set up to be by default, approved, as in the screenshot below;


All the details of the event have been filled in and at the last step of the payment process there are 2 options to choose from – Invoice and credit card.

Please see the screenshot;

The default status has been set up to be pre approved whether the credit card or invoice is selected.

This is what happens currently in testing;

1) If the invoice option is selected then the status will be approved and the registration emails are sent out to all participants which is good.

2) If no choice is made to select credit card or invoice then the payment is not approved and shows pending, therefore not sending the registration emails to all participants. = Not working

3) If you select the credit card option it shows a pending payment, not approved and does not send out the registration emails to all participants

= Not working

A) Does it require the payment method of invoice and / or credit card to be selected for the registration confirmation emails to be sent out automatically to everyone?

B) If it does require a payment method to be selected to trigger the automatic registration confirmation emails to be sent, does it work when credit cards as well as invoices are selected?

I hope that helps and clarifies the reason for the questions as the pre approvals set up, needs to trigger the confirmation registration emails to all participants to be sent (The person booking and other attendees) without payment taking place.

  • This reply was modified 6 years, 6 months ago by Tony. Reason: Remove non closing blockquote


  • Support Staff

July 30, 2018 at 2:39 pm

My answer does apply to the same setup, the problem is the expectation that EE will still trigger emails if the registration is not finalized, that will not happen.

The above numbered points you have listed are working as expected for EE, with the exception of #3.

To break it down again:

1) If the invoice option is selected then the status will be approved and the registration emails are sent out to all participants which is good.

The user selected an offline payment method (Invoice), which ‘finalizes’ the registration and directs the user to the thank you page. At the point the status set as the Default Registration Status is applied to the Registration regardless of payment stauts.

2) If no choice is made to select credit card or invoice then the payment is not approved and shows pending, therefore not sending the registration emails to all participants. = Not working

That’s working as expected.

The user stopped 75% of the way through a registration, it’s not complete and will not have the default registration status applied because it’s not a ‘finalized’ registration.

To put it in terms of a shopping cart, the above is like adding the items to your cart and they just expecting them to arrive without any confirmation (even if you could set a ‘pay later’ option on shopping cart).

The users must confirm the registration and to do that they either need to select an offline payment method, which does the same as #1, or select an online payment method (like pay by credit card), pay directly through that (because thats the only way to finalize an ‘online’ payment method) and be direct to the thank you page.

There’s nothing we can do to change that currently, incomplete registrations that have not selected a payment method, will not be ‘approved’ with the current setup within EE, not will they trigger any emails.

3) If you select the credit card option it shows a pending payment, not approved and does not send out the registration emails to all participants

= Not working

If you select pay by credit card then you’ll be asked for your card details to make a payment, if the payment is complete you’lll have your registration set to Approved (this is regalrd of what the default registration status is set to, a full payment on a transaction updates the transaction to complete, which in turn updates the registration to Approved). Depending on which online payment method you are using you’ll either be forced to pay before you can proceed (in which case if the user wants to pay later using a credit card the user can select invoice and then pay later using the links in the emails) or you’ll hit the thank you page with a declined payment…. at that point EE uses the default registration status (in this case Approved) for the event.

So, when you select credit card are you adding your card details and making a payment, or simply clicking on ‘Pay by credit card’ and stopping?

Can you link me to an event I can view this on, please?

I hope that helps and clarifies the reason for the questions as the pre approvals set up, needs to trigger the confirmation registration emails to all participants to be sent (The person booking and other attendees) without payment taking place.

Then the users MUST select the Invoice option and finalize the registration, they can’t select pay by credit card and then just stop (if indeed that is what you are doing when testing), EE has no idea if that registration has been abandoned until they finalize.

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