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Registration Form Sending Too Many Pings

Posted: October 18, 2017 at 5:44 pm

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Laurita Winery

October 18, 2017 at 5:44 pm


We been having a weird issue on one of our Registration Forms for a specific event. We originally thought it was our host, but our hosting support was able to see the database being queried 726 times. Here is what our hosting support was able to find:

Upon doing some investigation on the registration form you have at . I was able to see 77 seconds spend by the process on polls. The process makes 726 mysql queries, most of the time is spent waiting for mysql. Here is some information you could share with your developer.
“SELECT Line_Item.LIN_ID AS ‘Line_Item.LIN_ID’, Line_Item.LIN_code AS ‘Line_Item.LIN_code’, Line_Item.TXN_ID AS ‘Line_Item.TXN_ID’, Line_Item.LIN_name AS ‘Line_Item.LIN_name’, Line_Item.LIN_desc AS ‘Line_Item.LIN_desc’, Line_Item.LIN_unit_price AS ‘Line_Item.LIN_unit_price’, Line_Item.LIN_percent AS ‘Line_Item.LIN_percent’, Line_Item.LIN_is_taxable AS ‘Line_Item.LIN_is_taxable’, Line_Item.LIN_order AS ‘Line_Item.LIN_order’, Line_Item.LIN_total AS ‘Line_Item.LIN_total’, Line_Item.LIN_quantity AS ‘Line_Item.LIN_quantity’, Line_Item.LIN_parent AS ‘Line_Item.LIN_parent’, Line_Item.LIN_type AS ‘Line_Item.LIN_type’, Line_Item.OBJ_ID AS ‘Line_Item.OBJ_ID’, Line_Item.OBJ_type AS ‘Line_Item.OBJ_type’, Line_Item.LIN_timestamp AS ‘Line_Item.LIN_timestamp’ FROM rqhcu_esp_line_item AS Line_Item WHERE Line_Item.LIN_parent = 1304500 ORDER BY Line_Item.LIN_order ASC;”

Are you able help debug why our Registratiom Form is sending 726 queries to our database?


  • Support Staff

October 19, 2017 at 7:22 am

Hi there,

Are you sure that all 726 of the queries are like the query you posted here? While there should be more like the one above, normally there would not be 726 queries looking for line items.

The Debug Bar plugins has a feature that lets you view all of the queries to the database. You install the debug bar plugin then you add
define( 'SAVEQUERIES', true );
to the wp-config.php file.

Then you click on Debug > Queries from the WP Toolbar. You can compare the results from other pages too to see how many queries the other pages have.

Laurita Winery

October 19, 2017 at 1:25 pm

That is what the hosting support said. I’ve installed the plugin, and edited my Wp-Config file. However, I am not sure what I should be looking for now. Are you able to help us? This is a large event for us.

Please let me know how else I can help get this resolved.


  • Support Staff

October 19, 2017 at 1:31 pm

You verify by looking at the listed queries. I’m not sure there’s much we can do to help in this case, there should be a lot of queries during the process because each item in the cart generates a number of line items, and those get queried while the registration is processed. If you check another page on the site does it also have a high number of queries (between 400-500 queries for example) ?

Laurita Winery

October 19, 2017 at 2:27 pm

So this isn’t just one event, this is just about all of them. And yes other pages are showing that many queries from what I can tell. I am no expert in this area.


  • Support Staff

October 19, 2017 at 2:31 pm

You should be able to reduce the overall number of queries on each request by deactivating the plugins on the site that are contributing the most queries. If every page (regardless of whether it’s an event page or not) is generating a lot of queries then this isn’t something that can be fixed by Event Espresso.

Laurita Winery

October 20, 2017 at 9:58 pm

We’ve been told by our host that it is in fact coming from the Event Espresso plugin. Please see below for what our host found, they specifically mentioned the same URL as the other day,

The site generated over 2,400 queries similar to this:

SELECT Line_Item.LIN_ID AS ‘Line_Item.LIN_ID’, Line_Item.LIN_code AS ‘Line_Item.LIN_code’, Line_Item.TXN_ID AS ‘Line_Item.TXN_ID’, Line_Item.LIN_name AS ‘Line_Item.LIN_name’, Line_Item.LIN_desc AS ‘Line_Item.LIN_desc’, Line_Item.LIN_unit_price AS ‘Line_Item.LIN_unit_price’, Line_Item.LIN_percent AS ‘Line_Item.LIN_percent’, Line_Item.LIN_is_taxable AS ‘Line_Item.LIN_is_taxable’, Line_Item.LIN_order AS ‘Line_Item.LIN_order’, Line_Item.LIN_total AS ‘Line_Item.LIN_total’, Line_Item.LIN_quantity AS ‘Line_Item.LIN_quantity’, Line_Item.LIN_parent AS ‘Line_Item.LIN_parent’, Line_Item.LIN_type AS ‘Line_Item.LIN_type’, Line_Item.OBJ_ID AS ‘Line_Item.OBJ_ID’, Line_Item.OBJ_type AS ‘Line_Item.OBJ_type’, Line_Item.LIN_timestamp AS ‘Line_Item.LIN_timestamp’ FROM rqhcu_esp_line_item AS Line_Item WHERE Line_Item.TXN_ID = 0 AND Line_Item.LIN_type = ‘total’;

We will PAY for this to get resolved. Please let me know what we can do about this.

Laurita Winery

October 20, 2017 at 10:04 pm

We’re literally loosing thousands of dollars each time the site stalls out. We have 2 support tokens in our account, and we’ll pay even more if we have to. Please help us figure out what’s going on!

Laurita Winery

October 23, 2017 at 8:01 am

I just want to follow up here to see if anyone from Event Espresso support can help us.


  • Support Staff

October 23, 2017 at 8:30 am

Hi there,

I think the way forward will be to reduce the overall number of queries being generated other than the ones that come from Event Espresso. For example, here are some rough estimates that will help explain:

Guesstimate of the server’s query limit is 700. If you have 500-600 queries on average on an non-EE page (where Event Espresso doesn’t generate queries), then on the registration page where Event Espresso adds roughly 100-200 queries, you’ll hit the limit.

If you check a site that’s running the twentyseventeen theme with no plugins, you’ll find that there are about 26 queries on the home page. While your host has identified where Event Espresso adds more queries on top of an already high number of queries, the major part of your solution will be to reduce the overall number of queries. The folks that assembled/developed the site should be able to help with this.

I sent a ticket over to the developers to see if they can reduce the number of Line items queries (those are the ones your host keeps bringing up). They may be able to reduce those by some amount, but that amount may not be enough to make your site run much faster and be more reliable.

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